My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 54: The fourth of Vatican of Magic City!

Click! Click! Patter

On the battlefield, which was silent because of the pervasive pressure, a crisp and rhythmic footsteps suddenly sounded.

The voice gradually increased from far and near.

When the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, under the cool moonlight, the dark corner finally reflected the slender figure.

It was a middle-aged man who looked very successful.

The man had long brown hair and a monocle on his expressionless face, but this did not imagine that the man's red eyes reflected the precipitated red blood.

The purple dress on the whole body and an open white scarf make the man very expensive.

"See, I have met the ancestors!"

After seeing the coming person, Rubare who was about to get up suddenly knelt down again, "Unexpectedly, in this extremely east island country, you can also admire your posture, Lord Vatican!

As soon as Rubare's words came out, all the creatures, whether they were hybrids of humans and demons or the dead, took a breath of breath, especially the dead.

The coming man is the 14th seat of the Council of the Dead, one of the oldest three dead!

The real name is Barrell Fernand van der Dier Xiuta. It is the devil in the financial world. His professional puppet master has the greatest ability to show seven giant Gorem figures called "city".

Therefore, he is also commonly known as "Vatican of the Magic City".

He is the oldest dead and a very strange dead.

He will care about human beings and has a considerable position in human society. He will worry about the earth ’s environment all day long. He is a vulgar man who will work hard for things that are trivial. After the First World War, he began to use "non-vampire" methods Expand your sphere of influence in human society.

It is rumored that he recently built a building in Monaco where celebrities gather, and he will go to the gambling boat once a week to accept the challenges of all guests.

But no one expected that such a person would actually appear here!

Everyone was a little stunned.

"Because of some business problems, I just passed by here and happened to hear some interesting information. I came to see it. I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene. It was really interesting."

"What do you two think?"

Instead of paying attention to everyone on the court, Van Feimu turned his head slightly and said.

"so so!"

"As an evening repertoire, pass some time."

Shortly after the voice of Vatican's voice fell, the indifferent voice echoed around him, and I saw a clear spatial ripple in the sky seen by Vatican's eyes. At the next moment, the red-haired teenager holding the black-haired girl from Emerging in the sky, slowly falling


"Princess of the Dead!"

"It turned out to be Princess Kuroge!"

Seeing the posture of Nagato and Alte Luqi slowly falling from the sky, the dead were in a mess, but no one dared to do much. After all, there was already an ancestor, even Rubale Can't act arbitrarily.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have this day!"

"Alterucci!" Seeing the two figures appearing in the ripples of the space, Vatican first took a closer look at Alte Luci, then laughed in the girl ’s somewhat embarrassed gaze Got up.

As we all know, Vatican has seven giant Gorem figures called "city".

But among them, the fifth city "eagle" fell because of the attack of the white knight Brad. Since then, he has always hated the Elt Luke Pie.

Afterwards, he turned his eyes to the long door, revealing a touch of admiration, and said, "To be honest, I was really surprised when I first saw Alterucci held by a man. After all, that was Princess Zhu Yue. what!"

"Love is just great!"

"I think, my mother-in-law, she will understand!"

Seemingly thinking of something, the corner of the mouth of the long door suddenly lifted slightly, nonsense.

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Alte Luqi felt that her heart was a little bad, but she still managed not to have a seizure. At this time, she also understood that Nagato was going to protect her. Although she did n’t like this way .


Brows frowned slightly, and Van Phym said with some doubt, "Then, this friend, are you sure that you are not talking nonsense?"

"Absolutely not!"

Nagato's answer did not hesitate.

Elt Luke also did not speak, in the eyes of others, it seems to be the default

"That's it!"

"This is an anecdote."

"However, that is really regrettable!"

After listening to Nagato's words, Van Feim took off his monocle, took out a handkerchief with the other hand, and slowly wiped the lens. "Yes, this friend, what is your name? "

"I'm thinking that the people who soaked in Hei Ji should always be remembered by the world."

"Then remember it well, my name, Nagato!"

Nagato ’s smile remained the same, standing opposite the ancestors of the dead. The whole person seemed to be compatible with the world. The terrible mood made the face of the oldest ancestor of the dead change slightly.

"Interesting person!"

"If it wasn't for Zhu Yue, it was too dangerous, I didn't want to do it myself"

"So, take the trick!"

As the words just fell, the fierce magic power centered on Van Feim, spreading into a gust of wind.

At the same time, the earth is continually shaking and roaring, leaving many people or the dead some unsteady, and for a short time, giant giant dolls shaped like rocks and steel break out of the ground behind the ancestors of the dead. !

Roar roar! ! !

In the gusty wind, the giant devil appeared out of thin air and screamed in the sky. Then he punched at Nagato and Alte Luqi. The huge fist ascended to gather a lot of magic power and gust of wind, and even contained a heavy mood.

Facing the attacking giant fist, Nagato's face remained unchanged.

At the next moment, the shadow of the long gate in the moonlight suddenly deformed, the blonde girl appeared out of thin air, the magic burst out—

"In the name of Wu Yanguang Uncle Ye!"

"Appear, the first beast, the King Kong of the God Sheep!" ..

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