My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 467: May the Force always flicker at you

"Yes." Fang Ze nodded and said, "So Anakin said to Obi-Wan before the fall: what you taught me violated the principles of the Jedi, the Republic, and a mentor and Confidant. Because in the eyes of Anakin at that time, the Jedi Order was no different from Sith, so since you are not happy in the Jedi Order, why not join Sith? "

"This, me." Leia heard these analyses from Fang Ze, and the whole person didn't know what to say.

It's not that Leia's political consciousness is lower than Fang Ze, but Fang Ze is from the perspective of an outsider, and fully understands all the secrets and history, using a kind of rational analysis without any stand-up vision.

Such an analysis is absolutely impossible for Leia in the game.

"If I want to understand these things, what book do I need to read?" Leia heard Fang Ze, although Fang Ze did not say who caused the republic's destruction, but also guessed, if you do not find the hidden forces behind the scenes Even if the empire's rule is overthrown, the new republic will go the old way of destruction.

"I help you buy some related books," Fang Ze told Leia, "but in addition, you need a teacher who is familiar with these history to teach you, just as you did not agree with the scientists of our country Can you communicate with them? You can ask them to send a relevant scholar to communicate with you. After all, some truths cannot be learned by reading alone. People will always conceal the dark history that cannot be taken to the table until a hundred years later. "

Fang Ze said, let Leia write down some mathematical formulas and physics knowledge she learned from childhood.

The positioning of these formulas in Leia's world is just for children to learn to let them know the world, but on the earth, it is enough for those famous scholars to study it for a lifetime.

This is like looking for science textbooks in high schools and throwing them at the scientists who started the industrial revolution.

Human understanding of the world has always been the genius of this generation who stepped on the shoulders of the genius of the previous generation to make progress.

Therefore, although these formulas and knowledge written by Leia are too different due to technology, some of them cannot be interpreted at all, but those that can be interpreted can definitely save the efforts of generations of Huaxia.

After having the results, it is very easy to find the cause.

After Fang Ze got this knowledge, he arranged a rest place for Leia on the second floor of the Demon Management Bureau, and then took these papers filled with future knowledge and went to the Academy to find Lin Yun in person.

Although it may be more convenient to send e-mails, the more technical things are, the easier it is to go wrong, and the most primitive method is more secure.

In this regard, Fang Ze is a bit like the KGB and always believes in people.

Standing at the entrance of the academy, Fang Ze called Lin Yun. After a while, Lin Yun walked out.

"Why did you come to me suddenly?" Lin Yun looked at Fang Ze with curiosity and asked.

"Give you this." Fang Ze yawned and handed Lin Yun a thick piece of paper. "After reading, contact me tomorrow night, and I will arrange for you to meet."

"Okay." Lin Yun didn't understand what Fang Ze meant, but she only looked at those papers and was instantly attracted.

"Leave." Fang Ze patted Lin Yun's shoulder, so sleepy that he was too lazy to return home, and was going to rest at the nearest hotel nearby.

After Fang Ze left, Lin Yun knew that the roadside was not a place to watch, and took the paper to walk back to the research institute. It happened that the top scholars of the research institute were discussing the knowledge about spherical lightning and macroelectronics.

"Lin Yun, what's in your hand?" Ding Yi on the side saw Lin Yun's paper and Lin Yun looked at the paper while walking, and asked.

"Look at this physical formula." Lin Yun handed a piece of paper filled with physical formulas to Ding Yi, and then passed a few pieces of paper filled with mathematical formulas to others.

Although the world of Star Wars and the Earth are not the same world, Star Wars tells the story of the Milky Way galaxy. Apart from the Force, there is not much difference between the galaxy and reality in other places.

Therefore, the mathematical formulas and physics theories in the Star Wars world can be used on Earth.

Even if they didn't understand it at first glance, with the explanations written by Leia above, the scientists present could understand that these formulas are likely to be true.

"I need to verify it." Ding Yi, the scientist who always looks at others, is a ‘mortal wisdom’ scientist. After seeing the physics theory on the paper, he ca n’t sit down anymore and turns his head to run directly to his office.

And other related professional scientists also hurried back, ready to take pen and paper for calculation verification.

In a blink of an eye, there were no more people running in the conference room.

"Are we going to continue the discussion?" A research institute looked at Lin Yun and asked.

"Come on." Lin Yun didn't pay much attention. She wasn't studying theory, and wouldn't go crazy like these people for some theoretical formulas.

Turning his eyes from the Academy to Fang Ze's home.

Because Fang Ze was too lazy to run back again, there was only Luke and the drunk man together for the time being.

"Well, so thirsty." The man woke up stupidly, sitting half-on the bed, only feeling dry and trying to drink water.

"Me too." Luke was woken up by the man too, and he struggled.

When the man saw Luke, he remembered that he had a drink last night with a sister who found out that he was chasing his own sister.

He shook his head, touched his pants still, and the chrysanthemum didn't feel the pain, so he was relieved immediately.

"There's water there." Luke pointed to the bottles of mineral water on the opposite side of the bed and on the table and said ~ ~ I saw it and I went to get it. The man said that he would get out of bed to get it. Luke said, "No need to bother, look at me. "

Luke stretched out his hand, and two bottles of water flew into Luke's hand under the influence of the force.

"You have a bottle, I have a bottle." Luke handed another bottle of mineral water to the man.

"It's a pretty good hand." The man was watery, confused, and his head hadn't turned.

"The Force always flickers at you." Luke took a sip of water, raised a water bottle, screamed, and felt uncomfortable, so he changed his tongue, "May the Force always be with you."

"This is qigong, what is the force." The man said with a smile when he saw Luke's move.

"No, this is the Force." Luke said seriously, "And what is qigong."

"Qigong is, qigong is." The man was about to explain to Luke, who had recovered awake at this time and suddenly realized that what had just happened to Luke!

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