My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 8: Coming in troubled times for subscription!

Time flies, and two days have passed in an instant.

The girls did not refuse the invitation two days ago. Therefore, accompanied by several girls, Nagato had a good time in the city of Kirin, and even a few people ran out of the city and spent the night in the wild. .

These girls who were put into reincarnation by Nagato were originally planted with some special marks by Nagato.

After more than ten years of fermentation, the girls' feelings for Nagato have become more firm.

That is irresistible.

Coupled with this play, deepening the feelings for each other

So, on the evening of the next day, Nagato was very desperate to eat and wipe the girls one by one, and even Yuuki, who had just met, and Lihua, Sanwu, did not let go, even the Nangong month Was caught over.

This situation makes the witch of the gap crazy for a while!

You know, she still wants to be the dean of this college. She actually lay on the same bed with the students she was teaching. Where did the Nangong Dean's face go?

The long door just smiled.

Red-haired teenagers are not so stupid as to say that they were intentional.

In the eyes of Nagato, Nangong, who has always been the only one, showed that embarrassment that month. It was really interesting.

In the early morning of the third day, after comforting the girls and arranging their future, Nagato disappeared on the heavenly continent and came to the kingdom shrine above the sun.

In the central temple, Bellflower has long been waiting there.

At the same time when the long gate appeared, the bellflower sitting on the left side of the temple silently meditating opened his eyes, and the black and white eyes flashed a determination, making the whole witch girl more extraordinary.

"Yo, bellflower!"

Seeing such a gesture of bellflower, there was a smile on the face of Nagato, "It seems that you have completely realized the consciousness, then I will not waste time and say anything."

"That's right!"

Bellflower nodded, sorted out his bow and arrow equipment, slowly got up, elegant and natural.

"So, get started!"

As soon as the words fell, the will of the Nagato resonated with the key of all realms integrated into the origin of the heavenly realm, and the space in the temple fluctuated. At the next moment, a huge door suddenly appeared. Void chaos.


Without saying anything nonsense, the long gate walked past the door of time and space.

Stepping out, the red-haired boy suddenly felt turned upside down. Almost at the next moment, the figure of Nagato appeared in a different sky, below which was a continent. At this time, Nagato was about ten thousand meters away from the mainland.

Although the distance is tens of thousands of meters, Nagato can still see the buildings and various lives on the mainland.

Pure vision, not any ability bonus!


"Is it troubled times?"

The indifferent voice came from behind the long door, and I saw the clothes of the witch hunted under the high air flow, which made the witch suddenly show a different style, and was very interested when looking at the long door. "It's troubled times!"

Although it has just arrived in this world, the soaring resentment of the earth is not too obvious for the Nagato who has understood the law of cause and effect, not to mention, in the sight of Nagato, there is a war at this time!



Although it seems to be a war, in the eyes of the long door, this is exactly the same as the slaughter. One side is sturdy and fighting bloody, while the other side is like a pig, and it will only flee.

The most exaggerated is that in the vague estimation of Nagato, the number of the escaping party is several times that of his opponent.


The red-haired boy said indifferently, then looked at the witch and said, "What are you going to do, if you are alone in such a troubled world, I am afraid it will be very troublesome for you!"

"Do not worry!"

After hearing the advice of Nagato, Kikyo's face did not change color.

Miko is very clear about the meaning of Nagato. After all, Bellflower is powerful, but most of her strength is against aliens. In dealing with the same human, the effect is much worse, and Bellflower itself is difficult to start against the same human.

This aspect is actually the biggest disagreement between Bellflower and Nagato.

If not, even if the bellflower itself is extraordinary, for such a long time, it will have fallen into the hands of the long door.

In a sense, Nagato faced Nagato, a ruthless person who could ruin the world and bury all billions of lives without shooting his own demon arrow, which is already a very important manifestation of Nagato in the heart of Kikyo.

"Since you insist so much, let it be you!"

Seeing the bellflower still so persistent, Nagato said no more.

Bellflower is bellflower, after all, it doesn't need to do extra things by itself. What the long gate needs is just waiting quietly.

"So, I'm leaving now!"

After seeing and agreeing with her thoughts, the witch stretched out a hand and clicked in the space. In a flash, a spiritual force burst out from the bellflower's fingers, opening a space channel in front of the witch.

Nodded to the long door, the bellflower stepped into the space channel, disappeared, and the space channel closed automatically at the next moment.

The entire process returned to its original state within a few seconds.

If the bellflower is no longer here, everything just seems to be an illusion.

"Obviously, it is not the ruler of any space law, so it opens the space channel in a strange world."

"I have to say, bellflower is really amazing!"

Seeing the bellflower's means, even the Nagato could not help but be amazed. At the next moment, the red-haired boy began to fall slowly and quickly. Nagato's gaze turned to the war on the ground, especially the party that slaughtered, the killing intention was hidden. hair.

Because, Nagato discovered that these slaughterers had braids on their heads!

"Manqing tartar, or similar existence of parallel worlds?"

"Forget it, anyway, I see this weird hairstyle very uncomfortable, then let me vent it!"

With this mentality, Nagata turned into a meteor and fell down directly!

boom! ! ! ..

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