My Iron Suit

Chapter 1400: iron Man!

"Unit 2! Did you see the thing behind?"

The pilot of Unit 1 could not help shouting towards the communicator.

"If I read correctly, it should be a person!"

There was another excited voice from the communicator.

"Damn! How is this possible ?!"

"Wait! That thing is familiar!"

Just when the two were talking, Chen Mo had flown not far behind them, and they also saw him more clearly.

The streamlined black armor with hard edges and corners, and several dazzling flames sprayed from behind the body, so that a golden and red steel figure appeared in the mind of the two.

"God! It's Iron Man!"

"Is that Kobe's news true? There is really Iron Man!"

If two fighter pilots were parked at the command center, they could not help but look at each other.

what the hell? Are these two guys confused?

However, the two fighters were flying smoothly and did not carry out high-load maneuvers. The cabin pressure and oxygen supply were all normal. They should not talk nonsense.

"F15 fighter! Report your situation!"

The person in charge of the ground command center could not help but speak loudly towards the microphone.

The pilot of Unit 1 was not surprised when he heard the news, and quickly reported.

"The unidentified flying target shown on the radar just now is Iron Man! He is now with us!"

Hearing his report, the command center couldn't help being quiet, most people's faces were full of unbelief, and only a few people were hesitant.

At this moment, the pilot of Unit 2 also followed the report.

"Yes, it's a black Iron Man! It's exactly the same Iron Man who rescued the helicopter described by Kobe!"

Hearing the pilot of the second aircraft, people couldn't help but think of the incident of the Kobe helicopter crash.

At that time, the incident was in full swing. Almost all the people present had heard of it. Naturally, it also knew that the black iron man was still controversial and is still suspected by people.

According to the two fighter pilots, Iron Man actually exists!

When the ground command center was completely shocked, Chen Mo had already flown to the passenger plane and looked through the porthole towards the cabin.

I saw that the oxygen mask had popped out, and most passengers also put on the mask, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

On the dense seats in the cabin, all passengers fell into a coma with their heads down.

The two pilots in the cockpit were also in a coma, and the entire aircraft was in an unmanned autonomous flight, as if it were controlled by ghosts!

In fact, Chen Mo, who is in front of this Boeing aircraft, is actually no stranger. He used to travel to Huaxia on a passenger flight. If Zhang Lan, Xu Shan and Zhao Jianmin were digged by Chen Mo With the crew members of his private jet, they should now be in a coma with other passengers on this plane.

Chen Moye [Wu Ai] did not delay. In front of the two F15 fighters, he was not good at teleporting directly into the cabin, but this also couldn't help Chen Mo.

Nian Li swept through the cabin, Chen Mo quickly found a door without passengers, and immediately flew past.

Nian Li swept through the hatch again, Chen Mo reached out and thrust into the middle of the hatch!

The thick door was like a piece of tofu in front of the steel battle jacket. Chen Mo's arm easily penetrated into the door, and the opening device was pulled from the inside, and the door was opened.

However, they are now at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the air pressure is very low, and the cabin is pressurized. In order to prevent the door from being directly bounced off by the pressure in the cabin, Chen Mo firmly grasped the open door.

But to his surprise, he didn't feel too much power from the hatch. Chen Mo's brows could not help but frown, and he immediately had doubts in his heart.

Chen Mo didn't slow down because of this. After grasping the door with both hands and slowly opening it enough to allow him to enter, Chen Mo quickly flashed into the cabin and immediately closed the door again.

The whole process seems easy, but in fact, even if there is no huge pressure in the cabin to directly fly the door, just the huge wind resistance when the aircraft is flying at high speed is enough to blow the opened door, and it is impossible for anyone to change it. Live.

Chen Mo's seemingly rude and simple action can only be completed by him.

Just when Chen Mo entered the plane, the fighter plane that followed the passenger plane outside also discovered his movements. After being surprised, he quickly reported to the command center.

"That Iron Man just opened the door of the plane and entered the plane!"

"What? How could the plane open the hatch from the outside?"

The personnel on the ground obviously couldn't imagine a feasible way based on the pilot's description.

The pilot immediately said what he saw.

"He pierced the hatch directly with his arm, it should have opened the opening device from the inside!"

Hearing the pilot's words, the person in charge of the command center said angrily.

"Nonsense! In this case, the door will be directly bounced, and the pressure in the cabin will quickly lose pressure. The people inside will die soon, and he will kill them!

The pilot glanced at the door in the distance and said.

"Uh, in fact, he closed the door again after he entered!"


Although the hatch was closed, the hole in the arm that Chen Mo stabbed above was choking out.

However, this could not help Chen Mo. Chen Mo raised his right hand directly and pointed the palm thruster at the torn alloy in the hole.

Under the control of Jarvis, the power of the thruster was adjusted. A dazzling white beam was emitted from the palm of the hand and fell on the hole. The torn metal quickly turned red at the speed visible to the naked eye ~ ~ Chen Mo saw that it was almost the same, and then pressed hard with his palm towards the hole. The red metal was pressed by Chen Mo like a cake, and the broken hole was re-blocked.

Although it is not possible to fly this way all the time, there will be no problems at least for a short time.

After finishing the damaged door, Chen Mo turned his head and scanned the cabin. Although these people were fainted, they were not dead, and their vital signs were still normal.

Chen Mo didn't care about them for the time being, but turned and walked towards the cockpit.

Since the 9/11 incident, the cockpits of all passenger planes have been locked during flight, but this obviously cannot stop Chen Mo.

Reaching out the locked door, Chen Mo stepped into the cockpit.

The captain, who was supposed to be sitting in the driver's seat, was lying on the ground on Chen Mo's left side and passed out.

Although the deputy captain was still in his place, he was lying on the dashboard at this time, and he was also comatose.

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