My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 46: Undercurrent and departure fifth!

Time is running fast.

In a flash, half a month passed.

Half a month ago, after leaving from Millennium City, Zellrich returned to the clock tower, released news about Zhu Yue's upcoming resurrection, and launched the power of the entire clock tower to trace all the clues.

Among the major forces of the current month, except for the emerging Holy Grail Alliance, the remaining major forces are very infiltrated with each other.

The internal news of the Magic Association soon flowed into the ears of the top of the Templar Church and the 27th ancestor of the dead.

Suddenly, the whole world boiled.

The Church of the Templar will naturally not allow the rebirth of Vermilion Moon, and the burial organ was completely activated as soon as possible, and the 27th ancestor of the dead was divided into two groups immediately, those who advocated welcoming Vermilion Moon and those who opposed Vermilion Moon.

Under different concepts, they all continue to act in their own way.

However, all this is within Zellridge's calculations.

This old guy didn't think he would be insured by himself against Zhu Yue.

The last time Zhu Yue was killed was a bit strange. Moreover, Zellridge was relying on his own help from countless parallel planes. There are no such good conditions now.

However, Zhu Yue is a living target!

Although there are some loyal to Zhu Yue, Zellridge absolutely believes that the guy in this world who wants her to die is definitely hundreds of thousands of times more loyal. The status of a primate enemy is enough. Let Zhu Yue's enemies fill the ground.

As for the existence of Saya and others, Zellridge did not say it.

After all, if you want to prove yourself, you must tell the truth of the entire world today. In that case, your status as the second magician will obviously decline due to the disappearance of the parallel world.

This is not a good thing for Zellridge, who is planning to control the fighting power of the entire Magic Association.

Within half a month, Zellrich also took time out of his busy schedule and went to the Millennium City alone to see the situation.

It's just that the Millennium City has completely disappeared.

Saya and others and Princess Baiji are missing

In view of the lack of information and intelligence, Zellridge can only temporarily put these things down and focus his energy on Zhu Yue. After all, Zhu Yue is his primary enemy.

What is the enemy of the world, naturally has two major restraints and roots to take responsibility!

Just as the entire world was turbulent and disturbed because of the upcoming month of Zhu Yue, Nagato has been dormant in Dongmu City for half a month, and besides accompany his wife and daughter every day, he still accompanies his wife and daughter.

By the way, the two ceremonies brought back by Nagato were awakened on the third day, and then wounded the servant maid who took care of her and fled.

Although I agreed to take care of the two rituals with Genyuan, Nagato, who was accompanying his wife and daughter, was really not in the mood to deal with the problem girl like the two rituals.

Other than that, Nagato has no other moves.

Not only the Nagato, but the entire Holy Grail Alliance, are blind to what is happening.

Even the church sent out to discuss exactly how to deal with Zhu Yue's messengers, but they were rejected and refused to meet at all.

In the early morning of half a month, it was not yet dawn. Nagato left Einzberen Castle in a casual dress, and embarked on the train leaving the city of Dongmu. Among the entourage, only the contractor of the Nagato, Karen, Other than that, there was no one else.

"Master, is it okay to leave without saying so?"

Sitting in a private car, looking at the winter wood city that was drifting away from the window, Karen asked with some concern, "After all, your opponent, but there is no means to exist. Seeing such an opportunity, she has no reason not to do it."

Not only did Kalian not speak a poisonous tongue at this time, but she seemed to have completely taken herself into the position of Nagato.

I have to say that Nagato is indeed a terrible man!

In just half a month, Kalin's body and mind have fallen completely.

"no problem!"

"Although in the next year or so, there will be many uninvited guys."

"But my daughters will solve it beautifully. I believe in them. Just as they believe in me, I look forward to it!"

Nagato naturally understands the characteristics of Alaya, but he is more confident in his lover and daughters, and Nagato has also arranged some unknown secret hands, just in case, not to worry at all.

Although Alaya, who has all human wisdom, is absolutely resourceful and can arrange a chess game to play with the enemy between applause, Nagato really doesn't care much about her!

It was a big deal to break everything, and directly picked her!

In the eyes of Nagato, the three opponents, Root and Gaia, are the real enemies!

Alaya, the weakness is too obvious.

The infinite world is, after all, a world of power!


Hearing Nagato's words, Karen didn't say much.

At the next moment, the girl slowly got up from the bed and consciously sat on the bed of the long door, and the long door lay down naturally, with her head resting directly on the girl's knee, even extending a hand , Restless

In an instant, a different atmosphere filled the entire car.

However, at this moment-

tear! ! !

A sound suddenly came from the space inside the carriage, and a space crack suddenly appeared, causing the long door lying on Kalin's knees to frown suddenly, instantly mobilizing his space power to control the spreading crack.

As the long door tried to smooth the cracks in the space, a black figure fell.

Whoosh! ! !

At the next moment, the crack in the space subsided in an instant.

Indistinctly, Nagato seemed to hear some unwilling calls across the space, and Nagato didn't care about it at all. He cared about people who suddenly appeared in his car, or girls.

It was a very unique girl. At first glance, it attracted the full attention of Nagato.

"It's really interesting!"

From Karen, the red-haired teenager looked at the comatose girl with a slightly weird smile on his face. "Should I say, is this the guide of fate?" ..

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