My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 116: Camel he is sure

  Chapter 116 He's sure to eat the camel

"so boring."

   Tang Rui was lying on the sofa in the office, staring blankly at the ceiling.

  Like a salted fish without dreams.

   During this period of time, he really has nothing to do.

  Since I went to the base once and saw the newly built factory area and the huge mountain base.

  Back to the company, he didn't like everything.

  In addition to this period of time, he was really busy with nothing to do.

   bang bang bang...

  There was a knock on the door of the office.

   "Come in."

  Lin Chao pushed the door open and walked in.

   "What's wrong with you these two days, you don't feel well?"

  Lin Chao looked at Tang Rui lying on the sofa, and asked suspiciously.

   "There's nothing to do, why not lie down."

   Tang Rui changed his posture and said lazily.

   "It's okay, you have something to do next, let's see what this is."

  Lin Chao took out a file bag and put it on the coffee table.

   Tang Rui's eyes lit up.

  Pick up the file bag and pull out the files inside.

   Another rectification plan.

   is the mechanical dog he took to the military area to test.

  The expert review team above gave suggestions for rectification.

  Can be exported.

   The photoelectric system does not need to be weakened, and the armor can be thickened appropriately, while flexibility can also be retained.

  The only requirement is that the control system program cannot be leaked.

  This point needs to be sent for review before exporting.

  If the military can crack it.

   Then you have to take it back and continue to modify it, or castrate the performance of the mechanical dog control system.

   There is also this good thing.

   Tang Rui laughed after reading it.

   Isn't this a tailor-made request for him?

   The above must know his situation.

   After all, the drone's system has not been cracked.

   Later, when Tang Rui bought the project, he gave the source code of the flight control program.

   Eagle Sauce wants to hack the system?

Stop it.

   Not to mention that the program after system enhancement has its own package, but the existence of Xiaoyi can prevent this problem.

  He sells things, not without a back door.

   It is completely possible to set a program.

  As long as the mechanical dog leaves the camel's house, or the network is disconnected.

  The internal system will automatically recognize it. Once it is found that someone is disassembling the body, it will directly explode on the spot.

  He didn't believe it.

   In this case, someone was able to crack the control program.

   Tang Rui got up and was about to call Prince Sally.

   Just picked up the phone.

  He let it go.

   "Finance, come here."

   Tang Rui yelled towards the office outside.

   "Boss, are you looking for me?"

  The treasurer came to the office and asked.

   "Yes, yes, there is something you need to do."

   "Okay, what's up?"

   "I want you to make a fake account."

   "...boss, it is illegal to make false accounts."

   "You pretend I don't know, I let you make false accounts, and it's not for the tax bureau, but for foreigners."

   "Eh...boss, are you trying to fool me?"

   "What is fooling, that is telling the truth."

  Under Tang Rui's painstaking teaching, the accountant knew what to do with fake accounts.

  Prince Sally gave 500 million US dollars to develop itself.

   Don't say it's over now.

  He didn't even touch the money.

  In case Prince Sally asks about research and development funds, how should he answer.


  Based on the character of the camel, basically it will not ask how much money you spent, but how much money you overspend.

   But he also needs to prepare in advance.

   When the time comes, the overspending money, should the camel settle it?

that's all.

  The next two hours.

  Tang Rui and the accountant were in the office to figure out how to make an overspending research cost bill.

   First exclude experimental consumption.

   It’s only been over a month, and you can spend 500 million US dollars on any experiment.

  This research is about mechanical dogs.

  It is not Mecha Greymon.

   It doesn't cost that much money.

  Then the only place where money can be spent is on technology spending.

   It takes money to buy technology.

  For example, the operating system in the mechanical dog is definitely the current ceiling level.

  How much is this technology worth?

  Adding a zero after $500 million is not enough.

  Because this program can be used on all multi-legged weapon platforms, those mechanical weapons in Hollywood will not be a dream.

   But you cannot say that this system is bought.

   It can only be said that I bought the system package, otherwise what if the camel has an idea.

   Don't test people's hearts.

   Don't give him this chance at all.

   "Servo motor technology authorized 200 million."

   "Center of gravity adjustment equipment technology authorization 150 million."

   "Multi-leg balance system technology package 500 million."

   "Image recognition algorithm authorized 300 million."

   "Integrated Delivery Platform Technology..."

  Tang Rui reported the same report, and the financial records were kept there.

  Wait for him to finish.

  Finance also came up with a bill of up to 3.8 billion technology authorization and patent authorization.


   There are more than 300 million more.

   "Boss, what kind of companies do these technology and patent licensing units fill in?"

   Finance asked.

   "This... just wait a minute."

   Tang Rui thought for a while, and went out to find Lin Chao.

   "Brother Lin, do me a favor. Help me fill in all the units on this bill as confidential units and research institutes that camels would never dare to check."

   Tang Rui handed over the fake account to Lin Chao.


  Lin Chao looked at the records above.

   Good guy.

  You didn’t spend a penny, and you overspent 300 million on your accounts.

   "Give me the pen."

  Lin Chao picked up the pen and began to fill in the unit column.

  Wait for him to finish.

  Tang Rui handed the form to the accountant and asked him to make a better financial statement.

  Wait until the financial department leaves.

  Tang Rui took out his phone and called Prince Sally.

   "My friend, you finally called me."

   "Sorry, I've been busy making special weapons for you all this time, and now I've done it."

   "Really? That's great, my friend, you're so efficient. May I know what weapon it is?"

   "Of course, after all, you paid for the research and development. Of course, you have the right to know what it is. I will send you a video file later, and you will know after watching it."

   "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

hang up the phone.

  Tang Rui asked Xiaoyi to edit the video of the previous mechanical dog test, and then edited the clip of him playing games with the handle.

   In this way, watch the effect of the video.

   It's the same as he uses a gamepad to operate a mechanical dog.

   No effect.

  Using the handle to operate is definitely not as smooth as mind operation.

  But as long as you play well, you can also show off.

  Send the video.

   Tang Rui was sitting on the sofa, waiting for Prince Sally to call.

   "Are you so sure that they will like mechanical dogs?" Lin Chao asked.

   "It's not that they like mechanical dogs, but they like any weapon that can be strengthened with krypton gold and can defeat the enemy."

   Tang Rui pouted and said.

   He is determined to eat the camel, and it will be useless when **** comes, he said.

   (Thanks to the boss of 151029143942299 for the reward, add a new chapter)

   There is another chapter, continue to code words



  (end of this chapter)

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