My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 19: Sword language transition [3] First

Whoosh! ! !

At the moment when Qi Shi ’s words were finished, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men started.

In front of the strong enemy, the former ninja chose to move first. If not, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men worried that they would not even have the courage to shoot after the opponent shot.

"Aiming at the fist!"

The lost wisdom from the annihilated Ninja Ninja Army came out instantly.

In an instant, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men and Zuo Wei Men appeared behind Qi Shi. With both hands, he pulled out one body, two short swords, and chopped mercilessly towards Qi Shi.

"Ninjutsu is light application!"

Although Qi Shi was slightly surprised because of this unique trick.

However, Qishi was Qishi, and he displayed the ninja law from the Zhenting Ninja Army in an instant. The whole person seemed to turn into a dandelion without weight. Under the sword wind cut by the left and right Tianmenmen, he avoided the other party s attack.


Slashing into the air, the red-haired masked man echoed some uneasiness in his heart.

Looking at the near distance as if there was no real weight in Ying Qishi, especially when the other party's slightly amazed eyes, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Men Zuo Wei Men felt inexplicably uneasy, and seemed to have been seen through.

"What an amazing boxing technique, almost equal to the magic spell!"

He landed on the ground extremely lightly, Qi Shi spoke indifferently, his expression was somewhat unpredictable, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly began to solidify, and the negated Ji on the side even had difficulty breathing

"Humph, back fist!"

Feeling the rising pressure around him, the mask man knew it was not the time to hesitate!

Forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in the heart, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men attacked again, and the whole person appeared in the back of Qi Shi again in some mysterious way.

The so-called back-fisting fist is the tricky fist that always appears behind the enemy!


"No! No good !!!"

Standing in the same place, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men was surprised to find that there was no figure in his vision.

At the next moment, an indifferent voice came from behind him, making the complexion under the mask suddenly change drastically.

"Back fist!"

The girl in the kimono is appearing behind the left and right gates of the right and left Tianmenmen, and the right hand is holding a fist. A lot of energy gathers on the girl ’s fist, exuding a dragon-like roar.

boom! ! !

At this time, in the small village in the deep forest and old forest, a burst of roar suddenly broke out, breaking the village's silence.

Under the slight turbulence of the earth, the huge dust clamored straight up, covering everyone's sight. However, at the next moment, a strong energy burst out, blowing all the dust away, revealing the red-haired boy standing in the middle of the village.

And at the feet of the teenager, a comatose man who looked very strong and had a green body.

Not long afterwards, villagers appeared to be surrounded by teenagers. The most surprising thing was that these villagers, both men, women, children and children, were murderous, obviously not ordinary people.

This is no other place, it is the base of Zhenting Ninja Army.

The guy stepped on the feet by the red-haired boy is not an ordinary character. He is one of the twelve leaders of the Zhenting Ninja Army.

Long-lived turtles, real turtles!

Zhenting turtles, fish commander, the first person is "old and dead", a green and strong man, not using ninjutsu but fighting with "true court swordsmanship", which belongs to aliens in the Zhenting Ninja Army, but it also shows Tough.

However, no matter how powerful he is, he is stepped on his feet like a dead dog at this time.

"Unknown strong man, although I don't know how the real turtles offended you, but if you can, can you please let the real turtles go!"

At this moment, the crowd divided a road, and three figures appeared one after the other in the field of vision of the red-haired boy.

The dress of the three people is a bit weird. Headed by a man in a red bird costume, his eyes are closed, and he looks unpredictable. Behind the man is a child in a penguin costume. A white-haired woman who looks quite beautiful.

None of them are ordinary people, it is the remaining three leaders of the Zhenting Ninja Army!

The leader of the Zhenting Ninja Bird Group, and the leader of the entire Ninja Army, the Phoenix of God, the Phoenix of Zhenting!

The youngest of the twelve leaders, but also the one with the strongest intelligence gathering ability, multiplying human birds, real court human birds!

A member of the Shining Ninja Birds group, the mandarin duck rolled back, the mandarin duck!


After the appearance of the three, the red-haired boy looked at the three in front of him interestingly, especially Zhenting Phoenix headed by him, with a rather interesting smile on his face. "After all, I was here to find fault."

During the speech, the red-haired boy stepped on the real turtle under his foot and said:

"As for this man like a turtle, he didn't offend me, but he was brave to stop me, but obviously, in front of me, he had no power to fight back."

The young man's words made the surrounding atmosphere freeze down.

The villagers of Zhenting Ninja Village mostly stared at the red-haired boy, the hostility in their eyes came out, and the remaining three leaders of Zhenting Ninja Army looked at each other with frowns.

"Is there really no room for relaxation?"

After a while, when the surrounding atmosphere reached a certain level, Zhenting Phoenix stepped forward and seemed to intend to persuade each other with words.

"of course"

The red-haired boy spoke indifferently, but as soon as the words were spoken, the Zhenting Phoenix disappeared in place, and next to the red-haired boy appeared next to him, waving his hand knife like a flame.

boom! ! !

The flame broke apart in a sudden collision.


Zhenting Phoenix watched with some depression his hand knife chopped an inch of airflow wall in front of the other party, it is really unimaginable, there is such a defense, so that his Yandao helpless.

ps: The plot is accelerating ...

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