My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 209: Your satellite blew up and scraped the paint off my plane

  Chapter 209 Your satellite exploded, scraping off the paint on my plane (two in one)

  The satellite monitoring center of NASA headquarters.

  When the Baidi Aerospace fighter flew out of the atmosphere, they began to track and monitor it.

   After all, their department is doing this job.

  As long as anyone launches a satellite or sends something into outer space, they have to monitor it.

at this time.

  They saw Baidi let out the box on his back, then the box opened, and the mechanical arm grabbed the satellite and put it outside.

  They are no longer interested in the Baidi Aerospace Fighter.

   Saw it too many times.

   But they are very interested in that cylindrical satellite.

  Because the satellite did not deploy the solar sail after it entered orbit, it just floated quietly in orbit.

   "What kind of satellite do you think this is?"

   "It's either a navigation satellite or a communication satellite. Anyway, at this orbital altitude, it is absolutely impossible to be a remote sensing satellite or a scanning satellite." A staff member said casually.

   "You said this satellite, is it possible that it is a space weapon?" A person suddenly asked.

   "Impossible. Judging from its appearance, it doesn't look like a space weapon, let alone this is a geostationary orbit. Who will it hit?"

  After listening to it, everyone felt that it made sense.

  Armed satellites need to be able to change orbits and be able to strike most targets. Who will put armed satellites in geostationary orbit.

   "Head, the satellite that the military asked us to reorient has been reorbited, and everything is normal now."

   "Understood, report the news to the military."


   Now that the business is done, the staff member who controls the orbit change of the satellite also joins everyone's discussion.

   A group of people are curious.

  What kind of satellite did Tang Rui put on it.

the other side.

   Tang Rui, who received Honglian's news, looked at Yingjiang's satellite in the distant orbit through Baidi's radar, feeling very unhappy.

  That position was left by him for the laser-armed satellite.

   In the end, Yingjiang's people took the place first.

How to do it?

  Easy to handle.

   Just make it disappear.

  But Tang Rui is not going to do it recklessly, even if he does, he must be clean and not leave any excuses.

  This is not the same as running over to dismantle other people's satellites.

   That's a navigation error at best.

   But if you rush up and blow up other people's satellites, then things will become big.

  So Tang Rui decided to change the method.

   Do it a little more secretly.

  After the box was retracted, Tang Rui pulled the joystick to control the Baidi Aerospace fighter to turn around and return to the company.

   On the way back.

  Tang Rui contacted the space agency and asked if they had any supplies to send to the space station. He will come up later. If necessary, he can bring something to the space station.

  When the space agency heard it, it seemed that it was really possible.

  I have to go to heaven anyway, so it's not normal to pick up something along the way.

  Wait for Tang Rui to return to the company.

   Honglian controls the robot to refuel Baidi, and at the same time puts the second satellite into the box.

  Tang Rui took advantage of this time to come to the laboratory.

  He took out a fist-sized electric propulsion engine, installed one kilogram of explosives on the detonator, and welded it to the electric propulsion engine.

   Then it took three source points.

   Strengthen the device.

  【Item: Space stealth self-exploding bomb】

  【Experience: 0/0】

  【Enhancement: Stealth, Engine】

  【Source: 970.46】

  After reading the data on the system panel, Tang Rui raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and put this thing in his bag.

   After Guren finished refueling and placed satellites, he set off again.

   But this time he didn't go directly to outer space.

   Instead, I took a trip to Xichang.

   It took two external pods from there before flying out of the earth.

   Come outside the space station.

  When Tang Rui unloaded the supplies, he hung the self-explosive bomb under the pod by the way.

  After delivering things to the space station, he came to the geostationary orbit again and put the second satellite in orbit.

   But at this moment.

  The optical stealth + radar stealth self-exploding bomb flew out quietly, and slowly flew towards the satellite of Yingjiang's family.

   All this did not attract anyone's attention.

   Even staring at Tang Rui's nasa satellite monitoring center.

   No abnormalities were found either.

   After placing the satellite, he returned again.

   On the way back.

   Guren reported to him.

  The self-exploding bomb has already approached the satellite of Yingjiang’s house, and it can rush to explode at any time.

   "Guren, listen to my order later. When I say bomb, you will detonate the bomb directly."

   "Okay, master."

  Go back to the company and fill up the gas.

  Tang Rui went to the sky again with a laser-armed satellite.

  But when the Baidi Aerospace fighter plane approached the high orbit but failed to reach it, Tang Rui looked at the orbit calculated by Honglian and gave the order directly.

   "Guren, detonate the bomb."


  The Yingjiang satellite, which was 300 kilometers away from the Baidi Aerospace Fighter, suddenly exploded, and the entire satellite instantly became a wreck.

  The wreckage was scattered, and some of them followed the track and rushed directly to Tang Rui's position.

  300 kilometers on the ground is a long way.

   But in space, especially when both sides are very fast, it is basically a matter of an instant.


  A pile of tiny debris hit the body of the Baidi Aerospace Fighter, but did not cause any damage to the body.

   Not even the coating on the surface is hanging off.

   Based on these wreckage, it is impossible to even think about breaking through the nano-coating.

   This skill was designed by Tang Rui.

   Naturally, she will not find trouble for herself and put herself in danger.

   "Mr. Tang, how are you doing? Is the fighter plane damaged?"

at this time.

  The aerospace command center on the ground just discovered this situation, and at the same time calculated the orbit of the wreckage after the explosion.

   Tang Rui happened to be on that track.

  So they contacted Tang Rui immediately to confirm whether he was safe.

  If the fighter plane is damaged, there is no way.

  Let Tang Rui fly to the space station.

   Then take the return capsule back to Earth.

  If it doesn’t work, let Tang Rui sit on the satellite, change the orbit of the satellite, and send Tang Rui to the space station.

   It can be said that at the moment of discovering this situation.

  The people below thought of several ways of space rescue.

   But they thought for nothing.

   There is no use at all.

   "I'm fine, and the fighter plane isn't damaged in any way, but I think Ying-chan did it on purpose, let them give me an explanation."

   Tang Rui pretended to be very angry, and said to the communicator.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, I'll contact NASA right now. If they don't have a clear statement, this matter is definitely not over."

   "Okay, then I will continue to put satellites."

   "Well, come back after you're done."

"I know."

   After finishing the call, Tang Rui flew to the location where Yingjiang's satellite was before, and released the laser-armed satellite.


   That's good.

  Laser armed satellites are placed here, if the ground situation is urgent and precise firepower strikes are required.

   It will come in handy.

  After hanging the satellite in orbit, Tang Rui returned to the ground.

at this time.

  NASA's satellite monitoring center, a group of people are sweating profusely typing on the keyboard.

  The person in charge is talking to our aerospace command center.

   "Please listen to my explanation. We guarantee that there will be no self-destruct satellite. That satellite was launched by us last year. It is a new navigation satellite that replaces the original GPS navigation satellite. It is impossible to self-destruct."

  "...No, no, no, the orbit change is the request of the military, and we don't know, but we guarantee that the satellite is definitely not a self-destructing satellite."

  "...Yes, we proposed to use self-destruct satellites to intercept ballistic missiles, but these are high-orbit satellites, and those self-destruct satellites are all low-orbit."

   “…I swear to God, we definitely didn’t do it, it was a normal navigation satellite.”

  The person in charge revealed all his secrets.

  He really couldn't explain clearly.

   A good navigation satellite, why did it blow up?

   You can fry it.

  Almost destroyed his aerospace fighter.

  If this is not explained clearly, the impact will be great.

   He doesn't know the final result, but he must be the one who was pushed out to take the blame.

hang up the phone.

  The person in charge is physically and mentally exhausted.

   But he can't rest, he still needs to find out why the satellite exploded, otherwise he will still be blamed.

the other side.

  Space Command Center.

  After the nasa call ended, he definitely didn't think it was Eagle Sauce's intention.

  Before, he was out of breath and didn't think carefully.

   Now calm down and think about it.

  He found something was wrong.

  Why do you say it was not intentional by Yingjiang? The main reason is that this satellite was indeed launched by them last year.

  When this satellite was launched.

  Tang Rui is still conducting his graduation defense at Nanjing University of Technology.

  Even if Ying Jiang is awesome, it is impossible to deploy a self-destruct satellite in high orbit a year in advance.

   Isn't that something wrong with the brain?

   "Is Mr. Tang back?"

   "The satellite has been placed and returned."

   "It's good to be back, this is the third satellite tonight, right? What kind of satellites are these satellites?"

   "I don't know, Mr. Tang did not specify, but he said that these are three different types of experimental satellites.

   Among them, I know the satellite that was just put on it. It is a laser-armed satellite designed by Tang Rui before. "

  The person in charge of duty nodded after listening, and looked at the big screen.


  The more you look at it, the more wrong it becomes.

  The location of this armed satellite is not the same as the location of the satellite that Yingjiang's house exploded just now.

   See this scene.

  The person in charge on duty suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

   Geosynchronous geostationary orbit, that is a radish and a pit.

  If someone else takes it, you don’t have it.

   Now that Yingjiang’s satellite just exploded, you put your own satellite on it.

   This is a coincidence.

  That was a bit of a coincidence.

  Now he is 80% sure that this so-called explosion was caused by Tang Rui.

   As for how to do it, he didn't know.

  But it definitely has nothing to do with him.

   Shaking his head helplessly.

   What can you do if you know, you can't say.

  Even to unify the caliber with the outside world, throw the blame to Ying Jiang.

  Now this young man.

   Can't afford to mess with it.


   Tang Rui, after returning to the company, asked Honglian to edit the video shot by the Baidi fighter jet.

   Extracted and edited the video of the opponent’s satellite exploding and the wreckage of the satellite hitting Baidi.


  He just uploaded the video, and then @鹰酱的embassy.

   "Your satellite exploded, and the debris from the satellite scraped off the paint on my plane. What do you think about this?

  Let's not talk about whether you did it on purpose, but if you break someone else's things, you always have to accompany them. "

  He also wrote a paragraph of text under the video.

  After the message is sent.

  Tang Rui ignored it and went home to sleep.

  Don’t worry about the situation on the Internet, let the bullets fly for a while.

   Following Tang Rui's video and this message.

  The Internet exploded again.

   There was supposed to be a big melon tonight, and the security guard of Crimson Company undertook the security task of a country.

   Turns out it hasn't been long.

   Tang Rui sent another message with a video.

  The content of the video is very explosive.

  The content of the news is even more explosive.

   One time.

   This news was topped by netizens on the top search list.

  Yingjiang's family was also stunned after seeing the news.

  My own satellite exploded?

When did this happen?

   Not right.

  The exploded satellite wreckage did not penetrate the opponent's body, but scratched the paint.

   What the hell, what a broken satellite.

  Send the news back to China.

  The response from Eagle Sauce was also very fast, after all, they were in the daytime.

   Directly ask the military about the specific situation of this incident.

   You can fry it as soon as you blow it up.

   But before the bombing, can we submit an action report and assessment report? Now we are very passive.

  The military is also very confused.

  What exploded?


  Which satellite exploded?

   After checking, I found out that the satellite they needed was blown up.


  How and who did it.

   I don’t know the importance of that satellite.

  Their actions at Aso’s house need to be supported by the information and data of that satellite.

  This time at Asu’s house, they and the military-industrial complex used a lot of new equipment and weapons.

  These weapons don't say how powerful they are.

   But the degree of informatization is very high.

  The accuracy requirements for the navigation and positioning system are also very high.

  Nasa was asked to change the orbit of the satellite and put it on top of Asu’s house to support the next operation.

  As a result, now you tell me that our satellite has blown up.

Call up.

  Ask NASA for details.

  “…not a fuel explosion, that satellite is not using chemical fuel.”

   "I don't know. We are still checking the records. If it is attacked, the sensor will send back some data."

  "...We definitely don't say that we made a mistake in the operation. Even if we made a mistake in the operation, it is impossible for us to let a navigation satellite explode."

   "...This is not a system problem, nor is it an operation problem. We are still investigating the specific situation."

  The person in charge of the satellite monitoring center put down the phone with a tired face. This was the seventh call he had answered.

  Everyone is something he can't afford to offend.

  He had to explain to these people.

to be honest.

  He is still confused until now, he doesn't even know how a navigation satellite exploded.

   And the power of the explosion is still so great.

   "Head, the list of suppliers for the satellite's internal equipment and parts has been found."

   "Give it to me." After the person in charge took over the list of suppliers, he began to look for a replacement.

   Someone must be responsible for this matter.

   If he doesn't want to be responsible.

  The only option is to find someone who is responsible for the dead ghost.


   His eyes lit up and he saw the name of a company.

   "Announced to the outside world, it was said that there was a problem with the satellite battery supplied by Samsung, which caused the satellite to explode."

   "Okay, head, I'm going."

   Two more chapters are added, and five chapters are still owed. Today’s update ends



  (end of this chapter)

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