My Iron Suit

Chapter 1128: The show is over!

Seeing that it was Chen Mo and Tony Stark that came out of the two strange large armors, President Ellis was relieved.

"Her commander, you are back! How is it going?"

President Ellis asked a little eagerly.

For more than an hour, his heart was also very frightened. Although he was full of confidence in the strength of the commander, the opponent was obviously not simple and had seriously threatened his safety!

Due to the initiative to cut off communication, they completely lost contact with the outside world and knew nothing about the progress and situation of Chen Mo's action.

Chen Mo looked at the eager President Ellis, nodded gently, and said slowly.

"Mr. President, the matter has been successfully resolved, Mandalin has been captured, and the real black hand Kilian has been eliminated behind the scenes. I believe that it will be reported later. Now you can resume Air Force One communications!"

President Ellis was very happy when he heard that the operation was successful. Since the operation is over, naturally there is no need to continue the performance. President Ellis immediately ordered the restoration of communication.

The command center noticed that communication was restored as soon as possible, and quickly contacted Air Force One. Soon, they knew the ins and outs of the matter.

Not long after, Phil Coulson also quickly cleared the scene. After transferring the yacht, he handed Mandalin to the US government, and told them about Aim and the real behind-the-scenes Aldridge Killian. .

Of course, the information received by the U.S. government has been cut and modified, and the information of the extinct virus and the ultimate creatures has been masked. This series of events was still characterized as a terrorist attack, but the real main messenger changed from Mandalin Killian!

After Air Force One resumed communication, Chen Mo and Tony Stark put on their battle suits and returned to the outside of the plane. The fighters escorted by the surroundings also found the figures again.

Just when they didn't know if they should attack, a command from the ground command center came from the communicator.

"Bc27 team all pay attention, Air Force One communication resumes, the President is safe, 01, 02 escorted Air Force One to fly to San Francisco, other fighters return immediately!"

Upon learning that communications were restored, the President was safe, and several fighter pilots could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but looking at the two steel suits that appeared again, the flight team captain quickly asked.

"Command center, what about unidentified flying armor?"

The ground command center, listening to the sound of the communicator, couldn't help looking up at the real-time satellite image displayed on the large screen. After Air Force One, more than thirty humanoid armors were closely behind them, forming A long dragon!

What to do?

Can you "dispose" it?

With just those six F15 fighters, not even one steel suit may be enough, let alone more than thirty!

The person in charge of the command center feels that the captain of the flight team should be the malfunction of the cockpit oxygen supply system. Is the brain hypoxia?

In the sky, the six fighter pilots waited for a while before they heard the communicator ring again, and a voice came slowly.

"Just don't see anything!"

Several pilots were blindfolded when they heard the words. So many flying armors that you didn't let us see?

But although they were puzzled, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, it was best not to fight, and they hadn't lived enough!

Immediately, several fighters did not continue to intercept or attack. The four fighters turned in a direct direction, drawing two huge arcs to both sides, and quickly separated from the formation in preparation for returning.

The remaining two fighters moved to the side of Air Force One and continued to escort.

Chen Mo and Tony ignored the actions of the six fighters. After the steel suits in the rear accelerated to catch up, they quickly pulled them up, swept over Air Force One, and flew towards the sky at high speed.

The speed of the steel suit is much faster than the supersonic fighter. The optimal flying height is naturally higher. Now that everything is done, they will naturally return to Los Angeles at full speed!

On the left side of Air Force One and in Fighter 02, Shuke looked through the cockpit glass and looked at the huge steel suit corps quickly passing above. He couldn't help but wonder at the same time, what was going on?

He didn't know the answer until he returned to the base after completing the **** mission from the TV news the next day!

Mandalin was caught!

But he was just a puppet!

It was the boss of Aim Company, Aldridge Killian, who really dominated this series of terrorist attacks behind the scenes!

Just last night, when they planned an attack on the president, they were completely wiped out by the commander and the Iron Man led the Iron Corps!

A shocking picture of someone shooting from a distance and flying over the sky when the Iron Legion left was also shown on TV.

Just to prevent panic and negative effects, the details of the entire matter have not been fully disclosed, and the situation of Air Force One's loss of contact has not been announced.

But Shuk, who personally participated in the Air Force One **** mission last night, easily linked the two things together.

From a time perspective, the Iron Legion arrived at Air Force One after annihilating Kilian and his men.

Subsequently, Air Force One, which lost contact for more than an hour, resumed communications, but in today's news, there is no mention of Air Force One's loss of contact.

Could it be said that President Ellis was really abducted by Killian ~ ~ was the commander and Iron Man defeated Killian, rescued the president, and returned him to Air Force One?

Correct! That should be it!

More than thirty steel suits, such a big fan of Air Force One, must be to **** Mr. President!

Shook never thought that the President was on Air Force One from beginning to end, just to cooperate with Chen Mo's acting and deliberately cut off the contact and let them call and gesture outside, just ignore it.

And Chen Mo came with the Iron Corps, just because President Ellis was too deep into the play and continued to perform at the time. If Chen Mo did not come, it is estimated that they would fly out of national borders and fly towards Russia!

And the reason for the enthusiasm to move the crowd, more than thirty steel suits dispatched together, because it is just the way!

After notifying the president, Chen Mo and Tony continued to gallop west with the Iron Corps, and it didn't take long to return to Los Angeles.

The villa's garage passage was opened, and more than thirty steel suits flooded in, and they quickly landed in the underground garage one by one.

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