My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 22: Sword language transition [End] Fourth!

This is a history of casting knives that spans hundreds of years!

There is a mysterious family of astrologers in this extremely east island. They can constantly predict the future with the power contained in their blood, and work secretly for the future of this country.

Hundreds of years ago, one of the strongest astrologers appeared in this family.

Its name, Shikisaki Keiki!

Shikisaki Jiji made a great divination after he became an adult. His gaze spanned the endless time, saw the evolution of countless creatures, and the fate of this country that will eventually perish in the future!

After that, no matter how Shikisaki Ji changed the history he saw, the end of destiny will always be the demise of the unchanging country!

This makes Jijijijiji, who is full of talent, unbearable.

Although there are still hundreds of years before the demise of the country, he is born with a negative concept and he can't sit back and watch all this happen. He denies the future and intends to use his own power to completely change the future.

For this reason, Shikisaki Keiki became a great caster!

Relying on the future information he saw, he created twelve swords to complete the transformation, and taught a person who loves swordsmanship, but is naturally difficult to learn swordsmanship, to let him pass on everything he has learned.

The disciple of Jiji Saki is the first generation of Xu Daoliu to be the master.

And these are really the original cause of the virtual sword flow and twelve completed deformed swords.

Afterwards, Shikisaki made all the arrangements, using various or coincidental or inevitable factors, he let the virtual sword pass down the descendants of the eighth generation of the general of the Owari Shogunate and set foot on the levy the road!

Along the way, the descendants of the virtual sword will experience various things, evolve from a knife to a person, and then experience the pain of painstaking memory, completely transformed into the most outstanding work of the swordsmith named Shikisaki Kiki, the virtual knife. !

And this work will kill the incompetent Shogun in this era, thus changing the future

"Without my presence, one day in the future, you will die, and Ying Qihua will go on the road set by Shikisaki after the painful and memorable transformation. This is Shijisaki. The real process of Ji Zhudao! "

Under the service of the maids, Nagato took a sip of tea and watched the blame of the change in his face and the surprised Qihua said.

Beside a few people, whether he denied Ji, Zuo Tian Tian Wei Wei Men Zuo Wei Men, or the remaining chiefs of Zhenting Ninja Army, their faces changed greatly.

But this is no wonder. Anyone who knows that he lives on a stage set by others, and is destined to play a supporting role, will not have a very good complexion, especially if he is negative, even if she is a descendant of Shizaki, she can't stand herself Become an ancestor chess piece.

"I don't blame it!"

At this moment, the natural Qihua opened his mouth, and suddenly touched Gu'er's face, but the long door saw it clearly. In Gu'er's deep eyes that no one could see clearly, the one that couldn't break free Viper!

That's the woman's demon named Guier, a demon who can't get rid of!

Nagato understands that the true identity of the blame is the daughter of the former major chaos master Hida Hyobi. His father launched a war to correct the tampered history, but was killed by the father of Qi Qihua, who witnessed the death of his father. She fell into a deep abyss.

Under such a demon, even if it is her own feelings, she can be used as a pawn. Her life is only for revenge.

and so--

"For my little uncle, you can change it!"

With such thoughts in his heart, Nagato urged his sword of karma quietly, and the imperceptible sword gas suddenly appeared deep in the girl's eyes, and the sword cut off the poisonous snake in her heart.

Without knowing anyone, the long goalkeeper completely severed a sad future!

"Seven Flowers!"

The poisonous snake in my heart was cut, and the feeling that Gui Er was suppressed for a long time finally broke out.

I just do n’t know if it ’s been a long time since my emotions were depressed. At the next moment, the white-haired girl suddenly fell into a shaky state and fell into Qihua ’s arms, making the natural Qihuai panic.

at this time--

boom! ! !

The violent roar erupted in the courtyard of Qingjianyuan Hujian Temple.

Everyone looked at it in the sound, but in the courtyard where the smoke was slightly diffused, it was a real phoenix. No, it was Shikizaki Jiji who fell there from the sky and smashed a big pit.

"What's wrong, Mr. Shikisaki!"

"If there is only such a little power, Qishi will be disappointed!"

At the next moment, a leisurely voice came from the sky, and I saw that Qi Qishi fell down lightly, seeming to be at ease.

Prior to this, Shikisaki Jiji proposed the idea of ​​ending, Qi Shi immediately took the battle, and she knew everything through the conscious connection of Nagato. Naturally, for someone who used her brother so much, she could not bear it.

In a sense, Qishi is also a brother control!


"It's worthy of Qi Qi Shi!"

"In the human history I have observed, there really are no more geniuses than you!"

Faced with the challenge of Shishi, Shikisaki did not refute anything, but walked out of the big pit indifferently, put his poison knife into the sheath, and made a gesture of pulling the knife, "However, in the future there is a man named Kojiro Men will not inferior to you too much. "

"He invented a powerful swordsmanship, and he is also well-known in the longer future. I will use it as my final blow!"

"Oh, then I look forward to it!"

Hearing Shikisaki's words, Ying Qishi smiled.

Suddenly, the air in the entire space froze, and the killer flew around.

Until a moment, Nagato threw out the tea cup in his hand

Click! ! !

The sound of teacup breaking seems like a signal!

"The Secret Sword Swallow Returns !!!"

"The imaginary sword is full of mystery !!!"

The two great mysterious moves collided violently in this courtyard, and huge energy overflowed, destroying everything ..

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