My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 548: Eat and drink lazar

.. you can't mess with my guests

Of course, if the manager finds that Fang Ze really does not have a clear idea of ​​how big a sleeping bag is, he will immediately ask a car to help Fang Zela go back.

No matter where they are, businessmen are the most proficient group.

Three hundred sleeping bags stacked on the ground were like hills. Fangze opened the door of Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, and then instructed the four Spartans to hold the sleeping bags one by one and throw them into the car. At this time, the Spartans who were still in the car would drag the sleeping bag to the expansion space in Wuling Hongguang Batcar, which would not occupy the space in the car at all.

So under the manager's attention, three hundred pieces of sleeping bags, like hills, disappeared into Wuling Hongguang, and when the last sleeping bag was thrown into Wuling Hongguang by the Spartans, Fangze arrived. In front of the manager, he took out his mobile phone and said to the manager, "Check out the bill."

"That." The manager stuttered and said the price of three hundred sleeping bags, pointed to Wuling Hongguang and said to Fang Ze, "You should not be a magic team."

"Almost." Fang Ze smiled, then in the expression that the manager couldn't figure out, got on the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, and then drove back to the neighborhood where he was at home.

"It's a very practical thing." Leonida and the other Spartans knew nothing about it, and soon understood how to use a sleeping bag.

Their long years of military career immediately made them realize how convenient this kind of thing would be if applied to war.

Even if you use a sleeping bag, you still need a tent. However, the sleeping bag is obviously more practical than the bed in the camp, on the one hand, it can prevent the ground from getting too cold and causing the soldiers to get sick. On the other hand, a sleeping bag that can cover the whole body is obviously warmer than a quilt.

Of course, modern sleeping bags still seem to be inadequate for Leonidas. For example, the zipper is completely a redundant setting. Although the zipper can make the sleeping bag warmer, once the enemy strikes at night, the soldiers cannot get out of the sleeping bag to fight immediately.

So remove the zipper and let the half sleeping bag open directly. When you sleep at night, you can press under your body to ensure that the cold wind outside will not come in. Once the enemy strikes, as long as one side is turned, the sleeping bag can be opened, and the soldier lying in the sleeping bag can rush out to meet.

Fang Ze felt that Leonida's idea was also very good, but he did not know whether the Spartan craftsmanship could create a project-oriented sleeping bag in Greek times.

However, in order to make a good relationship with the Spartans, Fang Ze still drew a drawing of the sleeping bag on paper and gave it to Leonidas, and asked him to go back and try to get Spartan women. Create sleeping bags.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, the problem of Spartans sleeping was finally solved.

And then just eat.

In the early morning of the next day, Fangze bought a large amount of bread and cooked fresh cut meat and sent it to Wuling Hongguang. This time Leonidas did not reject Fangze.

Of course, the reason for not rejecting is not because eating is not a kind of enjoyment, but that Fang Ze took Leonidas to watch several visits in a row, so that Leonidas believed that the food that Fang Ze had found for them It was really the worst, and they accepted it helplessly.

"Your country is too focused on enjoyment." On the street, Leonida looked at the dazzling shops on the street and turned to Fang Ze. "A country like this cannot train real soldiers."

"I don't agree with you," Fang Ze shook his head and denied. "This is how you define a soldier."

"Soldiers, naturally, are the ones who can kill the enemy and defend their country on the battlefield." Leonidas showed his muscles and said,

So only the strongest, most fearless, and least afraid of suffering can become a true soldier. "

"Then why do soldiers need to defend their country?"

"Because there are other nations ravaging our land, food, and women," Leonidas said without hesitation.

"Yes." Fang Ze pointed to the bustling streets. "There will never be a shortage of people and countries in the world who do not work hard, but they want to use force to plunder the people and countries of the hard work. There are hundreds of countries in this world, and our country is not the strongest one. But we can enjoy the fruits of our labor without fear of plunder by others, and guess why. "

"I didn't think of that," Leonida patted his chest and said, "If that's the case, then it proves that your country has a group of real soldiers who are guarding the whole country and will be dark. Block out of sight of ordinary civilians. "

"Yes." Fang Ze pointed to Leonidas, and then pointed to himself and said, "My Majesty, do you remember why you went to the hot springs?"

"Because it is necessary to resist the invasion of the Persians," Leonidas answered without hesitation.

"Because if the Persians come, then all of your Spartans will be taken away. Therefore, you are called soldiers because you can go to the hot springs to protect your city without fear of death ~ www. ~ And the reason why we Chinese people can eat hot pots and sing songs here is also because a group of real soldiers are not afraid of death to protect us where we cannot see. "

"To pay tribute to every soldier in Huaxia." Leonida saluted a Spartan military salute to Ze.

"Also pay tribute to you Spartans." Fang Ze also gave a Chinese military ceremony to Leonidas.

The two of them blew a wave of business, and they were very happy with each other. When thinking about how to compliment each other, suddenly a Spartan came over.

"Your Majesty, a few brothers said they would go to the toilet and asked if they could fix it on the spot."

"Do not!" Fang Ze dared to shout before Leonidas spoke.

If these three hundred Spartans were allowed to solve their urination anywhere in their Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, then after they left, Fang Ze would have no courage to go into Wuling Hongguang Batmobile's expansion space to take a look .

Ran to the supermarket quickly, bought seven or eight barrels, and then Fang Ze handed the barrels to the Spartan. "Let your brother settle the urine in this bucket first, and I'll figure out what to do after the rest."

"Okay." The Spartan looked at the bucket well. It was convenient and echoed the simple aesthetics of the Spartans, so he happily carried the bucket back.

"No matter how powerful a warrior, you must first solve the problem of eating and drinking to defend the country." Leonida was in a good mood and made a joke to Fangze.

"It seems that in the past few days, your eating and drinking has made me busy." Fang Ze felt a sweat on his forehead and thought, knowing that, yesterday, I should insist that these Spartans stay in the hotel. inner.

PS: At six o'clock this afternoon, two chapters will be updated.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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