My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 208: Satellite change orbit, seize orbit

  Chapter 208 Satellite Orbit Change, Seize Orbit

   Tang Rui didn't even know.

  There is no information on the official website of Crimson Company.

   But the problem is that Asu held a press conference and talked about it, and then the domestic media reprinted it.

   Needless to say next.

   Netizens are frying again.

  If this matter were placed in other countries, it would not be new at all. There are hundreds or thousands of companies like military contractors.

  But in China, this is very rare.

   Then another group of netizens went to the official website of Crimson Company and asked how to become a temporary worker.

   Our network is buzzing.

  But after Ying Jiang got the news, he felt a little uncomfortable.

   Good guy.

   This trick has been learned by you.

   But it doesn't matter, they have been playing for many years and have rich experience, so they are not afraid at all.

  They even thought about taking this opportunity to educate the Crimson Company well.

   In a blink of an eye.

   Hours passed.

  Guren has already made the satellite.

  Normally speaking, manufacturing satellites is not so fast, but who made Tang Rui's requirements for these three satellites not so high?

   Anyway, it needs to be strengthened with the system later.

  So he only asked Honglian to manufacture it at the fastest speed, and did not make any other requirements.

  Come to the final assembly workshop.

  Tang Rui saw three rectangular satellites, and the solar sails were also deployed towards both sides.

  Mediocre satellite.

   There are no bright spots.

  【Item: High-orbit communication detection satellite】

  【Experience: 0/800】

  【Source: 1646.48】

   Tang Rui took a look at the system panel, and directly strengthened it, more than once.

   Flashed with pale golden light.

  Satellite strengthening is complete.

  The originally rectangular satellite has become an ellipse, the material of the surface has also changed, and the solar sail has disappeared.

   Tang Rui ignored the appearance of the satellite and looked directly at the system panel.

  【Item: Neutrino high-orbit detection communication satellite】

  【Experience: 0/50000】

  【Enhanced: Neutrino information capture radar】

  【Attributes: Scanning accuracy increased by 180%, scanning range increased by 160%, information transmission efficiency increased by 120%, data analysis ability increased by 100%】

  【Source: 1322.48】

  Looking at the data on the system panel, Tang Rui nodded in satisfaction.

  The strengthening of this satellite cost more than 300 source points.

   But the effect is still very good.

  Neutrino information capture radar is definitely a black technology among black technologies, and its level is not much different from that of optical quantum information capture systems.

   But the positioning of the two is still different.

  The former is to collect light quantum information in a large area, but the ability to see through is not good, or it has little see-through ability.

   But the latter is a high-precision penetration and scanning function. As long as it is within the scanning range of the radar and cannot resist the penetration of neutrinos, there is no information to hide, but there is no way out of the range.

   "Honglian, save the design drawings and data in the database, the confidentiality level and the level of the optical quantum information capture system, and no one is allowed to read it except me."

  Tang Rui said to Honglian.

   "Okay, master, Guren has already saved it, and the information will never be leaked." Guren replied with a nod.

   After saving the data, Tang Rui began to strengthen the second satellite. This time he wanted to strengthen the communication system.

  The current communication system is easily disturbed.

  Even Red Lotus can’t break through the performance limit of the hardware, which is okay in normal times, but if the communication is interrupted in a war, it will be fatal.

  So the performance of communication equipment must be enhanced.

   More than 300 source points were dropped.

  The satellite was strengthened in a pale golden light.

  After the satellite was strengthened, it was not an ellipse, but a longer cylinder.

   But after strengthening, there is also no solar sail.

  Because the previous special enhancements included energy enhancements, things like solar sails are useless.

  【Item: Quantum Information Tunnel Communication Satellite】

  【Experience: 0/60000】

  【Enhanced: Quantum Information Tunnel Communication System】

  【Attributes: Communication data bandwidth increased by 180%, communication information confidentiality increased by 160%, communication distance increased by 120%, communication quality increased by 100%】

  【Source: 973.46】

   After reading the data on the system panel, Tang Rui nodded, and the performance of this satellite also met his requirements.

   It is even said that it is a bit beyond.

   But this is also normal, communication technology will never be outdated, even if such high-end technology is not needed for communication within the planet.

  But in the future, mankind will still need this kind of delay-free communication technology to go to the stars and seas.

  No delay just means that there is no delay in the transmission of information, and the specific response speed depends on the computing speed of the host system.

  However, if this satellite is equipped with Honglian’s quantum supercomputer, there will be absolutely no delay.

  After getting the two satellites.

   Tang Rui looked at the third satellite.

   But he watched it for a long time, but he didn't use his hands to strengthen it.

  Because it is no longer needed.

  One for communication and one for scanning, there is no need for a third satellite, and there is no point in hanging it up.

   Tang Rui thought for a while, and said to Honglian: "Save the design drawings and data in a database of the same level, then drag this satellite back to the warehouse, and take out the laser-armed satellite in the warehouse."

   "Okay, master, Guren will do it now." Guren controlled the robot and started to work.

   "By the way, fill up the gas and drag Baidi to the runway."

  Tang Rui spoke again when he turned to leave.

   "Okay, master."

  Go home.

   Li Shuyao nestled on the sofa watching dramas.

   "Are you done with work?"

   "Not yet, I will continue to work later."

   "Oh, so how long will you be busy?"

   "I should finish my work before 11 o'clock." Tang Rui looked at the time and said to Li Shuyao.

   "Okay, then I'll wait for you."


  Tang Rui returned to the room, put on the anti-G suit, and then returned to the laboratory to put on the battle armor.

   At this time, Honglian has already packed a satellite and placed it on Baidi's back.

  Tang Rui boarded the White Emperor, talked to the space agency, and then drove the White Emperor to take off.

   Fly out of the Karmen line and come to the outer sky.

  Baidi began to accelerate.

  The high orbit this time is relatively far, a full 36,000 kilometers.

  If it weren't for being in outer space, Baidi might not have enough fuel to run back and forth.

  The Space Shuttle is really necessary.

  It is not the same thing to let Baidi carry a box on his head to transport satellites back and forth every day.

   Half an hour later.

  Baidi finally flew to the geosynchronous geostationary orbit of 36,000 kilometers. This orbit is very special, and there is only one.

  Because the satellites in this orbit fly around the earth at the same speed as the earth's rotation speed.

  So the satellite is placed in this orbit, just like it is fixed in the sky, and it will not fly around.

   "Master, there is a communication satellite changing orbit, trying to seize the orbit above Asu's house."

   Just as Tang Rui put down the communication satellite and was about to return, he received a reminder from Honglian.

   Add one more chapter, still owe seven chapters, continue to code



  (end of this chapter)

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