My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 15: Victory and contract for subscription!

boom! ! !

An unprecedented collision erupted on the Death Mountain.

At the next moment, an astonishing thing happened. Mu'ao Mountain, known as the three most dangerous places in the island state, collapsed in this huge roar, and in an instant, the mountains and rivers cracked and dust and gravel splashed.

Lu'ao Mountain of Death, actually destroyed!

It is not surprising if such things happen to other planes with energy, but there is no energy at all in this plane. Some only have physical and mental power, not even Chakra.

This kind of thing makes people have to be horrified.

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

However, in the broken Dead Mountain, various collision sounds continue to erupt, and from time to time all kinds of energy shocks are heard.

Obviously, the battle between Nagato and Qishi did not appear to have any pause because of this broken battlefield, and still furiously engaged in battle. In the center of the battlefield, the dragon-shaped energy and the dragon-shaped sword continued to spread out. Come, blast away the gravel dust.

"Zhan Zhan Zhan !!!"

"I can be stronger !!!"

Wholeheartedly engaged in battle, Nagato seems to have entered another realm.

Unlike the so-called unity of heaven and man, Nagato's mind gradually condensed a certain kind of emotion that is extremely rare for Nagato himself. That is the emotion called "Blood", with the punch of Nagato. Feet, that flaming mood gradually burned.

"Be stronger again! Be stronger! I can be stronger !!!"

As the flame in my heart burned, Nagato's fists and feet pierced the air, and even Mars ignited vaguely, but it seemed like an illusion. As a rival of Nagato, Ying Qishi felt the most profound.

In the girl's feeling, there is no longer a long door for new cards, but the more courageous the war.

Obviously the opponent's strength, speed and physique have not changed, but every punch and every foot has become more lethal, like a burning flame, Qishi's invincible sword gas, in front of this flame, it seems Lost its effect.

"What is this for?"

Under doubt, Jian Gu's eyes kept observing each other. In a short time, Qi Shi's eyes seemed to have an inexplicable picture, and a blue flame burned on the cold mirror surface.

In this sudden picture, Qi Shi's movement appeared a very slight pause.

If Qishi ’s opponent is someone else in this plane, even her brother, or other strong man of the same level, such a pause does n’t matter, but her opponent at the moment is Nagato, and has fallen into absolute intuition. Nagato.

and so--

"See the flaw!"

The flame in the right eye of Nagato suddenly burst into a dark blue flame, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place. At the next moment, he approached Qi Shi's body and punched the girl's abdomen with a merciless punch.

"No! Weird power!"

However, after all, it is a real thing.

In such a situation, she was still able to react. With her energetic packages, her hands suddenly turned into dragon claws of the emperor dragon. One claw turned her palm against the fist of the long door. The other hand Directly attack the face of Nagato.

The purpose of Qishi is obviously to save Wei and to force Zhao to retreat.

If it were other people, Qishi's moves are understandable, but the problem is that Qishi's opponent is Nagato, and this guy who still hides a lot of cards, how can he give up his upcoming victory because of such attacks.

boom! ! !

I saw Nagato's face slightly, dangerously, just avoiding one of Qishi's claws. At the same time, the punch of the red-haired boy struck against the palm of Qishi's other claw and made a large collision.

next moment--

"It's now!"

The whole door of the Nagato entered, and the other hand suddenly stretched out. In Qi Shi ’s surprised eyes, the girl was hugged fiercely and her head was directly approaching Qi Shi ’s chest. The handful of golden agony.

Click! ! !

Without pulling it out, Nagato directly crushed the variant knife called the evil sword!


This change, even Qishi did not expect it.

In a moment, Qi Shi felt incomparably weak, and his body softened. After losing the physical strength brought by the forced activation of the body, the girl directly entered a tired state, from a generation of peerless swordsman, to a weak woman. .

"Oh, Qishi, I won!"

After crushing the evil knife, Nagato directly hugged the girl who had softened her body. The entire talent had just recovered slowly from that **** state. He took a deep breath of the girl ’s quiet body fragrance and said with a smile .

"Mr. Nagato is a foul."

Perceiving the action of the long gate, Qi Shi's face flashed a blush, and he muttered slowly.

In fact, Qishi has not lost its fighting power at the moment.

Although Qishi's physical strength is zero, that is not the reason for her body, but that she is too strong, and her body simply cannot bear that kind of strength, so her physical strength is completely impossible.

If you want, Qishi can also explode into a stronger strength.

Although it may not be long before the outbreak, Qishi will die directly.


Before seeing his brother, Qi Shi did not intend to seek his own death, although the man in front of him did not insult his identity if he was an opponent who ended his life.

However, if possible, Qi Shi still hopes to die in the hands of his brother.

"In any case, it is true that I won, so obediently be my sword!"

Embracing the girl, Nagato also felt the power hidden deep in the girl's body, but vaguely understood that Nishina's wish for Nagato was still very kind to Qishi.

"Well, let me be Mr. Nagato's knife!"

At least, before, my life is dying

The girl added in her heart.



At this moment, the girl heard the sound of Nagato's joy, and at the next moment, the inexplicable light suddenly surrounded the two. Above them, a piece of paper filled with wonderful runes floated, and slowly appeared on it. The name of "Qingqi Shi":

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