My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 14: Seven Battles [Next] Ask for a subscription!

Rumble! ! !

On the Undead Mountain, the violent roar was continuous, the dust was stirred, and the rocks cracked.

In the center of the dust, the roaring place of origin, the battle between Nagato and Qishi has reached a degree of fiery heat, the sword is vertical and horizontal, the earth is torn, the invincible fist is broken, the mountains and mountains are broken. Incisively.

boom! ! !

During the frantic battle, under the fist of the fists again, the two of them retreated because of their interaction.

"Full weight, plus"

"The ultimate mystery of the imaginary sword and the seven flowers flow-all kinds of cracks!"

In the eyes of Qi Shi flying upside down, the war intent was not extinguished, and he instantly exhibited the ninjutsu that he learned from the Zhenting Ninja Army to eliminate gravity, and stopped his own trend of flying backwards. Shi exhibited the final mystery of the virtual sword flow.

Obviously, Qi Shi was unprepared for the long goal.

All of a sudden, Qi Qishi's whole person's momentum instantly increased several times, killing his breath.


"Don't underestimate me !!!"

However, during the reverse flight, Qishi's offensive was felt. The long door whispered softly. The whole person was incredibly instinctive, forcibly reversed his posture in the air, and looked at the incoming Qishi.

"Look at me, it's a dark crack!"

In an instant, the dark fists turned into hundreds of afterimages, and slammed into Qishi.

Nagato's attack this time was not the wisdom of his predecessors' hard work, nor his carefully crafted moves, but only the instinctive attack of the red-haired boy. In other words, it was a fight.

The afterimage of the fist is just the effect caused by the speed of the fist.

It stands to reason that the ultimate mystery of the imaginary knife flow is not comparable to the moves that ca n’t be counted as tricks, that continuous attack completely contains the imaginary knife flow for hundreds of years. The essence.

Diversity, can be called the strongest mystery!


Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The sound of continuous fist fights echoed.

Surprisingly, the red-haired boy's fist hit hard and even with a wide range of combos, and in a continuous collision, he did not let the wide-ranging attack reach himself.

It turned out that in the battle with Qishi, Nagato understood that the moves were meaningless, and naturally would not do useless work.

But Nagato is not without advantages.

At least Nagato's intuition, so far the incredible intuition, is the advantage of Nagato.

Although Jianjigu is powerful, it has a hidden flaw, that is, its scope of action is 'seeing', or it is within the realm of vision, but there is no way to observe this kind of thing intuitively.

With terrible intuition, Nagato directly inspired his wildness and intuition. Every attack by Nagato now follows that wild instinct, without any influence of rational emotions. In this way, although it does not constitute any moves at all, it deals with Qishi, but unexpectedly effective.

At least Qi Shi, who is clearly in an advantageous position, is stunned that he can't help himself.

Although Qishi has the same physical qualities as Nagato and also has an unprecedented ability to observe, her reaction ability is far inferior to the intuition of Nagato, which is a bruise.

Because of this, this battle has evolved into a long battle.

boom! ! !

When Flowery Bird Moon, the last piece of wind and wind, lost its effect under the brutal attack of Nagato, the girl Qishi once again lost gravity, driving the fist of the fist on the Nagato, and left the Nagato in a flutter. Range of attack.

"Hoo! Failed again!"

When he landed on the ground, Ying Qishi couldn't help but gasp slightly. His gaze looked at Nagato. "It's Mr. Nagato, this is the first time for me. It's so hard to fight for so long!" "

"Still a long way to go!"

In the face of Qishi's admiration, there was no expression on the face of Nagato, and a blue flame ignited in his right eye. The whole person was not a human being, but rather a beast of some kind, which made people feel shudder--

"It has been fighting for an hour, but I still haven't been able to defeat you!"

"I am very dissatisfied!"

With the words of Nagato, the flames in the right eye of the red-haired boy became more and more hot, and the fighting spirit of the whole person continued to soar. The fighting spirit alone completely dipped the air into a little warmth. Qishi has never seen it in his life.

However, all this has no deterrent effect on Qishi!

"Mr. Nagato is really"

"Although it's arrogant, it's unexpectedly unpleasant!"

After speaking softly in the mouth, Ying Qishi can no longer conceal his fighting intentions. Such a long-lasting battle has no experience for girls at all, which makes the girl completely rekindle the desire to fight. .

You know, the girl ’s previous fight ca n’t be called a fight!

Those battles are totally slaughter!

Until today, Qi Shi did not understand what a real battle was.

It is for this reason that the will to die in the seven solid hearts has finally slowly decreased. In the eyes of the girl, this world finally no longer makes people feel bored.


"Qishi uses his strongest power to reward Mr. Nagato!"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Shi's whole body's sword was condensed, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a peerless sword.

"Ha, don't be polite!"

In the face of the stronger strength displayed by Qi Shi, Nagato's face did not have any fear.

On the contrary, the breath of the red-haired boy became more and more condensed, as if turned into a grim golden demon dragon, facing the world with open teeth and claws, the mighty dragon power diffused from the long door.

The next moment, the knife and the dragon collided again, and the huge bombardment suddenly reverberated

boom! ! ! ..

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