My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 20: Sword language transition [four] second more!

Three days later

"finally reached!"

A talking girl with long white hair, at this time she was exhaling for a long time.

The girl's name is blame, and the general superintendent of the military precinct of the Ming dynasty who belongs to the family of the Ozuku Shogunate.

He usually claims to be a "chief strategist" in this profession, with a pair of extremely insightful sharp eyes and extraordinary strategic talent, and is the daughter of the former chaos master Rong Jiji.

Always act with pride and arrogance. When encountering any emergencies or panic, it will be like a child.

"There is a holy place for swordsmen, Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple?"

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, a majestic monastery is sitting on it. The face of a tall man with a naked upper body has a curious expression that is very inappropriate for him. "Sister, do you live inside?" "

"Not bad!"

The people who spoke were left and right Tianmenweimenzuomenmen wearing a mask of intolerance.

It was just that the man ’s shirt was damaged, and even the mask showed a trace of knife wound, but he did n’t care, but he also looked at the Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple, and suddenly the breath of depression diffused from him. Come.

"your Highness!!!"

In the left and right Tian Youmen left guard door, weakness and anger are intertwined.

The battle three days ago allowed this man who had always claimed to be a strong man to truly understand the so-called despair, conspiracy and tricks, all directly broken in front of the other party, singular tolerance, and no secret in the eyes of the other party.

Even with Shijizaki's twelfth variant knife, the future firearm called Yan Dao, he still had no choice but to make it.

Even let the other party knock down the ground easily and capture the princess away.

Because of his lack of strength, even if he was ashamed, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men immediately found the culprit who denied Ji's death, as well as her knife, the younger brother of Ying Qishi, a man named Ying Qihua.

Hope to use their power to rescue the negative Ji.

"Okay, let's go!"

I glanced at Tian Weiwei and Zuoweimen, and Gui Er understood the other party's mood. In fact, she was also in a bad mood.

Obviously, after having lived with the Qi Dao Liu, the contemporary home of Qi Qihua, the journey of the sword expedition has been going smoothly. Who knows that Qi Qi has come out and made trouble, and her record is so terrifying, even Qi Hua has no confidence. Beat your sister.


There is no escape route here!

With such thoughts in his mind, Gui Er greeted him and Qi Hua after his breath calmed down. The whole person took the lead towards Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple, and soon came to the temple.

Click! ! !

When several people came to the front of the monastery, the door opened automatically before knocking.


I saw the maids standing on both sides of the gate, bowing slightly to the three people, and at the end of the road formed by the maids, Qi Qizheng was sitting on the ground, looking at the crowd, especially Qihua, and exposed smile.

On the side of Qi Shi, a blonde woman named Negative Ji sits there without expression. But what astounded Guer most is that behind Qishi, Guer also saw that the three leaders of Zhenting Ninja, Zhenting Turtles, Zhenting Renren and Zhenting Yuanyang, are respectfully respected Standing there respectfully.

Ten minutes later, Qingliangyuan Hujian Temple reception room.

"Miss Qishi, what's going on here! How can they, the people of Zhenting Ninja Army, appear here !!"

After drinking a cup of tea, Guier finally could n’t help but question Qi Shi, and even satirizing her old opponent was gone. She could n’t imagine why the people of Zhenting Ninja Army appeared here. , And made surrender to Qishi.

Is it

Thinking of a certain possibility, Gui Er's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

"You think too much, Miss Guier!"

It seemed that Qiuer's expression penetrated her thoughts. Qishi answered her question without any pretentious questions. "The people in the court are not my men, they are the men of Changmen."

"It seems that three days ago, the people of Tingting submitted to Changmen Jun, they were all sent by him."

"Longmen Jun?"

Hearing the unfamiliar nouns in Qi Shi's mouth, Gui Er immediately noticed it.

The girl's intuition realized that this strange existence seemed to be an important factor in all these changes. In a sense, the blame intuition was still very accurate, and Nagato was indeed the biggest variable in fate.

"Well, Changmen Jun, he is my master!"

"the host!"

"Sister, you"

Hearing Qi Shi's words, everyone who knew Qi Qi's strength was startled, especially Qi Hua, looking at his sister, a stunned expression suddenly appeared on her face, a little overwhelmed.

"Seven flowers, don't care."

"Just like Qihua you found your master with this knife."

"I, who is also proficient in virtual knife flow and also a knife, has also found someone who can really control me."

In Qi Shi's words, some natural Ying Qihua immediately understood what was happening. Among the people around him, Gui Er and Zuo Tian You Wei Men Zuo Wei Men, as well as denying Ji, suddenly felt very curious about the existence of the name Nagato.

Everyone wants to know what it is to be the master of Yingqi Shi's strongest sword.

It seems that the sky is free, and it is at this time-

boom! ! !

Sudden roar came from a distance, getting closer and closer, until the next moment, the wall of the reception room burst open, a red figure flew in suddenly, and then hit the other side of the wall again, and burst into the temple In the dojo.

"Ah, it was too hard by accident!"

"Hope he won't die!"

The indifferent voice came slowly from the outside world. At the next moment, I saw a red-haired young man walking through the big mouth of the wall. The extraordinary posture, even if someone with little power saw it, they would think the other party was extremely Extraordinary.

"I'm back, Qishi!"

Strolling, when seeing Qishi, the red-haired boy greeted him.

ps: Unpopularity is hard to write. Many people who write more don't know, but they write less, and the plot is inconsistent ..

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