My Iron Suit

Chapter 1127: Are the aliens coming again?

"Air Force One, here is the U.S. Air Force f15 fighter, please reply when you receive it!"

"Air Force One……"

An F15 fighter on the left side of the Air Force One cockpit is constantly calling while maintaining the same speed as the Air Force One, but as in the previous hour, there is still no response!

Shuke swallowed, moisturized his dry throat, and turned to look at the faintly visible driver in Air Force One's cab, complaining.

"Damn, why didn't Air Force One pilots respond? Did they fall asleep?"

It seemed that he had heard Shurk's complaint. The pilot in the Air Force One cockpit suddenly turned his head and looked through the windshield toward Shuk, who was only twenty or thirty meters away.

Seeing a happy face, Shuke quickly gestured. Just when he thought the other party would respond, the pilot of Air Force One turned his head back as if he saw nothing.


Shuke's raised arm stiffened and scolded angrily.

But at this moment, the radar warning light flashed suddenly, and Shuk quickly looked down, but saw a few red dots suddenly appeared at the edge of the radar screen, flying towards them at a fast speed!

His face could not help but change. The Pentagon currently only sent them a fighter formation to **** and check the situation of Air Force One. At this time, the red dots that suddenly appeared on the radar were likely to be enemy targets. Attack Air Force One!

But before he sounded the alarm, warnings from other pilots in the rear were already sounded.

"An unidentified flying target was found in the rear, approaching at a rapid speed, three, no, five, gosh, more and more, at least dozens! Call for reinforcements! Call for reinforcements!"

Listening to the slightly flustering voice of his comrade-in-arms, Shuke could not help but stare at the dense red dots on the radar!

They are now in the airspace of the United States, how could there be so many unknown flying targets!

Could it be that the aliens are here again?

And also aimed at the President of the United States!

Did they do the former Air Force One lost contact? !

Watching the sudden emergence of a large red dot on the radar approaching their position quickly, he had reached not far behind them in a blink of an eye, and Shuk could not help but clenched the joystick.

It is obviously impossible to wait for support now, it seems that I can only fight with them!

When Shuk's face was heavy and determined, and he was ready for battle and sacrifice, his eyes suddenly set on the rear-view mirror on the side of the cockpit!

In order to facilitate the observation of the rear of the fuselage during air combat, a rear-view mirror similar to a car is installed inside the fighter. At this moment, in the rear-view mirror, Shook has been able to dimly see the unknown target flying at the speed behind!

But just looking at the large flares in the night, you can feel the momentum of this unknown flying formation!

And as the distance quickly approached, and the blurred outlines reflected by the firelight, Shuk suddenly found that these UFOs seemed a bit familiar!

At the same time, the ground command center also received a request from the **** flight formation, and quickly used satellites to search the airspace behind Air Force One, looking for these large unidentified flying objects that rushed in!

Although it is night, the flames ejected from the rear of the thruster are still very obvious. Soon, the satellite image is fixed on a moving light spot!

With the satellite picture constantly zooming in, the command center's eyes widened!

Under the reflection of hundreds of flames, the outlines of these UFOs clearly appeared!

Human form, well-defined armor, and dazzling flames spraying backwards from both hands, they just saw it from satellite images an hour ago.

But there were only two at that time, why now there are more than thirty!

"These are Iron Man ?!"

"Why are they back again?"


Just when the command center was shocked, the flying steel suit suddenly began to slow down, and in the front of the team, two figures continued to accelerate and rushed out, approaching Air Force One quickly.

The fighters escorted by the surroundings also saw that the UFO that was attacking turned out to be Iron Man's suit. The collective deceleration of the large forces relieved them slightly, but they saw the two suits continue to accelerate. After that, the two fighters guarding behind Air Force One still slowed down and tried to stop them.

However, how can the maneuverability of the f15 fighter be compared with that of the steel suit? The two speeding figures quickly changed direction, skipped under the two fighters, and flew under the Air Force One!

The two fighters that failed the interception quickly lowered their altitude and came under Air Force One, only to find that the two steel suits had disappeared.

"What about the two armors?"

"No target found below!"

"Neither was found above!"


Just as several fighters were searching for the two vanishing armors around Air Force One, Chen Mo had once again taken Tony to enter Air Force One, and finally it made Tony addicted to the momentary movement. .

In Ellis' office, two tall figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

President Ellis, sitting behind his desk, quickly looked up, but could not help but look surprised.

The armor that the commander and Tony Stark wore before ~ ​​ ~ doesn't seem like this?

I saw that the two were somewhat similar in appearance, and the tall armor, which was also more than two and a half meters tall, stood in front of him side by side, except that one of them was painted in black, and the other was silver and green, which looked a lot ugly .

However, when Tony Stark changed his armor, he found that Chen Mo and Maya Hanson had very tall armors. He took a look at Phil Coulson, who had been talking to Chen Mo with his head raised. Tony finally chose Raider's armor is another heavy construction armor, Mark 26, Gamma!

After wearing it, Tony Stark felt much more comfortable, looking at Phil Coulson, a strong sense of superiority sprang up!

The large armor seems to be very good. At least the field of vision is wider. In the future, you can consider making a larger giant armor, so that the Hulk can only look up at him!

Chen Mo didn't know that Tony had already planned to develop anti-Hulk armor. In the doubtful look of President Ellis, the armor was opened, and the two came out of it.


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