My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 505: Hysteria

Macau ’s area is smaller than Hong Kong ’s, but in recent years, the economy has not been much worse than Hong Kong ’s (in terms of gdp). At the same time, Macau ’s housing prices are much lower than Hong Kong ’s, and even lower than those of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Although the economy has declined slightly in recent years, there are actually many people who are optimistic about Hong Kong.

In 2007, a famous American businessman saw the potential of Macau and planned to invest in Macau. But when he tried to register a trademark under his own name, he found that the trademark had been registered a year ago, and he was very angry about it because his company is a world-renowned brand and all After his name, he sued the other party to court.

However, in the final judgment of the Macau court, the businessman was allowed to open a hotel in his own name, but not a restaurant.

So the angry businessman found the then * government of the United States in one year and asked the government to help him.

A month later, the * government wrote back to him, saying that although the government agreed with him, it had no right to intervene in local legal proceedings in Macau.

Do you think it's over?

In one or six years, this buddy won the lawsuit while winning the nomination of the party president, and successfully made his name available in Macau.

Soon after, this buddy not only won the position of US President, but also successfully granted the Macau government the right to use four trademarks, including even the gaming industry.

That's right, this buddy is the current president of the United States *.

It is precisely because of this that some people laughed at it. * Protection of trade protectionism after taking office was actually caused by dissatisfaction * The government did not take care of his business in Macau.

Therefore, because Macau is not too expensive compared to local prices, Wang Teng, a dealer who has worked in casinos for many years, is not very bad.

Four people from Fangze came down to the door of Wang Teng's house and knocked on the door, but no one responded.

"Not at home?" Fang Ze asked suspiciously.

"Brother, do you have Wang Teng's phone? Try calling." Wu Xiaoxi said.

Wang Teng called Fang Ze from the casino owner. However, before the casino owner had been playing, there was no answer. Fang Ze did not think that playing here would have any effect.

But since Wu Xiaoxi said, he still called Wang Teng's phone number.

When Wu Xiaoxi saw Fang Ze's phone call in the past, he immediately lay on the crack of the door and wanted to hear whether there was a ringing sound in the phone.

"There is no voice in the telephone." Fang Ze patted Wu Xiaoxi's back and motioned to her.

"Well, okay." Wu Xiaoxi got up from the ground and turned to look at Charlotte in the back.

"Okay, I'll open the door." Charlotte said to Wu Xiaoxi, "if someone is found, then we will follow the old rules. Just say you're lost outside, and then tell my home is here, I will try Opening the door wants to send you home. "

"No problem." Wu Xiaoxi stepped back from the door and let Charlotte open the door.

Children do have some advantages in some aspects, at least people generally don't think they will lie.

Charlotte took out some tools, opened the door three or two times, and then four people quickly entered Wang Teng's house.

"The living room is very tidy. It looks like this Wang Teng is a clean person." Charlotte entered Wang Teng's house and began to try to analyze Wang Teng's personality through the environment at home.

But before Charlotte could say a few words, Fang Ze sniffed his nose and said, "The bedroom smells bloody."

"What ?!" When Charlotte and Peanut heard Fang Ze's words, they pushed the door and walked into the bedroom.

The environment of the bedroom is the same as that of the living room. They are very clean and tidy, except that the bed is not only messy, but also a corpse: Wang Teng's corpse.

None of the four people present were rookies. In this case, no one was panic. Instead, they began to pay attention to protecting the scene and tried to analyze the cause of the death of the deceased.

Wang Teng was lying on the bed, his right hand's wrist had been cut, and his bed was covered with blood.

Wu Xiaoxi walked to Wang Teng, probed Wang Teng's left wrist and nose with his hand, and then said.

"This person is dead, and from the temperature of the body, the death will not take more than half an hour."

"The cause of death should have been excessive blood loss," Charlotte said after examining the corpse. "The exposed part of the corpse did not have any remaining trauma, and the knife marks went from the inside out."

While Charlotte and Wu Xiaoxi were examining the body, Fang Ze set his eyes on the bedroom desk.

The desk in Wang Teng's bedroom is the same as the living room. It is extremely neat, with a monitor ~ ~ a desk lamp and a briefcase. On the left side of the writing desk, there is also a huge exhibition cabinet with many hands on it.

Fang Ze glanced curiously at these hands, and found that the positions of these hands were not particularly neat, and one of the Dragon Ball hands was not perfectly placed on the base. The other saber was driving a motorcycle, and the long sword in saber's hand was broken, and the sword tip was still next to the hand.

"There's an open notebook here," said Peanut, who was carefully looking at the desk.

"Show me." Charlotte took the notebook over, and found that the page turned on was a suicide note.

"Wang Teng said that he committed suicide because he was a dealer in the past few years and thought he had learned the rules of gambling, so he gambled in a small casino opened by others. As a result, he not only lost his property, but also borrowed it. Usury, there is no way to repay, but suicide.

"Fake." Fang Ze said directly after listening to Wang Teng's posthumous content. "Yesterday he and my friend met today at the casino. If it was suicide, I would have thought."

"There is no way to overturn the conclusion of suicide for such a reason alone." Charlotte shook her head and said, "Some people commit suicide because of a sudden mental breakdown, or because of their own hysteria, and a sudden attack led to suicide."

Charlotte said this, but it reminded Fang Ze of an incident in the courtyard of his childhood.

There is a man who is the driver of the unit and has no major problems in family and career. But one day, I drove the unit's car to review the car. When I was on a bridge, I suddenly called my wife and said that someone was going to catch him and throw him into the river.

The wife immediately called the police, but when the police arrived, they only issued one of the men's shoes.

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