My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 18: Sword language transition [2] Ask for subscription!

The capital of the Oshu Shogunate in Japan, where the general's internal supervision station is located.

"Are you kidding me? Left and right Tian Weimen Zuo Weimen!"

In this quiet mansion, a slightly surprised voice came out, talking about a blonde woman in a black kimono. At this time, she was standing in front of the courtyard, looking at the scenery in the courtyard with her eyes, but she did not know her spirit. Where did it go?

This woman is no one else. It is the director of the general's internal supervision office, a mysterious woman named Nie Ji.

Negative Ji is a woman whose origin is seldom known, and even her name is unknown. Because of her strong negativity, she is called Negative Ji. Similarly, she created twelve completed variants The last generation of Shikisaki of the sword.

Yu Gui'er, the woman who is in the process of collecting swords, is known as the two ghost girls of the Shogunate.

The two were enemies with each other in the shogunate, but they had a little mutual affection for each other. Negating that Ji was most admired is that she would fail in every fight with the blame. High position.


"If I can, I hope my information is wrong, Your Highness Princess!"

"Three days ago, the Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple was indeed occupied by the sister of the virtual sword, Ying Qishi. Hundreds of monks had all died, and one was not left. Moreover, according to information, ten days ago, the Mu'ao Mountain was completely destroyed. Probably also the real hands of Ying Qi. "

A calm male voice echoed around him. The source of the voice was whether the mezzanine of the ceiling above Ji was negated. There was a man in a coat and a mask with the word "intolerance" on his knees.

That negates Ji's unanimous confidantes, right and left Tian Weimen left Weimen.

He is the last descendant from the Ninja King who was destroyed by the Zhenting Ninja more than 100 years ago. He is the best leader of this generation of Ninja Ninjas. Zhenting Phoenix was a good friend, but he was killed by his opponent's ninjutsu Faces and ninjutsu became the walking dead.

Later, when he met Negative Ji, he got rid of that state and was reborn as a denial.

"Sister Dao Liuliu?"

"How do you feel, my struggle with that woman seems to have released a very strange monster."

No matter how ignorant Ji is, he knows that Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple and Mu'ao Death Mountain are not good places. At least it is not easy for General House to lay down these two places, but now

"Is there any news?"

"It always feels like you are hiding something."

At this time, I felt like I was still hesitating about the denial of Ji, and he asked without hesitation, "Speak, I can't allow you to hide anything from me!"

"I'm very sorry, Your Royal Highness!"

Hearing Nie Ji ’s words, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men and Zuo Wei Men immediately said, “According to the information I found, the sister of the virtual knife, Qi Qishi was also followed by an unknown red-haired man. The relationship between the two looks like Unusual."

"But according to the information from Miss Guer, the last two of Xu Daoliu have been isolated from the world for more than 20 years in a place called Bucheng Island."

"In other words, does it exist beyond intelligence?"

Without waiting for the right and left Tian Weimen and Zuo Weimen to finish, denying Ji, he began to answer, "I know, I will ask you a question first, if you are allowed to fight with Yan Qishi, how much is the chance of winning." "I will not fight!"

Without any hesitation, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men immediately said, "That seven-year-old woman who has already climbed to the top of Japan's strongest woman, in front of her, I am not an opponent."

"So, what if you have to fight?"

Denying Ji obviously didn't let go of his men and continued to ask.

"Try to delay the time and let Her Highness leave!"

Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men also did not hesitate to say their own answers, which immediately led to the denial of Ji showing a satisfactory smile, but her smile was only half of the smile, and it was stiff.


"Oh, I heard something interesting."

Suddenly, the denial Ji and Zuotian Youweimen left Weimen were completely stunned. At the next moment, they found that in the room behind the denial Ji, there was no time when there was a girl wearing a dark blue kimono Sitting there on his knees, long cyan hair was scattered, giving the girl a soft and beautiful color.

boom! ! !

At the next moment, the ceiling suddenly broke open.

The man named Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men jumped down and landed in front of Nie Ji, each holding a golden firearm in each of his hands, posing the most solemn attitude of facing the enemy:

"Why are you here, Qi Qi Shi!"

"Ahla, is this the sister of Xu Daoliu, really a beauty?"

Compared with the dignity of Zuo Tian You Wei Men and Zuo Wei Men, after denying Ji's initial surprise, Duns regained a calm posture and asked with his daily tone, "I don't know what the elder sister is doing."

"Uh, how to say."

Hearing the words of the two, Qi Shi's face was slightly embarrassed.

"You all went to the Qingliang Temple to observe me secretly, and of course I found you, and then on a whim, I followed me with the newly learned tricks, but I didn't expect to hear interesting things, and then, endure It came out without holding it. "


Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men just said briefly.

But at this moment his psychology is very unsteady, because he knows that he just transferred his perception to the bird to explore. He didn't approach the Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple at all.

At this moment, he found that Ying Qi seemed to be more powerful.


At this moment, a smile appeared on Qi Shi's face, and the two people in front of her immediately felt a burst of depression. What. "

"Seven real me, but I really care!"

ps: Yesterday when I got home and got stuck in traffic, I arrived at home more than ten o'clock, and I was depressed ..

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