My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 53: Red Chi Zhu! misfortune! Third more!

boom! ! !

As if a hurricane came, a loud noise echoed in everyone's ears.

The crimson girl turned into a red shell and instantly burst into the encirclement of the dead!

Cyclone kick!

With strong vigor, the girl's punches and kicks became very threatening, no less than the general attack magic, almost in the blink of an eye, with the girl as the center, the dead around all flew out.

Whoosh! ! !

And at this moment, the girl's posture disappeared again.

At the next moment, Chi Hong's figure suddenly appeared above a deceased flying person, and a punch hit the opponent's heart!

This is an unspeakable punch, full of determination!

However, the dead are not humans!

The unprecedented reaction nerve of the human, let the dead flying down in the air, still able to come over in response, and then relying on the immortality of the dead, he extended his claws and attacked autumn leaves

The other party's purpose is obviously to replace injuries with injuries.


As if inadvertently, the girl's red hair swept through, the dead body was cold and cold, and suddenly became stiff and unable to move!

This is one of autumn leaves' ability to use red hair as a medium to take away the heat of other people and convert it into their own heat. Its name is looting!

Under such power, even the existence of the dead who claim to be immortal cannot be ignored.

boom! !

Immediately, without mercy, the girl punched his heart directly.

The blood was overflowing and the pieces of meat were flying!

Without any hindrance


Indifferent words spit out from autumn leaves, the whole person was filled with fierce and indifferent killing opportunities, the next moment, the girl chased the second person again, followed by the third person, the fourth person

Every girl's attack is simple and effective!

Every time the opponent's reaction is rigid, he can't respond at all!

In less than a minute, six dead people died in the hands of autumn leaves, and their efficiency is high. Even the princess Hei Ji above the void is stunned, not to mention the dead people below.

"So, who is the seventh next?"

Crushing the heart of the palm of your hand, autumn leaves glanced at the other dead people. It seemed like the scorching eyes of the prey, so that the dead people were all cold, and they all retreated and gave the battlefield to their own. leader--

The dead of the lake, Rubal Jefferson Ottenrochet!

In this scene, the corner of the mouth of the lake's dead man twitched slightly, and he felt ashamed.

However, compared to the embarrassment, the Lake Dead did not expect that he would be so bad, and would encounter such obstacles before success!

The breath of Princess Heiji is not far away

Located under the ancestor of the dead, the dead closest to the ancestor, known as the dead of the lake, as a dead over the age of five hundred, surrendered to the White Wing Gong, and obtained the surname of Otten Rocher, the dead 27 A strong candidate for the tenth seat of the ancestor.

Half a day ago, he and other dependents of Baiyi Gong got orders!

Princess Heiji was unexpectedly hit hard by the joint of the Templar Church and the Magic Association. It was in the weakest period. Baiyi Gong asked them to set off immediately, find Hei Ji, and wipe it out.

And he, who had originally traveled in the Far East, actually got the clue of Princess Heiji's trail that night.

There is pity in the sky, Rubale was shocked.

Then, there was a burst of ecstasy!

You know, Baiyi Gong said that Princess Heiji is in a state of unrestrained chicken power, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Reluctant to do other superfluous things, Rubare immediately summoned the nearby dead to prepare for the hunt of Princess Black Lady. As a result, the princess's face had not been seen before, and he was hit by a hybrid of human and demon from the wild.

In particular, this kind of 'Red Chi Zhu' that completely inspired the blood of the Devil is so depressed that it is extremely speechless!


"It looks like you have to fight!"

With a whisper, Rubare moved. I saw the dead man of the lake waving his claws, turned into a residual image, and launched an attack towards autumn leaves. Almost immediately, he came to autumn. Ye's side!

This is the fighting style of the dead, fast speed, agile skills, sharp claws, strong recovery, almost no disadvantage in close combat.

boom! ! !

The heat spread again!

At this moment, Lu Barre ’s vision was filled with various unreal illusions, and the shape of autumn leaves disappeared in an instant. Such an abrupt change suddenly made the movement of the dead person of the lake slightly. A meal.

However, at this moment-

Crimson long hair starts from the wrist of the dead man's right hand, and continues to circle towards his body. A lot of heat is continuously lost from the wrist. Rubale's body is gradually cold, feeling a bad mood!

If you want to use force, you will find that your arm, which has been wrapped up, is completely cold and loses your strength!

tear! ! !

At the moment of crisis, Rubare showed the determination of the dead who had lived for 500 years!

His other hand turned into a sharp blade, and even cut off his right hand. At the next moment, the dead slammed back more than ten meters. The whole person was kneeling on the ground with some pant, even if the dead, suddenly cut off one. The arm is also very uncomfortable.



With close contact with Akiba's ability, Rubare felt some toothache.

Her strongest strength is melee, and that woman is the nemesis of melee. As long as she approaches, she will be continuously sucked away by the heat, resulting in stiff movements. Whatever you think, you have a slim chance of winning!

"Actually escaped by you!"

Throwing away the broken arm that lost heat, Akiha looked at the dead not far away with regret!

Although the opponent looks a little embarrassed now, Akiha will not be confused by this performance. The opponent is indeed not badly hurt, but it does not have much impact on the combat effectiveness. , The two are just half a catty.

Just when the two were afraid of each other--

boom! ! !

Unprecedented coercion permeated the entire battlefield. The members of the line of humans and demons in the wild were okay, but they only felt depressed, and the dead, except Rubale, knelt down.

ps: I do n’t know why, but my energy is not good.

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