My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 107 - The Buildup

I felt the power start to spread out from my chest as my mana started to be devoured as fuel for the transformation into the hulk version of myself.

*Good, good.... the more you use me the easier it will be to consume you.*

"Fuck off, You are nothing but a tool for me to use."

*For now mortal...*

Not paying the bitch any more attention I leapt back towards the pair of bastards. The image of that woman's cackling laughter and smile as she revealed to me that she killed my babies.... I was going to enjoy doing this. But first things first, killing that alligator motherfucker.

"Oh, honey here he comes." Sherylla said as she was stroking the leaf like fur of her guardian.

"I know, and he looks angry.... Did you really have to kill his children?"

"I didn't have to but I wanted him to suffer. I don't regret doing it if that's what your asking."

'Sigh' "Fine, but we are having a long discussion after this.... Whatever you are." 

Mcillian sighed again before he got into a battle stance. I could feel him getting pumped up as a similar energy as mine started to rise up in him.

As I was descending towards him I stuck out my fist in a super hero pose but I aimed it directly for his stupid face. Only to have it knocked away like a pebble before he countered with a uppercut that knocked out a couple of my teeth.

"Don't do this Vexsus.... She is my wife, she may have killed your children but I still love her and will protect her no matter what."

Raising up with blood dripping from my mouth I smiled, showing off the gaps in my teeth that was slowly closing as the new teeth regrew.

"I'm going to feast on her while she still breaths. She will become my buffet as I heal her constantly and I'll savor every single second Mcillian, I was just going to use her for the betterment of my family.... But then she just had to go off and kill my babies. Stand aside alligatorman."

I unleashed a powerful wave of aura directed at her but Mcillian stood in the way quickly and with a wave of his hand he pushed it away as if it was a physical thing.

"You're not skilled using the power of Rage. It took me years to learn to harness this power, your but a lizard compared to me Vexsus."

"Fuck me are you serious? I'm not a lizard..... I'M A FUCKING DRAGON!"


With a mighty roar I focused all the power into my legs and jumped straight towards him. I slashed with my claws in an downward swing but he easily side stepped it and threw a haymaker that just rolled me in the air and slammed me into a nearby tree. 

He pounded his fist together and fire surged from his knuckles. He bent down as the swirls of wind seemed to coalesce around his ankles before he jumped toward me while leaving behind a crater centered around 2 large footprints.


With an explosion his fist impacted my back as I was trying to pick myself back up, only to be flung away again but this time Mcillian stomped on the ground and a slab of solid rock rose up to become a dead stop for my flying body.

I coughed up blood as I could feel multiple bones broken and fractured. Some were even poking out of my body. My body was barely regenerating as it was but now with such critical wounds I could barely breath let alone heal.

Mcillian stood over me and looked down on me like how a billionaire would over a homeless person.

"You shouldn't have tried to beat me using the power of rage. You know nothing about the rage that is needed to fully utilize the power."

I started to laugh as blood spewed and dripped from my mouth. I smiled as I looked up to him while trying buy time for my body to heal.

"What's so funny Vexsus? I can see your body starting to heal but I won't give you the time."

He soon lifted a leg and over his foot water started to form and then it froze over into a boot covered in icicles.

"Goodbye Vexsus."

*Now is the time, unleash me.*

"You know I've never been using Rage. What I have is so much more powerful."

That piqued his interest as he lowered his foot but soon I was raised up and covered midway by ice. I liked it because the ice was numbing my body and I couldn't really feel the pain but at the same time I was losing feeling.

"Oh yea? What exactly have you been doing this whole time? Because to me it seems like your just a physically weak creature undeserving everything you've been giving."

He leaned down close to my ear as he whispered. "I've always wondered how delicious your little fox would taste in bed." 

I just smiled as this was just the pebble I needed to start the rockslide. 

"Thank you, that's just what I needed." 

This whole time I've been trying to fully unleash the anger and wrath but using the death of Missy and Jazzy just brought up sadness mixed in with anger and it never really met the requirements. But this asshole just gave me the perfect anger inducing image. 

Nothing fucks with a guys mind more than the image of another man raping his woman.

I used that mental image to fuel my rage and forced it through the final wall and breaking through I started to erupt in a red cloak like flame. The ice surrounding me started to melt as my body expanded and my muscles bulged. 

"My power is not Rage you fucking alligator.... IT'S WRA~~~~TH!" With a flail I spread my arms and completely bust the ice and disappear in a single flash step towards Mcillian. 

Before he blinks his is lifted up with an uppercut and before he could fall back down I used that time to grab his arm and break it before slamming him over my shoulder into the stone wall he slammed me into.

I was taking a step forward towards him but was soon stopped by a vine entertwining around my leg. 

"You've gone far enough you monster. I don't know what you just did but you will not continue, Die you evil bastard."

With a flash of red light I burned away the vines and turned my head with a evil smile.

"Looks like I to deal with you first."

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