My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 108 - [Bonus ] My End Of The Deal

Vines continously wrapped around my legs and some even grasped onto my arms, only to seconds later be burned away by the sheer aura that I unleashed. I kept the mental image of That oversized alligator ravaging Kitsoma in my mind. The look of pleading from her as she cried, gotta give it to having ADHD from my time as a human, the imagery is crystal clear.

"What are you?" Sherylla asks as she starts to back away and her guardian moves to stand in front of her.

"I"m the consequences of your actions, I'm the reaper of your soul, the devourer of your flesh."

The guardian leaps at me with a snarl as it latched onto my bicep and started to tear away at it. Blood pouring down like rain only to sizzle and evaporate from the heat my body was emitting.

I stroked it's leafy like fur and in a voice akin to a someone talking with their pet I spoke.

"Aww, your such a good boy. Look at you defending your momma." 


With a quick chop to it's neck I break it and release it from witnessing what I'm going to put it's owner through.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Sherylla screams in agony as she feels her connection with the guardian break. I'm sure she can summon it again.... If she lived.

"You are a monster, you are absolutely evil, YOU DO NOT DESERVE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN!" With a surge of mana she sends a tidal wave of roots and vines that surround me and encase me inside of a wooden cocoon. I could feel it pressing down on me by the second, even as it started to burn away and wither it seemed like more roots and vines moved to take withereds place.

I closed my eyes and imagined all the bad shit that I've been through, Past as a human and now as a dragon. I remembered the sadness and anger I felt from the shit as a human as my cloak of wrath started to burn hotter. Then I relived the image of seeing my children massacred as their mother watched and smiled.

*Good, very good, use this. Use this anger. Unleash it and destroy your enemies and give me their souls.*

"Sounds like a deal to me." I place one hand up against the ever pressing wood and focus all that rage into my arm and down to my hand. With a grunt and a push I unleash it in a single direction. Out comes a wave of red violent energy that burns away the wood and continues on in a wide cone of destruction.

I then focus the rage inside my body into a single point and keep concentrating it until it reaches a tiny pin sized ball. I force it outside my body in an explosion but instead what comes out is that same sized ball of red unstable energy. It floats in mid-air in front of me as if beckoning me to grab it and throw it. So I do, I grab it and throw it towards that miserable witch as she sat on her ass in Bewilderment at my power.

What happens next was so satisfying, The ball made contact with her head and in an instant it seemed to dissolve like a slime that covered her entire body, her eyes getting ever wider as she started to scream in agony. It started with her arms as they slowly seemed to crackle and sizzle, then her legs followed, it slowly, oh so slowly traveled up her extremities causing untold pain all the while.


I just stood there as my wooden coffin disintigrated around me into nothing but just another pile upon the woodland floor. Afterwards I stepped over and walked closer to the woman who by now was silently screaming and panting for air. I could see her chest seizure for oxygen but nothing could get through the slime of Wrath that covered her.

I leaned down and glared right into her eyes as I smiled widely. 

"You killed my children. This is your punishment. Your soul now belongs to the Sin of Wrath, but your flesh belongs to me."

My hand slides through the slime as I place my palm on her chest. In a few seconds I release another blast of Rage that puts a hole directly through her chest and obliterates her heart. Her eyes slowly close and the slime sizzles away into nothingness, it's job fulfilled.

*Ahh, how refreshing to taste a new mortal soul. NOW GIVE ME MORE!*

"Calm down woman, you'll have your next offering in a few seconds." Annoyed at the loud yelling in my head I turn and start to walk towards the still unconscious Mcillian. I crouch down and make sure he's still breathing.

"Well, atleast he's not going to feel anything. That's the least I can do for someone that was just defending his love and had nothing to do with her evil acts. I'm sorry you had to be apart of this Mcillian.... I truly am."

Using another blast of Rage I end his life by destroying his head. Then I grab both of the bodies and sit down under the same tree my children are now buried under and as the Rage fades away I cry.

"I'm sorry little ones, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

"Vexsus? Honey what are you doing still out here? Good gods is that Mcillian? and what in the hell is that thing next to it? It looks like a burnt body?"

Kitsoma came and was shocked at what she saw. There under the tree was her love, next to him was a giant alligatorman without a head and next to that was the blackened burnt body of something unrecognizable.

I turn to her but through the tears all I can see are a blurry image of her. 

"My babies are gone.... THIS BITCH KILLED THEM! she killed them...." I screamed as I kicked the burnt body but turned and rubbed the ground that covered the bodies.

"Who killed who Vexsus? Huh? WHO is dead?"

"missy and jazzy.... they came to wake me up and sherylla killed them...."

Kitsoma gasped at what I said, she then ran off to wake up the others. I sat there under the tree staring down at the ground as the thoughts of their smiling faces were being seared onto my heart, never to be forgotten.

A few minutes go by as the others finally come over in a hurry all together. Sondar and Kona were the first to arrive. Sondar instantly could feel the sadness and anguish I felt because of our bond. He was floored instantly by the magnitude.

"I'm sorry little ones." He said as tears started to fall from his eyes.

Kona came and hugged me as she to could feel a slight amount through our pact.

"Master.... are these the ones who did it? Did you avenge them?" She asked as she looked at the 2 bodies I placed next to me.

I could only nod since that was all the energy I had to do.

Kitsoma walked over to the bodies and examined them, she mostly looked at where Mcillian's head was completely gone.

"How did you do this Vexsus? These wounds, and this body as a whole.... How?"

"I made a deal with the Sin of Wrath.... She was originally the owner of my soul when I was a human.... She gave me power in exchange for the souls of these 2." I didn't care if they knew, I had nothing to hide anymore.. I didn't have the energy to keep up with hiding anything.

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