My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 545: We have 300 guys like this

Fonze tuned out the movie Spartan Three Hundred Warriors, then cut out all the pictures of Spartans and Persians fighting, and mosaic all the Persians, including the King of Persian faces. .

This operation finally avoided the shield of the big meow and let this group of Spartans see the Persians and their various legions in the movie.

Although not much is played, it is enough to benefit the ancient Spartans. After all, knowing in advance what armies and methods the other party has, for ancient warfare, it is the most comprehensive information.

Fanze and Leonidas, as well as three Spartan warriors out of the underground parking lot, walked towards the stadium.

If placed in other places, such as Leonidas Spartans wearing only big pants and red cloaks, they will definitely be scorned by countless old ladies and old ladies, but at the exhibition, there is no need for Fang Ze to worry about this group. The Spartans are too weird to wear. After all, there are a lot of three hundred cos spartans warriors every year. With such distinctive clothing, everyone can recognize at a glance that this is a cos spartan, not a naked man.

But although no one scolded them, Leonidas were also watched and photographed by people around them. After all, cos can cos, but the two-dimensional circle, which is misunderstood by outsiders as a gathering place for obese dead houses, actually has very few fit people, let alone Leonidas who have real muscles. .

Fang Ze saw several pairs of a girls, ran over and wanted to take a photo with Leonidas, but stood together and compared his chest, and immediately left his face.

It's too hurtful.

In Xiao Hei's office, before Fang Ze went in, he saw that the contact person of the naked men wrestling group that he had seen yesterday in the house came over to talk to Xiao Hei.

"Don't you say that our performance conflicted with your other performance yesterday. Why did you want to come over to perform again today?" Xiao Hei sat on the sofa and looked at the guy in front of the cheering group leisurely.

Of course, because we simply took your job, after you did n’t want to increase the price, I was scolded by the team members after I went back. After all, it ’s a fortune to make a fortune, for a little extra money, give up The whole performance was really stupid.

Although I thought so, the contact person of the wrestling group still pretended to have a very sincere expression on his face and said to Xiao Hei, "Boss, this is the case. I went back and thought about it, and thought we were all almost the same The young people who have just come out to work hard in the society, so they need to help each other, so although you don't give as much money as another one, we are still willing to come to you to perform. "

"Are you sure you want to come and perform with us?" Xiao Hei looked at the man and asked, "This time no price increase?"

"No," said the man, shaking his head resolutely.

"I don't need your performance if you don't add it," said Xiao Heitan. "Now you say no, if you suddenly yell for more money one minute before you play, I don't have so many good feelings. You destroy. "

"Um, boss, don't you think we're asking for too much money?" The man in front of him looked at Xiaohei, thinking about it, and said with a bitter face, "If we don't pay for the show, we will Discuss? "

"No need to discuss, I can't cooperate with you again for the second time." Xiao Hei said bluntly, "I don't know how you usually do business with others. But in my case, your credibility is Only once, if you choose to give up your credibility, I will not give you a second chance. "

Although Xiao Hei has explicitly rejected it, the man in the baseball wrestling group still wants to fight for it. He then said to Xiao Hei, "I saw that you have advertised on major media to promote your animation festival. Among them, I also mentioned that the performance competition of the first week will be performed by a famous domestic cheerleader team.

So, if we don't go to the show, it will disappoint the audience who came over for us today. I think this is something you and I don't want to see, so taking a step back is good for everyone. "

"Sorry, I'm talking about the cheerleader team, and I didn't say it was your cheerleader wrestling group, or it could be the cheerleader women's group. So don't play for yourself. Where do I come from before I am completely angry? Just go back there. "

"However, in the whole country, there is only one team that is mainly engaged in performing muscle cheerleaders. I think you can't find the second one that can compete with us." The contact person of the cheerleader wrestling group just finished speaking, Fang Ze walked over with a group of Leonidas.

"Who said that there is only one of you guys." Fang Ze pointed at Leonidas and said, "You can have someone stronger than our guys first."

"You guys?" The guy in the baseball wrestling group didn't expect to kill another Cheng to bite gold. The counterparts were enemies. Their eyes naturally passed Fangze's small arm and calf, and they looked at Leonissu to hit them.

This thigh, this muscle, this arm.

Slippery ~ ~ Several people in the baseball wrestling group looked at the strong Spartans, and their saliva almost didn't stay.

"Fang Ze, the person you are looking for is here." Xiao Hei saw Fang Ze leading a few strong men, and immediately stood up to cooperate with Fang Ze, making the guy think that Xiao He had already found another Other **** guys.

"Yes, here it is." Fang Ze pointed to Leonidas and said, "This is the Spartak group I'm looking for. This is their leader, King Leonidas."

"Hello King Leonidas." Xiao Hei glanced at the pieces of muscle in front of the members of the Spartakist group that Fangze called, although he did not look like the members of the group The excitement flows out of the water. But still shocked. After all, it is not easy to build such a muscle in peacetime.

"Leonidas, although they didn't understand what Fan Ze said when they introduced them, they said hello to Xiao Hei.

"You guys are called Spartan gangs?" The gang wrestlers looked at Fangze and Leonidas and said, "I have never heard of you. It is a gang formed recently. Members are not More, is there any intention to cooperate, I think we can cooperate in the future. "

"No," Fang Ze said, pointing to Leonida's fierce chest muscles. "We have three hundred guys like this."

Although the guy in the baseball wrestling group thought that Fang Ze was boasting, he left slumped. Xiao Hei wanted to talk to Fang Ze about the performance, but was called out by An Ruoxi to deal with another matter.

Looking at no one around, King Leonida asked curiously to Fangze, "You just introduced us as a Spartak group. What is a group member?"

(End of this chapter) * fo *

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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