My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 115: A safe house that can withstand a nuclear strike

  Chapter 115 A safe house that can withstand nuclear strikes

   I ate a big melon at night.

  Excited Tang Rui dragged Li Shuyao to exercise for another hour.

the next day.

   Tang Rui did not go to the company.

   Instead, go to Yongping Reservoir to see your new site.

  He hasn't been here once since the military engineering team took over.

   It happens to be fine now.

come and see.

   I don’t know how the construction here is going, and how long it will take to move here.

  Gao Yang drove the car and entered the military management area.

  Originally, this side was also a military management area. Inside the mountain was the military region’s war preparation warehouse, and there was also a radar station on the top of the mountain.

  The off-road RV enters the mountain road.

   Spare a hillside.

  When the RV started to go downhill, I saw the scene of construction below.

   What caught the eye was a long runway.

  The cement on the top has been laid, but the two sides have not been completely completed, and the signal guidance equipment is still being installed.

   went down the hill.

  The RV came to the wide square.

   Just look at the ground, this square is also newly built.

   Beside the square is an office building.

   There are four floors in total.

   But the footprint is not small, almost 150 meters from the beginning to the end.

  The office building has not been renovated yet.

  Leave the square, pass another mountain, and you can see the reservoir next to it.

   On the edge of the mountain here, there is a large aircraft assembly technology and several independent laboratory buildings.

   This is next to the final assembly workshop, and there are several huge hangars.

   Tang Rui looked at the hangar.

  He felt that the military engineering team might have no idea about the hangar.

   With such a large hangar, not to mention fighter jets, even large transport aircraft can be parked.

at last.

   At the end of the road.

   Tang Rui saw the entrance of the tunnel under the mountain.

  The off-road RV stopped at the entrance of the tunnel.

   Tang Rui got out of the car.

  The head of the military engineering team, a regimental commander, was waiting for him at the tunnel entrance.

   "Mr. Tang, hello, I am Liu Liang, the person in charge of this project."

   "Head Liu, hello, thank you for your hard work."

   Tang Rui went up to shake hands and said.

   "It's not hard. Compared with the projects we did before, this project is equivalent to a rest for us."

  Head Liu smiled and said that he might want to tell a joke, but the content of this joke is very scary.

  What kind of project did you guys do before?

  Elevators in the Himalayas?

   Tang Rui didn't ask.

  Even if he asks, people may not necessarily answer.

   "Head Liu, can you show us inside?"

   "Of course, there are some construction plans that need to be decided by Mr. Tang."

  The three entered the tunnel.

   Come about 500 meters and walk through a turn.

  They came to the mountain space.

   "President Tang, these three passages lead to the laboratory, warehouse and villa respectively."

   "The villa? If I want to go to the villa, do I have to pass through here?"

   "Yes." Head Liu nodded.

All right.

   Then go to the villa first.

   Tang Rui walked towards the passage leading to the villa.

  The channel is not long.

  Overhead is an elevator.

  The three of them nodded and came to the top.


  When the elevator opened, the whole world brightened up.

  In front of Tang Rui was a bird's-eye view of the entire reservoir.

   Get out of the elevator.

  Tang Rui discovered that his villa was built halfway up the mountain, and there was a hanging garden at the exit of the elevator.

  Take two steps forward, there is an aerial plank road.

  The plank road is covered with a glass floor.

   At the top of the plank road, there is a gazebo and an aerial viewing platform.

   Walking over, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding beauty.

   "Who designed this?"

   "One of our professors."


  Go to the viewing platform.

  You can see the villa next to it from here.

  His entire villa is built on a platform halfway up the mountain.

  Surrounded by mountains on both sides, one side faces the reservoir.

  The scenery is completely nothing to say.

  The military is spending a lot of money.

   "President Tang, please follow me."


  Tang Rui followed Captain Liu to a room on the top floor of the villa.

   "Mr. Tang, this is an emergency escape passage, slide down from here, and you can go directly to the safe house in the mountain.

  The safe house was remodeled by the underground headquarters back then. It can resist nuclear strikes, has oxygen circulation and water circulation systems, and keeps the telephone line secret.

   As long as the escape route is closed after going down, the three 350 mm thick alloy protective gates will be lowered to ensure nothing goes wrong. "

   Good guy.

  After listening to the introduction of head Liu, Tang Rui was dumbfounded.

  A safe house that can withstand nuclear strikes?

   Not so.

   Really not.

   After wandering around the villa, Tang Rui came to the laboratory area under the leadership of head Liu.

   It's bigger here.

  Originally, this was a war preparation warehouse, so one can imagine how big it is.

  Tang Rui's laboratory only occupies a small part of it.

   He doesn't need most of the rest.

   "Commander Liu, what's in these warehouses?"

  Go to the back of the lab.

   Tang Rui found that there were several large warehouses in the passage behind.

  "The old-fashioned machine tools are installed here, and other combat supplies have been taken away. These old-fashioned machine tools are useless, so they are left here.

  If Mr. Tang needs it, he can use it. If he doesn’t need it, he can put it here. It’s empty anyway. "

   Tang Rui nodded after listening.

   Just let it go, he won't move.

   They are all hand-operated machine tools, what is the use of them.

   Leave the lab area.

  Tang Rui came to the warehouse area again.

  It's bigger here, and it's very cold.

  Where they went before, ventilation and air conditioning systems were installed.

  And the inside of this passage is the warehouse area, there is no air conditioning at all, and the inside is like an ice cellar.

   Tang Rui went over to take a look.

   ran out.

  There is nothing to see, the inside is empty, and all kinds of ammunition and weapons have been taken away by the military area.

   You shout inside.

   The echo can ring for half a day.

   But this is a good place to build a server cluster.

  Natural cold storage.

   When this place is built, he will build a large server cluster and supercomputing here.

   At that time, Xiaoyi will be able to upgrade again.

   "Mr. Tang, the original living area is still being remodeled, do you want to go over and have a look?"

   "No need, just tell me."

   "Okay, the original underground living area is being transformed into a conference room, and the remaining half of the area is the computer room for various equipment.

  Ventilation, power supply, water supply and many other equipment are placed there for easy maintenance. "

   Tang Rui nodded after listening.

  Although he will have to disassemble and assemble these devices again in the later stage, he can't let others not do it right now.

   So let's do it first.

  He is looking forward to the moment when this place is built.

By the time.

  He can plan here to his heart's content.

   "Mr. Tang, walk slowly. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly."

  Before leaving, Head Liu gave Tang Rui the phone and told him to talk to him directly.

   "Okay, thank you, Commander Liu."

   Tang Rui nodded, shook hands with the other party at last, and then got in the car and left.

   For this place.

  Tang Rui only has two words to describe it.


  When the RV went uphill again, Tang Rui looked back at the base hidden in the mountains.

   From now on, this will be my old den.

   (Thanks to Zhuge Incompetent Boss for the reward, add another chapter)

   I still owe two chapters, continue to code words



  (end of this chapter)

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