My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 16: Right eye Vientiane for subscription!

As the saying goes, the trouble comes from the mouth.

Not everything can be said easily, especially the promise.

When Qi Shi promised to be the sword of Nagato, the red-haired boy prepared for three days the "scabbard" and finally started.

It is a contract of cause and effect for the destiny of pen and ink.

Using the words promised by Qishi as the initiating spirit, the cause and effect between Nagato and Qishi are gathered into a chain of unbreakable fate, connecting the two and locking their destiny completely.

Since then, Nagato has been a scabbard, perfectly reaching Qishi's peerless sword!

Bathed in the mysterious brilliance of the contract, Qishi felt everything about himself and seemed to be slowly connected with a great source. The roaring nine emperor dragons in the source, even if Qishi saw it, Inevitably shocked.

That is a terrible creature that does not exist in this world at all!

At this time, even the stupid people know that they have been utterly prospered and have been pitted, not to mention Qi Qishi.


"my body"

The girl sensed the earth-shaking changes that were happening in her body.

A piece of mysterious Qiji, based on the physique of the seven real copies from the long door, continuously evolved, pushing the girl's body to an unimaginable point.

That is a body that can no longer be called human.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the unimaginable airflow centered on Qishi and burst out on all sides, blowing all the rocks and rocks, and the already collapsed Dead Mountain was instantly destroyed more completely.

Soon, the so-called mountains no longer exist.


Qi Shi felt unprecedented comfort, so that the girl couldn't help but utter a moving groan.

At this moment, since birth, that part of the body that was unbearable even in the seven realities was gradually released in such a body.

Outsiders can hardly imagine how complicated and pleasant Qiqi's mood is at the moment.

From birth, Qi Shi ’s own power has made her continue to approach death.

But that genius that transcends everything made her return from the edge of death, and even made the long-awaited eyes astounded by Nagato. In fact, it was automatically developed by Qishi to prolong life.

Seeing the ancient eyes is to deprive others of their strength and achieve their own strength.

But Ying Qishi has already surpassed everyone in this plane.

Therefore, the power of others is weak in her eyes, and giving her weakness is to weaken herself in order to prolong life and prevent that innate power from destroying herself.

However, at this time, all this was completely away from her.

The monster named Ying Qishi finally got rid of the shackles that restricted himself, and the carp leaped the dragon gate. No one can imagine the future achievements, but it will definitely make countless people tremble. Of course, that is already the future.

When Qishi was in a state of excitement, there was a slight change in Nagato's body because of this contract of fate. The biggest change was Nagato's right eye, which seemed to be nurtured in the right eye burning with a deep blue flame Some kind of mysterious existence.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the flame in the right eye of Nagato burst, as if inscribed, and then calmed down.

Since then, there have been nine consecutive outbreaks and nine subsides.

Until the end, the dark blue flame finally converged into the right eye of the long door, revealing the dark blue sky-like right eye, and then, a triangle pattern slowly appeared in the dark blue eye.

Then, the three corners of the triangle changed slightly, and some more patterns continued to spread, and then began to rotate, as if reorganizing.

Suddenly, the rotation stopped, and in the right eye of the long door, the pattern of the triangle changed into a pattern of a cross.

At this glance, the whole door seemed to open another door.

A variety of clearly-discussed exercises, martial arts, formations, and techniques have all passed through the head of Nagato at an alarming rate, and all have been more perfectly resolved, and the wisdom of Nagato has precipitated. Down.

In an instant, the whole person of Nagato was obviously more perfect.

The right eye, which has not really been formed for a long time, is finally perfected at this moment.

Its name is Vientiane, which is the name of the magic eye evolved from the right eye of Nagato. It is the fusion of the dragon eye originally nurtured by the Nagato and the Kanji ancient eye shared from Qishi. One of the exclusive magic eyes.

As the name suggests, insight into everything and understanding of all phenomena are the power of this eye.

As far as the effect is concerned, there is not much difference between Vientiane's Demon Eye and Jianjigu, and even because of the integration of the Dragon's Eye, it is in the dragon's position, and the vision it can see far exceeds humans.

Therefore, the magic eye of Vientiane surpassed the real eye of Qiji.

As the change between the two ends, the book of contract in the sky automatically ignites and disappears into the air.

But that fate has already merged into the hearts of the two.

Difficult to separate!

Feeling the power of his magic eyes and the connection between his hearts, Nagato's mood was quite pleasant. At this moment, Qishi, who was held in his arms by Nagato, opened his mouth, revealing the complexity of the girl's dissatisfaction and joy. mood.

"Mr. Nagato, you are really cunning!"

"How can you get Qishi without being cunning!"

As for the thoughts in the girl ’s heart, Nagato fully understood through the relationship between each other, and firmly held Qishi, Nagato said softly in the girl ’s ear, "Now, do you still call me Mr. Nagato?"

As soon as the words fell, the long door contained Qi Shi's earlobe.

Facing this talented girl who could not be called, Nagato did not know why, and some could not wait to get her.


Feeling the movement of the long gate, Rao Shiqi's existence could not help but utter a small moan, and then his face slightly blushed softly, "If the monkey is too anxious, it won't make girls like it, No, master! "

"No way, after all, it's Qishi!"

Speaking so softly, the long door found the girl's small mouth and kissed it heavily ..

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