My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 544: Performance

Of course, the most spartan operations of Spartans in history don't stop there.

The Spartans fighting for freedom, which are extremely rendered in the movie, did not want to fight the Persians at first. Because the most anti-Persia in Greece is actually Athens. In the two Hippo wars, the first marathon to reverse the victory was played by Athens. The second battle of Salamis, which repelled Persia, was also fought by Athens.

So from the beginning, the Spartans did not even think about going to the front to stop the Persians, but hid behind the walls of Corinthians. Later, the Athenians Xu Yizhong profited, so that the Spartans sent their heavy infantry to face the battle, and defeated the Persians in the battle of Platya.

After the war was over, General Sparta, the hero who defeated Persia in this war, joined forces with the venomous Persians in order to defeat Athens in the future. With the help of the Persians, he created a navy and defeated him. To Athens.

Such a nation, angry Kratos beheaded King Sparta with a stab.

Of course, if there were three hundred Spartans in history today, even if Fangze was suffering two hundred injuries, he would have to use all means to bind the three million and still be imprisoned in the car for three days, because of who I know if they will suddenly make a nerve and hurt someone on the street.

However, when Fang Ze entered Wuling Hongguang's expansion space, when he saw three hundred naked men wearing only pants and red capes, he concluded that these three hundred Spartan naked men were from the movie, and all of them had modernity. The beautiful character of ancient people that people imagined.

Because in history, apart from wearing a red cape, the Spartans will not be fully covered before they enter the battlefield!

Not to mention Sparta, but any normal warrior on the battlefield will not only wear big pants, isn't this to death. Spartan warriors in history were heavily armored infantry.

After talking with King Leonidas for a while, Fangze determined that their timeline should be a few days before the three hundred naked men of Sparta went to the hot springs to stop the Persians.

In other words, after a week of guest visits here at Fangze, these people will go to the battlefield to fight a war destined to be completely destroyed. This war, no matter how Fang Ze reminded in advance, the ending can not be changed, after all, this is the general trend, and cannot be changed by one or two future news.

"I'll help you find a place to live tomorrow," Fang Ze said to Leonidas. "Since you have come to my country, then I will let you live and eat well."

"No need." Leonidas refused decisively after hearing Fang Ze's words. "The more comfortable the life, the more the soldiers will not be able to devote themselves to the battlefield, because they are afraid to die on the battlefield, they will not be able to enjoy these good things, so these days you only need to provide the most basic diet and beds . "

"Okay." Fang Ze looked at Leonida with a serious expression, knowing that he was serious, so he didn't force it.


Fang Ze's eyes rolled slowly, and a bold idea was born.

Didn't Xiao Hei reject the guy from the wrestling group yesterday. Among the guys in the baseball wrestling group, the strongest one is not as strong as the worst of the three hundred Spartan warriors.

One is the product of the gym, and the other is a real training exercise, so the effect is completely different.

If you can get these three hundred people to perform, then there will definitely be a support show today.

After all, although the discussion number asked Lei to come over to sing a song yesterday, after all, Lei was just an up host. The time he could perform was short and he couldn't support the whole show.

But how can we talk about these Spartans?

Fang Ze thought for a while and turned to Leonidas, saying, "His Majesty the King, I admire the Spartans' fighting power very much. Because in our country, we rarely see such a powerful cold weapon warrior, so I hope you can send some soldiers to perform Spartan fighting and military formations for the lives of our country. As a report, I will give you some Persian information. "

"Although the Spartans have not performed a precedent for the people of other countries. But since we are fortunate to come to a world that is completely different from ours, then I think we can break this example. You need three hundred of us together to serve You still only need dozens of people to perform. "Leonidas did not know if it was moved by the Persian materials submitted by Fang Ze, and agreed to Fang Ze's performance request.

"It only takes dozens of people, and I think 80 people is a reasonable number." Fang Ze estimated the size of the stadium in his heart, and felt that there were 80 Spartans, which was actually enough. With more ninjutsu, the venue center will become very crowded.

"Okay." Leonida nodded immediately and agreed. It turns out that the Spartans came out of the movie world to speak better. If in the real world, Fang Ze had to put a video of modern weapons ~ ~ to let them realize what is small.

However, since it is easy to talk, Fang Ze also does not want to use thermal weapons such as machine gun missiles on these Spartans. If a group of cold weapon fighters who think that as long as their muscles are sufficiently developed can defeat any enemy can see the power of modern hot weapons, it is estimated that even Leonidas will shake their beliefs.

Some of the old things abandoned by the times are actually not wrong in themselves, but because the times are not needed, they are crushed by history.

Just like many traditional Chinese craftsmanship, although the government has been shouting for protection, it can only be forced to maintain one or two generations at most. They are not at fault, but because the wheels of history are ruthless, they can only being abandoned.

If anything is to be maintained by speaking about feelings and preaching history, then it is not far from complete extinction.

The same is true of the three hundred cold weapon fighters in the Spartan city-state. Even if the movie is abnormal and can kill 20,000 people, in reality, it only takes a few machine guns to quickly kill them.

Wuling Hongguang slowly stopped in the underground parking lot of the gymnasium. Fang Ze told Leonidas to take a few people to follow him out first, and talked with Xiao Hei about the performance.

"Right." King Leonidas looked at Fang Ze and said, "when do you promise to give us the Persian information. When we go down, I need to let us in the literacy follow you to get over."

Well, Fang Ze thought that the Spartan king hadn't mentioned this just now, because the brave was fearless and didn't need to know the Persian information in advance.

Walking to the control center of Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, Fangze projected a screen for the Spartans in the expansion space.

ps: There are two chapters to be published in a while, and need to be changed.

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