My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 466: Girl, you need 1 party history

Men with stories are always easy to mingle.

The man, who did not know his name, drank with Luke for a night, and finally Fang Ze called the driver and brought them back home.

Opening the door and throwing the two in, Fang Ze suddenly remembered that Leia had forgotten when he had a drink. I don't know how this girl slept tonight.

So Fangze hurried out and took a taxi to the demon management bureau.

At 6:20 in the morning, the day of the imperial capital had not yet dawned, and the lights on the first floor of the Demon Management Bureau were still on. After Fang Ze pushed the door in, he found that Leia was looking at something carefully in front of the computer.

"Leia, haven't you slept?" Fang Ze said. "Sorry, I forgot to arrange a place for you."

"Ms. Fan Qing originally invited me to her house, but I refused." Leia said, "because I learned something interesting through the computer."

"Any civilization as backward as ours, is there anything you are interested in?" Fang Ze asked with a smile.

"It's only technology that lags behind, and spirit hasn't fallen behind." Leia turned her head, rubbing her tired eyes, and then said to Fang Ze. "I thought this time was just a temporary break to avoid the pursuit of the Empire, but I The thought of it unexpectedly surprised me. "

"What surprise?" Fang Ze asked.

"History of the founding of your country." Leia turned the computer screen to let Fang Ze see the above, an article about the history of the founding of the country.

"How can an organization with only dozens of people initially establish its own country under the circumstance of invasion by foreign enemies, strong enemies, internal divisions, and repression by the governors, and gradually gain a foothold."

"Are you interested in this?"

"Yes, to be precise, I am too interested." Leia said excitedly, "The living environment of our rebels is, in a sense, very similar to the ruling organization of your country now, if I can know you How successful the organization was, I went back to defeat the Empire with confidence. "

"We can discuss this issue." Fang Ze sat opposite Leia and said to Leia, "but before we discuss, we need to make clear one question, who is your enemy?"

"It's an empire." Leia didn't understand why Fang Ze asked the question.

"The political parties we now rule in have succeeded because they have always been very clear about who their enemies are." Fang Ze told Leia. "In the early days, our enemies were separatist nations and the warlords who surrendered the powers. . After the warlords were defeated, our enemies became rulers suppressing domestic dissidents, and then, foreign enemies invaded, and we dropped our prejudices with the rulers of the time to jointly resist foreign enemies. Then, the foreign enemies' invasions were resisted We defeated our opponents and unified most of our territories. Our enemies became foreigners who were hostile to the new country, so we cleared all unequal treaties in the country and defeated the attempt to push the front line again. A multinational coalition to our border. "

"From beginning to end, we always know very clearly who our enemies are, draw all the forces that can be drawn, first solve the main enemy, and then deal with the secondary enemy. Then now, if you want to learn from us First of all, it is clear who your enemy is, is it just the empire? "

"I can't think of anyone but our empire who is our enemy?" Leia still didn't understand what Fang Ze wanted to say.

Leia Organa, this charismatic leader, although worthy of being followed by others, in fact, she has always had a fatal flaw, that is, she has never realized who her enemies are.

In the original story, the rebels overthrew the empire and established a new republic. However, the first order of the empire's surviving organization has not been eliminated, and it is gradually growing. When Leia tried to persuade the new republic to destroy the first order, she was pushed out by the ruling class of the new republic and forced to leave the center of rights and form In order to resist the First Order by the Resistance.

Although the final outcome is not yet clear, in Star Wars 8, the resistance army was very, very miserable. Not only was the First Order chased into an old base, but when the trapped base sent out a distress signal to the outside, hoping that allies could come to the rescue, none of the allies who received the distress signal came to the rescue and directly abandoned it. Resistance.

If it was not for Luke who had fought a long-held army of the First Order so that dozens of resistance forces could withdraw in time, Leia and the resistance would be completely history.

Investigating the reason, Leia has never understood who she is fighting against. Instead, she continues to launch attacks again and again like a terrorist leader. Although she upholds justice, she lacks her own territory and power. .

"Think about it, Leia." Fang Ze told Leia, "Why the Republic collapsed and why the Empire established. The Milky Way is so huge. If only a small number of separatist forces are disrupting the war between the Republic and the Empire, It should last a long time, not crash instantly. "

"Every power is not destroyed by foreign enemies, but it is self-declining and replaced by new forces. There is no doubt that it is its own reason. When most people in this power think that this power should be dead ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ he has to die, so does the republic. "

"The empire appeared because of the decline of the Jedi Order, because of the rise of Sith." Leia Fangze said, "Does it say that the enemy we are facing is Sith Samurai?"

"The reason why Sith rises is because the Jedi Order has fallen." Fang Ze continued, "When Darth Vader found Master Yoda and told him that he was worried because he had dreamed of his wife's dystocia and died, Yoda The master responded to Darth Vader: When the people around you return to the Force, you should feel happy, don't be sad, don't miss.

When Speaker Parpa appointed Anakin to have a seat in the Jedi Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian took the opportunity to humiliate Anakin and only allowed him to join the parliament, but not allowed him to have a title.

And after this incident, the Jedi Order found Anakin, let him be a secret undercover, and at any time report the parliament's every move. However, this task is not documented, which has shown that the Jedi Order has been completely reduced to political power. "

"Do you know what the Jedi's original political norm was?" Fang Ze asked.

"It's just maintaining peace, and it's not inclined to the ruling forces on either side," Leia replied.

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