My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 549: Same sky, same grassland.

When trying to solve the problems of life for these three hundred Spartans, Fang Ze finally understood why logistics is the most important part of the war.

With just three hundred people eating and drinking Lazar, Fangze was already so busy, let alone the tens of thousands of people in the ancient war and the logistics of hundreds of thousands of people.

Originally, Fang Ze also thought about whether to find a larger warehouse to house these 300 Spartans, but one and a half will find such a large warehouse, and two to three hundred people sleep in the warehouse for a week, very Easy to attract the attention of others.

Therefore, Fang Ze still had to resort to the great Taobao, bought a dozen portable toilets, and then increased the price so that the other party sent them overnight, and solved the problem of 300 Spartans going to the toilet.

The problem of the toilet was solved, and other problems such as bathing were not so demanding, so Fangze bought a car and sent them in for bathing. Everyone is a man. There is no need to set up a bathroom Occlusion.

In the process, Fang Ze also found that he could just use these Spartans to repair some simple facilities in his expansion space. So he bought building materials and put them in the car, so that these Spartans built a lot of facilities for himself, so that guests can stay in the car in the future.

"This is a map of where you are." In the library, Fang Ze found a map of ancient Greece and explained to Leonidas who was next to him.

"This is Sparta, this is Athens. This place is the territory of Greece, and across from you, across the ocean, is Persian territory."

"Persian territory is so huge ?!" Leonidas looked at the territory and was shocked.

Before the rise of modern surveying and mapping, the maps of the ancients were actually quite rough, and when they went out to battle, they basically relied on the locals to guide them. The maps were only an aid. If you march according to the map, you will definitely get lost.

In fact, even the maps drawn by European countries during the Industrial Revolution were full of loopholes, and the locations of continents were not accurately drawn. At first glance, modern people will definitely wonder which planet map this is. Not like the earth at all.

So having an accurate map is absolutely significant for Spartans.

"Can I take this map away?" Leonida asked, looking at Fangze.

"I don't know, it depends on the person who brought you here." Fang Ze explained, "I had a lot of customers before, and I hope to take away some of our things, but none succeeded, so for the sake of insurance , I can give you a pen, and you can draw this map on your cloak. "

"Thank you very much." Leonida picked up the map, and then bowed his head to Fangze. "The Spartans will never forget your help. From today, you are our Spartans. friends forever."

"Ahaha, you are so kind." Fang Ze saw Leonida suddenly so serious, knowing that this is the friendship of these people, so when they leave, the gifts they can get will be up to a higher grade.

"My dear, what are you buying these books for?" Just as Leonida was chatting with Fangze, they were diagonally across, and a man and a woman were also saying something. Because the voice was deliberately low, it was easily heard by Fanze and Leonidas.

"The Gentle Childbirth", "Kap Newborn Soothing Act", "I'm from the Rainbow". These books are all about fertility. "

"Yeah." The woman held the book in her arms, then looked at the man and said, "Because I'm pregnant, don't be surprised!"

"You're pregnant ?! I'm going to be a dad!" The man first exulted, and then suddenly thought of something, said, "Wait, I came back three days ago. Are you pregnant so soon?"

"Yeah," said the woman, holding the man's face, "You have been out for three years, and after three years, isn't it normal to return a shot? I tested it with an early pregnancy paper today. found."

"Yes!" The man heard the woman's words and never doubted it again. If it weren't for the library, the man would probably hold the woman for several laps.

"Khekeke." Fang Ze heard a strange conversation between the man and the woman diagonally across his face, with a strange expression on his face, as if smirking vigorously.

"What's wrong with you?" Leonida asked, looking at Fangze.

"Nothing, just suddenly wanted to give a green hat to the man who just spoke."

"Green hat?" Leonida asked curiously.

"In our country, if a woman is derailed, then we will say that this man is wearing a green hat on his head." Fang Ze said as he led Leonidas to checkout.

"But the man just said that when he returned with his wife, he did have the same bed, so how do you know that the man was wearing a green hat?" Leonidas then asked.

"Because it takes six to eight days for the fertilized egg to implant, and after the same bed ~ ~ seven to ten days can be used to test whether the pregnancy is pregnant. The man came back three days ago, his The wife told him that he was pregnant using early pregnancy paper, so the child in the woman's belly cannot be a man. "

After Fang Ze explained to Leonidas the reason, Leonidas didn't have any special reaction, just said lightly, "It looks like this man will have a virgin son."

"What is the son of a virgin?" Fang Ze's turn asked Leonida curiously this time. However, Leonida did not answer Fang Ze, but just walked out of the bookstore with a serious expression along the way.

After Leonida entered the expansion space of Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, Fang Ze took Baidu with a cell phone and took a look at the virgin son of the Spartan population.

Then, Fang Ze immediately raised infinite respect and sympathy for these Spartans.

Because Spartan men are all soldiers, once there is a hard war, most men will go out to fight. Therefore, once Sparta encountered a difficult and unusual war, which caused the entire army to fight for 20 years before returning to its hometown.

When they returned, they discovered that their wives had given birth to many children during the past two decades, and they were also known as the sons of virgins.

Of course, the Spartans are not stupid. If you look closely, you will find that the sons of these virgins look very similar to their slave Herrows.


The same sky, the same grassland, if you want to live a good life, you must have some green on your head.

Fang Ze thought of this, and decided to give these Spartans a bit more meat to eat tonight. After all, eating can solve thousands of worries.

ps: one more chapter after

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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