My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 47: Mysterious girl first!

Suddenly, the sudden change made the long door suddenly lose the enthusiasm for continuing to have fun, and got up from Karen.

However, this does not affect the quite happy mood of the red-haired boy.

All of this is because the little girl who appeared in the long door carriage was a mysterious girl.

The girl is not very young, about 13 or 14 years old.

The pink carved jade is very beautiful.

The girl seemed to have been hit hard or something, and the girl was unconscious.

However, this weakness makes the girl look even more pitiful.

If the light theory looks like, the little girl can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the most beautiful girl in the top row that Nagato has seen so far, with a golden and beautiful waist-length hair spread out and a cute dull hair on his head .

Her upper body was wearing a white sleeveless blouse, exposing snow-white and pink arms, and the collar around her neck was rusted with black lace, which looked black and white and looked very harmonious. As for her lower body, she wore black Long skirt with a pair of small silver leather shoes on the feet.

No matter from which point of view, this girl is very cute!

Looking at the girl who was unconscious on the opposite bed of Kalian on the opposite side, Nagato expressed his satisfaction.

"grown ups!"

At this time, Karen had sorted out her clothes and restored her dignified appearance.

Also looking at the comatose girl, a little inexplicable weirdness appeared on Karen's face. After pondering the words, he slowly said, "I don't know if it is my delusion, this girl seems to be a devil."

After experiencing the "baptism" of Nagato, Karen's physique gradually changed dramatically.

However, the characteristics of the screening demon are still preserved. Therefore, no matter whether it is a blood-sucking species or a demon species, or even a mixture of human and demon, it cannot escape the perception brought by her special constitution.

Obviously, the little girl in front of him vaguely felt that the other party was a devil.


In addition to sensing the feeling of the demon, the blonde girl also made Karen feel an incredible, close to nature, as if she was not a demon, but an incarnation of nature.

This strange feeling made Karen almost think she was wrong.

"Relax, you're not mistaken!"

Nagato naturally knew Karen's mentality at this time, and then admitted her judgment, and then said, "Although her identity is a bit special, she is indeed a demon, or she is still at the top of the world, the only demon!"


At this moment, the unconscious girl made a slight noise.

Soon, the girl woke up from the coma, opened her eyes, and opposed to the four eyes of the long door staring at her, the vermilion eyes were as deep as the river, as if to give all the soul of the person It **** in.

"Hello there."

The little girl froze for a moment, then sat up from the bed, sorted out the messy clothes, scanned the surrounding environment without traces, and bowed to the long door and asked.

The girl's manner is elegant and skillful, and it seems to be a well-educated nobleman.

Although the little girl's etiquette was very decent and not at all out of courtesy, Nagato felt the indifference under that humility, a kind of rejection of thousands of miles away, and seemed to maintain a great vigilance against himself.

However, this is no wonder!

If you think about the space crack that appeared before, you know that the girl ’s situation is not safe.

In such a situation, if you can still open your heart to strangers without warning, then it is no longer a natural vocabulary that can be modified, it is definitely a lack of attention.

"How are you!"

"Cute little vampire!"

Compared to the little girl's alert, Nagato's face was a little more playful, "I didn't expect that I was just preparing to go out, and there is such an interesting existence that you can deliver directly to the door, which is really interesting."


Hearing Nagato's words breaking his identity, the little girl's pupil shrank slightly, but she still remained calm.

There is no way. In the previous battle, the girl's power declined for some reason, and the opponent's sneak attack was at the weakest moment. Even an ordinary adult can deal with her, not to mention the two in front. Some mysterious guys.

and so--

Must hold back and delay time!

Thinking so in her heart, the girl just showed a bit of surprise, and some confused voice said, "What joke is this gentleman talking about, vampire or something, I can't understand"

"Oh, no more quibbling, little girl!"

Nagato chuckled and interrupted the little girl who wanted to quibble. At the next moment, invisible power appeared on the girl and instantly pulled her into Nagato ’s arms. "Do n’t say, I watched you from space. Appeared in the crack. "

"This sister by your side has the ability to recognize any aliens!"

"Even if you are special, you can't hide it!"

Suddenly held in the arms by a strange man, the girl's face suddenly showed a trace of anger and was about to struggle. Then, when the long door, she suddenly understood her situation, the girl stopped her own action.

"So, how are you going to deal with me?"

When the stranger embraced himself, the girl's voice suddenly froze, as if from an elegant aristocratic child to a tall queen, whose words were full of arrogance.

"Well, there are so many ideas."

Looking at the blonde girl in her arms, Nagato could n’t help but stretch out a hand to caress the girl ’s long hair.

"Asshole, if you dare"

The girl's complexion suddenly changed when she heard such awkward words from Nagato in such an indifferent tone.

The threat was just spoken, and the kiss was suddenly blocked by the kiss of the long door, and then there was a whine and a tear in the private service

ps: After all, after writing this chapter, I feel like a ghost animal ..

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