My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 591: What did Voldemort do

"No!" Shi Zhuang's words really scared Ma Zongxiang, he hurriedly reached out and touched his buttocks.

"Brother, do you feel anything unusual in the buttocks?" Shi Fen reached out and grabbed Ma Zongxiang's shoulder and asked.

"I didn't feel anything." Ma Zongxiang touched for a long time, and did not feel the hot feeling coming from the chrysanthemum.

"Is it because the time is too long, so there is no response." Hours and minutes chin thought for a while, turned around and asked Sec, "Sec, you can go to the boys' hospital to check if chrysanthemum has been taken Anal. "

"Go to death, how do I know this." After all, Sec second is a girl's house. When I heard my brother and friends discussing such an awkward thing, I wished to hammer them out.

But think carefully, this problem does exist.

After all, a person living in the presidential suite inexplicably helped Ma Zongxiang to stay in for three hours. It is impossible to say that there is no problem. But now they can't find the problem.

In the end, there is another purpose, or really as the two points said, the young man is actually a pervert. After bringing Ma Zongxiang into it, he got anal.

It is quite possible that even Ma Zongxiang's inexplicable fainting was his ghost.

"Then what should I do now." Ma Zongxiang had no idea for a moment.

"I thought of a way!" Shiji said with a ringing finger. "If this person really has a problem, then he will definitely commit the crime again. We might as well stay in his hotel and see if anyone else has what you have The same encounter. "

"That's a good idea," said Shizhuang, looking at his brother with a waist in his waist. "The current mention is that we have the money to stay in such an expensive hotel! Staying there for one night is enough for us to stay in the Youth Hostel for half a week!"

"I paid for the extra money." Ma Zongxiang was now eager to find out whether his chrysanthemum was being forcibly bloomed by others, so he decided to cut the meat and check the chrysanthemum.

"Good brother." When I heard Ma Zongxiang paid the extra money, and there were no other concerns, he hugged Ma Zongxiang and said, "But I think we still need to go to the hospital and check you out."

"What's wrong with the body?" Ma Zongxiang looked at it puzzledly and asked.

"When we came out of the imperial capital, the Metropolitan Education Commission issued an AIDS epidemic report. There were more than 1,200 cases of AIDS among college students. Male students accounted for 98%, of which male-to-male transmission accounted for 86%. So I think you need to check. "

"I feel more and more horrified." Ma Zongxing listened to the words and showed a crying voice.

Two funny ratios.

Fang Ze perceived all this by using the force, shook his head and smiled, thinking that the two people are likely to be really stupid, so he didn't pay much attention.

"Read it?" Voldemort asked Fang Ze with his eyes open, and asked curiously.

"finish watching."

"If it weren't for my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that there would still be magical powers like magic in this world." Voldemort's instinct for power indulged him with Fang Ze's original idea.

"I teach you how to use magic, how do you teach me how to use your power?"

"Can't teach it." Fang Ze shook his head. "My strength is given by others. I can only use it and cannot impart it." After Fang Ze finished speaking, Voldemort apparently shook his eyes to express disbelief.

However, he also knew that even if Fang Ze agreed, it would not be possible to learn in just a few days, so he did not entangle Fang Ze again.

By the next day, Fang Ze originally wanted to stay in the room with Voldemort to spend the whole day, but Voldemort actually proposed to go out with Fang Ze to see the world here.

So Fang Ze called the front desk and asked them to send someone to repair something that was destroyed during the fight yesterday, and then he went out with Voldemort.

Voldemort's UK is a country known for its dark cuisine. Moreover, in the era of Voldemort, there was not a large number of cuisines from other countries in the UK, so Prime Minister Fanze took Voldemort to taste some modern cuisine.

However, although Voldemort gave high praise to these foods, he didn't know the reason and was unwilling to eat more.

"Then where are we going now." From the hotel, Fangze would not know where to take Voldemort for a while.

"What is that place?" Voldemort said, pointing to a building in front.

"Devil's Internet Cafe." Fang Ze glanced and found that there was an Internet cafe with a large area in front of him, so he and Voldemort explained what the Internet Cafe was and what the computer was.

"It sounds amazing." Voldemort became interested in computers and decided to check out the Muggle-made thing.

After all, in his day, Muggles could make many magical items, but wizards had alternatives. Human cars, planes, and other things, where there is a phantom shift, flying road network is easy to use.

The atomic bombs, for wizards, are just things Muggles made to destroy themselves.

But something like a computer ~ ~ Voldemort, after listening to Fang Ze's narrative, did not find any magic or magic item that could be replaced from his memory.

The two walked into this Internet cafe and Fangze asked Voldemort if he needed to open a computer for him and try it himself. But Voldemort apparently would not sit down with a group of Muggles, then shook his head to refuse, just intending to watch others operate for a while.

Many people play games in Internet cafes at this time, and chicken and lol occupy most of them.

When Fang Ze brought Voldemort to the front of a row of computers, these players were eating chicken to a critical moment.

"Where did the opposite person go!" A player found that the poison circle had been refreshed, but there was no cover in front of him, and the enemy's grass could not be seen. Make him afraid to move forward recklessly.

"There must be a lot of Voldemorts in this kind of circle, and we touch it with a poison circle!" Another player shouted.

There are many Voldemorts? !!

If Voldemort hadn't had his wand in his hands for a while, he would have hit him with a drill.

What is there to be a lot of Voldemort? Does it mean that Voldemort also exists in your world? And more than one.

"Let's go!" Voldemort's mind course of course these players do not know.

They continued to shout passionately while playing games.

"Front, there is Voldemort in front, I see it!" A player shouted and hurled towards the other side. Voldemort's disadvantage of not being able to fight back quickly appeared after being beaten, and he was quickly defeated.

The player in front of Fangze that defeated Voldemort found that he had successfully knocked down the opponent, so he began to run in circles.

But I did not expect that there was actually a Voldemort not far away, and when he was about to pass, he struck out a tongue of fire.

"What a Voldemort!" The player shouted!

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