My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 23: The ending and the first bye!

Yan Hui!

In many planes are famous swordsmanship.

As we all know, swallows can withstand the wind to avoid the blade, regardless of whether it is fast or slow. No matter what kind of knife, there is no way to swing without vibrating the air. They just feel the vibration and change the direction of flight.

Therefore, no matter what kind of blow, no swallow can be cut.

The knife is just a line, and it doesn't make sense to catch swallows flying in the air.

What if the swallows must be cut?

So, as long as it surrounds its retreat.

One knife attacked the swallow, while the other knife blocked the swallow's escape from the wind. However, they are very sensitive, because this long knife can't catch up with the second knife. If you want to be successful, you have to do it in a flash. The two knives can be carried out almost simultaneously. If they are all at the same time, they will be too slow anyway.

For this reason, there should also be a third knife that blocks the side retreat.

In an instant, Shikisaki exhibited such a terrible mysterious sword technique, and immediately cut out the three swords, enveloping everything around Qishi. The girl fell like a swallow and fell into the encirclement and suppression of the three swords of Jijisaki.

"Ultimate Daoliu's ultimate connotation, which is very diverse!"

Faced with the peerless swordsmanship exhibited by Shikisaki, Jishi did not have any panic. The virtual sword flowed through hundreds of years of baptism, and the final forge was finally forged from the girl.

boom! ! !

Time flies, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The battle of three years ago, even if Shikisaki Ji, who had been able to interfere in history 400 years ago, was still dead.

Yan Hui is no longer strong, subject to this plane, and it is only three consecutive draws.

The gap between the three knife-drawing operations was very short and very short, but even the shortest gap was clearly captured under the eyes of Jian Gu.

So, Shikisaki Ji died.

He died under the fate of the virtual sword that he built with his own hands, and evolved over the centuries after the final mystery.

In fact, this is also normal.

Even if it was the original Qi Qishi, he could not beat it, let alone with the help of Nagato.

If Nagato and Campanulaceae are excluded, the girl is already the veritable strongest in all planes, without any moisture, without any dead ends, absolutely the strongest invincible.

If in the original fate, Qi Qihua still has one thousandth chance to defeat his sister.

Well, the odds now are zero!

No doubts!

After the death of Shikisaki, the sword story in the island country naturally ended. will deny Ji, blame, and the remaining forces of Zhenting Ninja to form the dawn branch of this plane, and leave the means of control, and the wisdom of some other planes as the foundation of the organization, long The door left Yingqi with Shi Qishi and began to travel around the world.

They traveled all over the island country, drifted across the ocean, walked on the American continent, walked unscrupulously into the holy place in the hearts of the believers of God, crossed the Mediterranean Sea, walked through the Sahara, and then came to the mainland of China.

At this time, it is already the third year of traveling.

After three years of brewing, this ancient big country located on the west side of the extremely east island country is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The secret son left by the old door, the pseudo-rebirth Ling Tian, ​​had already held up the righteous banner and recruited horses to become a leader of the rebel army in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Starting from the frontiers of the Ming and Qing dynasties, in order to defeat the Qing army to obtain military power and money, buy guns, and even develop a firearm brigade that fits this era, the uprising along the coast has occupied more than half of the entire land of the Divine Land within three years, and It is still expanding.

The drama of Li Zicheng's rebellion against Wang has been snatched by Ling Tian. The Qing Dynasty, which has not yet risen, has been strangled in the cradle, leaving only the largest Ming Dynasty, but its demise has also entered the countdown.

Ling Tian is already one of the most famous uprising generals on the earth of China!

Even, there are many so-called righteous men who can't help but rush to him and run back and forth for it.

However, these are not the focus of Nagato.

There is only one thing that a red-haired teenager pays attention to, or one person, that is Bellflower.

On the ninth day of returning to the land of Shenzhou, Nagato and Yingqi finally finally saw the spotless witch in a remote small mountain village in the northwestern part of Shenzhou.

However, at this time, the situation of Campanulaceae was somewhat unexpected.

"Uh, is that the master bellflower sister I will never forget?"

Holding hands with the long gate, standing on the top of the mountain side by side, Qi Qishi looked at the foot of the mountain. There is now a broken village, laughing soldiers, and broken buildings everywhere. Blood and corpses are everywhere, like a ghost on earth.

And inside the ghosts of the world, the bellflower walked blankly on the front, still spotless peerless witch.

As the witches progressed, all the remnant soldiers attracted were penetrated by the light and died on the spot!

In the narrative of Nagato, 鑢 七 实 understands that the original bellflower was a broken witch who guarded humanity and beheaded monsters.

In the face of human beings, the bellflower always can't help but shoot.


At this time, in the sight of Ying Qishi, the bellflower at the foot of the mountain directly shot an arrow and bombarded a certain deserter from the distance. On the spot, Ying Qi was a little puzzled. What is the soft heart of this? what!


Seeing such an platycodon grandiflorum, Nagato was also terrified.

Although I have always been dissatisfied with the bellflower's soft-hearted situation, after all, when the bellflower is dealing with monsters and monsters, the combat strength is so strong that the Nagato can bear it. with.

If it wasn't for Nagato who really felt it, the will in the heart of Kikyo was constantly firming, with a unique light flashing, I am afraid he could not sit still.

Obviously, as the blood at the foot of the mountain continued to flow, the strength of the witches became stronger and stronger.

ps: I wanted to stay up late last night and wrote, but I accidentally overslept. I have to go back today. The update depends on the situation, but at least the update will be stable tomorrow. ..

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