My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 531: The disappearing Wang Teng

"A little trouble?" Charlotte and Peanut looked at Fang Ze, but did not understand what Fang Ze meant. But Fang Ze shook his head and said nothing.

The late first love between the dealer named Wang Teng and Tsunade, who looked like this, really could not be explained.

After all, Fang Ze can't determine for now what happened to Wang Teng, whether Tsunade will have any revenge. A woman's heart is under the sea.

After all, every time Lin Xiaoxin asked his question, there were at least ten ways to answer it, but only one was the correct answer. In this case, Ze couldn't guess Tsunade's idea.

Fang Ze asked Wu Xiaoxi if there was any abnormal condition in her body, and then rejected her invitation to have a meal in the past few days and left.

Back at the casino and getting off at the door, Fang Ze saw the dealer named Wang Teng standing at the street and talking to Tsunade. Fang Ze didn't come forward to bother, but stood outside and waited for a while until Wang Teng left before he passed.

"Are you going to come here tomorrow?" Fang Ze asked, looking at Tsunade pointedly.

"The dealer named Wang Teng introduced me to a small casino. We will go to gambling at noon tomorrow." Tsunade said, stretching a lazy side, "I felt tired after playing for a day, Let's buy some bottles of wine on the way and go back to drink. "

"Then you can only drink it alone," Fang Ze said. "I won't drink."

"People who can't drink are people who haven't tasted loneliness." Tsunade walked down the street and said, "When you wake up in the morning and open your eyes to embrace the world, you find the whole thing You are alone in the room, so what can you do without drinking at this time? "

"Playing a game." Fang Ze said with a shrug. "Thank our world for inventing video games for us. Otherwise, I will feel really empty in the morning. Of course, it means someone like me who doesn't need work. Yes People who work have to work every day, because life is forced, so they ca n’t afford to be sad.

"So it's nice to be rich." Tsunade and Fang Ze bought wine at a roadside store. Tsunade opened a small bottle and drank, and said, "You can go to work without gambling if you have money. Drink, play games, and let go of your loneliness. If you have no money, you can only work. "

"Money is the courage of young people. It is the" no-seeking "of middle-aged people. It is the life of elderly people." Fang Ze also felt a little bit emotional. "If you come to visit me half a year ago, I have no money to accompany you. Come here to gamble and lose money. "

"Just the dealer of that casino," Tsunade said, squinting his eyes. "He told me that he had a girlfriend before, and was in love with him while he was receiving someone's support. The two of them really love each other, so he He asked to ask his girlfriend to leave the man who took care of him. But his girlfriend told him that there were patients in his family who needed to pay high medical expenses, and if he could, she would leave the man. "

"So they broke up in the end?"

"Yeah. He's here as a dealer. He feels that although such work is boring and no mistakes are allowed, the money is still a lot."

"Say you just met," Fang Ze said. "Why are you talking about such privacy so quickly?"

"Because a gambler with a big shot generally doesn't mind where to lose money, he wants to use these words to win my sympathy and gamble with him, so that he can get a good commission."

"Well, okay. I think what you said makes sense." Fang Ze called Lao Zhang and told them that they had another plan tomorrow, so he wouldn't have to take Zhang to the casino.

Tsunade returned to the hotel, and simply ate a little sushi provided by the hotel and fell asleep.

Fang Ze knew that the woman looked more casual than anyone else, but her heart was actually more closed than anyone else.

The reason why Naruto has been so fired for so long is that, in addition to the basic love of Naruto and Sasuke, there are also tragic characters in the attractive place.

Careful inventory, you will actually find that few ninjas in the world of Naruto have a normal life.

Including Muhuiye, the largest boss in Naruto, initially ended the war with his own strength and brought peace to the world. But in the end, he became greedy because of his strength, which caused a new war, which was also full of irony.

Nothing is more tragic than rights and war.

But human progress often relies on both, which is the law set by nature when humans prey on tigers and lions in the forest.

The next day, when he was full of vitality, Tsunade received a call from Wang Teng. Wang Teng informed the address of Tsunade Casino on the phone. The two rushed over at noon ~ ~ Wang The place introduced by Teng is indeed a small casino. Although the environment looks good, the scale should be an illegal small casino with no gambling right, operating under the guise of casual play among friends.

After Tsunade said his introducer, he sat at the gambling table and started playing, but Wang Teng, who would come over because of the shift today, had never been shown.

"Wang Teng, that kid." The owner of the casino is also a gambler at the poker table. After facing Tsunade's inquiry, he thought about it and said, "It stands to reason that this kid is going to rest today, and he will definitely be here, after all Some of the guests were introduced by him. If he didn't come, the guests would be deceived by others, which would wipe out his reputation. But I do n’t know why it has n’t appeared until now, and he did n’t answer the phone. It may be something urgent. "

"Well, that's it." Although Tsunade didn't speak, after listening to the boss's answer, there was already a snack.

"I'll help you find someone, you can play here." Fang Ze plugged a mobile phone he bought yesterday to Tsunade, "I will notify you if there is news."

"Okay." Tsunade waved his hand, pretending not to care, and signaled that Fang Ze could go.

Asked Wang Teng's phone number from the casino owner. After Fang Ze came out of the casino, he called Charlotte first.

Combined with yesterday's news, Fang Ze doesn't think that Wang Teng's unexpected disappearance will have good results. To avoid getting the police's attention, Fang Ze had to call locals like Charlotte.

Standing at the door of Wang Tengjia Community, more than ten minutes later, Charlotte, Peanut, and Wu Xiaoxi all came over.

"You are here too." Fang Ze looked at Wu Xiaoxi.

He was originally a Charlotte and Peanut who did not know how Wu Xiaoxi became smaller, but now it seems that these two people are afraid of knowing something.

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