My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 590: Hours minutes hours seconds

‘Om ~~~~~’ The sound of the phone vibrating sounded, and the young man hurriedly took out his phone and then connected the phone.

"Hey, it's time, I'm fine, but I don't know how to faint, but fortunately, a kind person helped me into his room. You asked for the room number, I asked." Ma Zongxiang said, looking towards Fang Ze "Well, what's your room number here, my friend can't rest assured, come over and see."

"Eighth," Fang Ze said to the young man, "you let them go directly to the top, just turn left."

"Okay." Ma Zongxiang hurriedly told Fang Ze's words to his friends. After a while, the door slammed outside Fangze's room.

Ma Zongxiang glanced at Fang Ze and quickly ran to open the door.

Two ordinary dresses came in from the door, looking at two men and one woman who had just left high school.

"This is my friend's hour." Ma Zongxiang introduced Fang Ze with a hint of the boy, then he pointed at the girl and said, "This is the sister of hour, hour and minute."

The names of the siblings are interesting. After Fang Ze heard Ma Zongxiang's introduction, he felt a little happy. Of course, on the surface, it still looks like a calm and successful man.

"Hello," Fang Ze didn't get up, just greeted kindly on the sofa.

"Hello." After brothers and sisters and Fang Ze greeted him, he began to look around without hesitation about what this presidential suite, which only exists for him in legend, looks like. When Sec wanted to reach for this shameful brother, he couldn't hold it.

"Want to sit down and have a drink," Fang Ze pointed to the freezer in the room and said.

"Well, we don't." Shi Sec was about to say no, and Shi Fen suddenly stepped in. "Okay."

Then he and Ma Zongxiang happily went to the freezer in the room to pick up drinks. Sec could only sit in front of Fang Ze, embarrassed, and said, "Sorry, my brother is not very good here, don't mind."

"Nothing." Fang Ze shook his head.

Voldemort also changed clothes and came out of the room at this time. He watched that there were three more Muggles in the room, and his expression was a little impatient. But this emotion was soon hidden by his pale face.

"Is this uncle sick?" He asked Voldemort's too pale face when he looked at it.

"Brother." Every second I saw that my brother was stupid in front of strangers and couldn't bear it anymore. He immediately took a stab at the soft meat at the waist and opened his mouth when it hurt.

"How do I feel that I've seen you somewhere." Ma Zongxiang, who was drinking, didn't care if Voldemort was sick, he always felt that he should have met this person somewhere.

"Maybe it's because I'm very popular." Voldemort's speech came with icy special effects, not only his voice was cold, but he was also cold.

Looks like you, who can go out and urinate on the street, can be accurately picked out from the crowd by the aunt and uncle on the street, and is it the public? !!

Do you think you are Yang Guo who is unremarkable?

Hours and minutes were not pulled by the hour and second, and almost used Voldemort to show what Voldemort's face was.

After drinking the beverage, Ma Zongxiang and others felt that it was time for them to leave, so they said goodbye to Fang Ze and left.

"There will be no problem with that Ma Zongxiang." Fang Ze watched the brother and sister and Ma Zongxiang went out, so he turned to Voldemort and said, "I should give you the magic wand for you to change his memory. "

"I don't think you will return the magic wand to me before I leave." Voldemort didn't particularly mind if Ma Zongxiang remembered that he had cursed him.

"That's not necessarily true." Fang Ze shrugged, then crossed his legs on the sofa, closed his eyes, and began to breathe regularly.

The Earth is not like the Star Wars world is the Force everywhere, every Jedi warrior can feel every move of everything around him by virtue of the Force.

However, Fang Ze can still stretch out the original force and use it as his extended sense.

This is due to the fact that what he chose was not the original force's skills, but directly the heritage and knowledge of the Jedi apprentice.

"Brother, give me a sip." When the three came to the corner to take the elevator, they grabbed the drink in their hands every second.

"The person who called you just now told you not to take it, and now I don't have any more." Shimi was unwilling to share the drink in his hand with the hour and second.

"Well, didn't you take one more bottle when you took it just now?" Ma Zongxiang on the side revealed it relentlessly.

"Which is there." Hours and minutes have just been refuted, but the eyes and hands have already found a can of beverages hidden in Hours and Clothes pockets, so grab them before the hours and no response.

"Well, that's what I'm going to drink tomorrow." Shimian was a little reconciled and wanted to grab the drink back, but the seemingly weak girl of Shishen was far more effective than hours ~

"It was the first time I entered the presidential suite." Ma Zongxiang said while watching the hours, hours, seconds, brothers and sisters playing, "I didn't expect that the people living inside were actually pretty good."

"Right." Hearing Ma Zongxiang's words, Sec suddenly asked, "Can you remember when you fainted?"

"I don't remember." Ma Zongxiang thought with his head up for a while, but found that he couldn't remember how he fainted and how he was helped into the presidential suite. "

"How do I feel that something is wrong." The IQ of Sec is obviously higher than the two goods of Sima and Ma Zongxiang. He looked at Ma Zongxiang and said, "What do you do when you come in this hotel, aren't we talking to Yangcheng to play and only staying at a youth hostel, why did you come to this place?"

"I don't know," Ma Zongxiang said, shaking his head. "I remember I was walking down the street and I wanted to find a nearby youth hostel, but walking around, I didn't know what turned into this hotel and then fainted."

"That is to say, we are here soon, right, right?" Shi seconds raised his arm and looked at the time, and then said, "It has been three hours since you left. You are probably in That presidential suite stayed for three hours, and the young man who lived in the presidential suite didn't notify the hotel attendant or call the hospital, but just helped you into the room. "

"Oops!" After listening to her sister's words, she looked at Ma Zongxiang and patted her thigh. "Old horse, shouldn't you be that one."

"Which?" Ma Zongxiang hadn't turned his head at this time.

"It's the chrysanthemum, it's burst." Shiji said clearly, "Think about it, for three hours, enough people will take you off the **** and then clean it and then put on your bed clothes!"

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