My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 207: Crimson Security Company's Big List

  Chapter 207 Crimson Security Company's Big List

  When Lin Chao came to the base in the mountain, Tang Rui was already waiting for him in the rest hall.

  Guren also made tea.

   "Brother Lin, what exactly are you doing so seriously?" Tang Rui was curious.

  Normally speaking, only when he was making some big toys would Lin Chao show that serious expression.

   But he has really been out of trouble recently.

   "Well, something happened at Asu's side. It's very troublesome to explain in detail. Here is a piece of information. You can read it first." Lin Chao put a portfolio on the coffee table in front of Tang Rui.

   "Okay, then drink some tea first."

  Tang Rui picked up the file bag, pulled out the information inside and began to look through it.

   Good guy.

  These people are playing so big.

  New robot.

  The fourth generation tank.

  The new individual equipment and the exoskeleton armor of the verified model have all been pulled out.

  This is for actual combat testing.

   Just a **** for tat wave?

  After Tang Rui finished reading the materials, he already understood the situation Asu was facing. We were indeed very passive.

  Because you cannot act in the name of the military.

  The United Nations peacekeeping force is stationed there.

   It is impossible to directly help Aso fight.

   But if it doesn't help.

  As far as the current situation is concerned, Asu can't bear it at all.

   "What should I say now, Brother Han is useless over there." Tang Rui asked after putting down the file bag.

   "You understand the situation. Brother Han proposed that Crimson Company send security personnel to take over Asu's national security contract."

  Hearing what Lin Chao said, Tang Rui was immediately excited.

   Brother Han still understands him.

   "No problem, how do I do it?" Tang Rui hurriedly asked, he was very interested in this order.

   "The specific situation is that in the name of the Crimson Company, a group of people will be sent there, and they will come back directly after visiting Asu.

   It was Han Shu and the others who came back in name, but in fact the personnel basically remained unchanged.

   But as far as the current situation is concerned, the combat power over there is not enough, and some more people and equipment need to be dispatched there.

   But the higher-ups don’t make decisions about what you need. You can discuss it with Han Shu. If you need military weapons, you can send them directly.

   If you don't need military weapons, you can directly build a batch of weapons and send them over. "

   "Understood, leave it to me." Tang Rui nodded after listening, without any pressure.

   Isn’t this a professional counterpart?

   "Then, you can discuss it next, and contact me if you need anything." After Lin Chao finished speaking, he didn't bother Tang Rui.

   "Okay, sorry for the trouble, Brother Lin, I'll discuss it with Brother Han now." Tang Rui got up and left the rest hall with Lin Chao.

   Come to the Blue Army Command Center.

  He asked Honglian to contact Han Shu.

  In Han Shu's hands, there is a computer dedicated to contacting him, directly through the satellite controlled by Honglian, and there will be absolutely no leakage of secrets.


  The image of Han Shu appeared on the big screen.

   "Brother Han, tell me, what do you need?"

   Tang Rui asked vigorously, as if Han Shu could get it if he said it.

   "You have read all the information. According to my analysis, although they have strong individual combat capabilities, they lack clustered synchronous combat capabilities and overall command capabilities.

   At this point, we have the advantage, so our side does not lack weapons for large-scale clusters.

   But in other respects, we still have a lot of deficiencies. The first is information and intelligence. This is not a domestic country. We do not have a complete information data link integrating land, sea, air and space.

  Our collection of battlefield conditions and information is seriously lagging behind, which is very dangerous, so we first need to ensure the information advantage. "

  Han Shu directly stated their biggest shortcoming at present.

  Communication command.

  This problem is easy to solve.

   "Before tomorrow morning, I will launch three satellites in synchronous orbit around the equator to ensure the smooth flow and safety of information and data."

  After listening to Tang Rui, he immediately gave a solution.

  Although the infrastructure of Asu’s house has problems and there are not many base stations, this is nothing to Tang Rui at all.

   Just hang a few satellites in outer space.

   It can not only ensure communication security, but also monitor the ground, killing two birds with one stone.

   "Okay, then I will move on to the second question, the air defense issue. Although the other party does not seem to have dispatched air power, I can't guarantee whether it is they playing with us or paralyzing us.

  So before the opponent dispatches air power, we can't take out the air power first. In this case, air defense is the best choice. "

  Han Shu asked the second question.

   "Before tomorrow night, I will send a transport plane to send the short-range low-altitude and low-speed air defense system, long-range air defense and anti-missile system and individual air defense missiles directly to ensure that there will be no problems with the air defense system."

   Tang Rui spoke directly after listening.

   Others dare not give this guarantee, but he dares to give it.

   He doesn't need to manufacture the air defense and anti-missile system. He has it ready-made in his hand, but he hasn't taken it out before.

   "Okay, the last question is the supply of materials and ammunition reserves. Our equipment is all specially made, and Asu can't provide us with supplies."

   "Small problems, I will send them to you tomorrow."

   Tang Rui waved his hand, completely ignoring the question.

   Isn’t it ammunition?

   There is still a full warehouse in the warehouse.

  Based on the hit rate of the weapons and equipment in Han Shu's hands, if he wants to consume all the weapons in this warehouse, at least three armies of the enemy can be wiped out.

   But is that possible?


   There are not so many enemies, if they really fight to that extent, it will be too late for him to create them immediately.

   "I have no problem here. I will open the Lan family's exclusive information connection channel starting tomorrow. When the time comes for information security and battlefield intelligence analysis, I will trouble Consultant Tang." Han Shu said with a smile.

   "No problem, after I hang up the satellite at night, Honglian will provide information support 24 hours a day."

   Hang up the communication.

   "Honglian, manufacture three communication satellites, remember to load the ground scanning function into it, the parameters are not important, but the function must be available."

   "Okay, Guren remembered."

  After returning to the laboratory, Tang Rui immediately arranged for Honglian to produce satellites. This is a big deal.

   Beidou is also very easy to use.

   But in terms of performance, it is still quite different from Tang Rui's own satellites, not to mention that he will strengthen these three satellites.


  Tang Rui asked Honglian to take out the blueprints stored in the database. These blueprints are design drawings of anti-aircraft missiles, and there are three types in total.

  The design drawings of these three missiles come from drones, off-road RVs and Baidi aerospace fighters.

   are all the missile design diagrams that come with the enhanced system panel.

   It goes without saying about performance.

   Absolutely tough.

   While Tang Rui was busy, netizens exploded again.

  Because of Crimson Security Company, they received a big order.

   The normal update is completed, and then the update is added, and the code word is continued



  (end of this chapter)

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