My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 17: Sword language transition 【一】 Request subscription

"Well, very good!"

A huge rock shelter on the battlefield.

Nagato embraced his hands, leaned back against the rock, and looked at the new kimono in a blink of an eye, like a porcelain doll, and nodded in satisfaction. "It seems that my eyes are still good!"


The girl with some cheeks on her cheeks was arrogantly not looking at the long door.

When I changed my clothes just now, this guy actually stared at it with fairness. Although he was already the other party, such a thing still made the girl feel very dissatisfied.

"Ah, don't be angry"

"Just don't eat your compensation!"

Looking at Qi Shi in such a gesture, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, so saying, but a message was revealed between words, that is-

Prior to this, Nagato still did not eat Qishi directly.

No matter how awful the scenery is, and how willful, Nagato will not be able to take away the first time for Qishi in this barren ruined battlefield. After all, the potential and strength of Qishi is doomed to be with her in the future One of the farthest beings.

If it is too sloppy, it will be a pity.

"Okay, this is a gift for you, I will give it to you!"

With a smile on his face, Nagato came to Qishi's side, and handed a golden bitterness to Qishi in front of him, so that the girl could not help but slightly surprised, "This, this is"

"Evil knife, I made it again."

Seeing the astonishment on Qi Shi's face, Nagato explained slightly, "Although the original form was destroyed by me, I packed up all the fragments and reassembled it with alchemy."

"Alchemy is really amazing!"

In front of the techniques he had never seen before, Qi Shi quickly forgot the unpleasantness just now, took the evil knife, looked at it carefully, and was curious.

"Good look!"

Seeing such 鑢 七 实, Nagato secretly praised it and deeply remembered this scene.

Nagato understands that if he wants to see this kind of Yingshi, it is probably only this period. When Nagato brought her into the realm of heaven, Bai Yujing ’s collection of wisdom beyond his imagination would make Qishi complete. Reborn.

By that time, there is probably no chance to see such a reality.

"So, what do you do next?"

Afterwards, Nagato said to Qi Shi, "I have nothing to do, just wait for someone. If there is anything unfinished, you can do it right away. Otherwise, we will leave after the person I want to wait for comes back. Now. "

"Is that right?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Qishi was suddenly silent.

The original Qishi was due to the fact that the virtual sword flow developed by his brother was eventually flawed, and he came out to tell him, but in the process of going to sea, the girl suddenly felt that there was not much life, and suddenly thought of dying like a normal person. , Died in the hands of his brother.

The most reluctant girl is to die under her own talent.

But now, because the girl has a strong enough body, she has already begun to get in touch with how to master her talent and strength. Naturally, there is no thought of death.

just-- "Sure enough, let's find a place to wait for the seven flowers!"

"After all, it's my younger brother. I also want to fight my younger brother once before leaving."

"First of all, let's find a prominent place!"

After thinking for a while, Ying Qishi made such a decision.

Hearing Qishi ’s decision, Nagato would naturally not object, because he also had nothing to do, and Nagato felt that the so-called virtual sword flow, Qishi ’s younger brother Qihua, and this inexplicable journey to the sword, were really strange. .

It's just like--

"Arranged by a guy from a long time ago."

Talking about something in his heart, Nagato and Qishi were side by side, and slowly walked to the path covered with gravel and dust. In a short time, the figure of the two disappeared here.

After a week, Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple.

Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple, although it is just a temple, is also a holy place for martial arts in the island country.

A certain generation of Shogun generals worried about the rebellion of the world's warriors, and launched the so-called sword surrender order. Although all the swords in the world were not confiscated for some reason, many swords were indeed confiscated.

All these swords were melted by the general, and a great Buddha was created.

The name, the sword Buddha!

A huge Buddha statue made of swords.

The Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple guards not the sword, but the Buddha built by countless swords.

Since you need to protect the Buddha, you must have enough power. After all, the Buddha is a collection of swords in an era, which is of great significance. Therefore, the monks in the Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple are powerful warriors.

Although not necessarily the best in the world, it is indeed not to be underestimated.


"All weeds!"

In the soft narration, countless sword qi burst out from Qishi, slashing all the monks in front of the spot, the blood spattered indiscriminately, and the earth was stained with a layer of red.

"It's really weak!"

Standing behind Qishi, looking at the girl's slaughtering posture, Nagato appeared quite leisurely, "But the whole island country, that is, this place is the most conspicuous, um, need help?"

During the talk, Nagato's eyes turned to the last old fellow among the many monks ahead.

In the perception of Nagato, it was a good presence.

"No need!"

"I like weeding the most!"

"Moreover, I am a knife. When both the owner and the knife exist, it should be the knife!"

Indifferently refused the help of Nagato, Ying Qishi wandered up, and the faint dragon power of the whole person spread out, leaving many monks even a little spiritual breakdown and no fighting power.

"Then, everyone in Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple, as you can see, my master and I will occupy this place!"

"So, can you please die?"

The voice has just fallen, countless swords and spirits are rushing towards the crowd ..

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