My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 111 - A Nice Snack And Recruitment

I was being drug through the underbrush of the forest by somebody who, besides telling me to shut up, has not spoken a single word since. I could tell it was a man by the size of the gloved hand that was wrapped around my ankle, also the violent pulls every now and then when I got caught on roots and in bushes. I told them I could walk and follow them using my Detection skill but they didn't say anything except a grunt followed by a hard yank. 

I didn't want to use my Detection and instead opted to keep it all mysterious and exciting. I could tell this person wasn't strong enough to really hurt me but I just went along with it.

After a few minutes I started to hear the sounds of footsteps joining us. A soft grunt could be heard when the footsteps got close enough. Then after a few more minutes I started hearing multiple voices almost like I was near a open air market, I could hear vendors yelling out prices and the voices of happy chattering.

That is until we got closer and instantly it was like a blanket of silence went over everything.

"We're here." A gruff voice spoke up and said as I was left on the ground and the footsteps of whoever saved me and company walked away. I picked myself up and started dusting off my body to wipe off all the leaves and other various things one can pick up while being drug through a forest.

"I appreciate the help... Whoever you are, now if someone could be so kind as to fill me in on where I am? I need to pick up some food for date night with the missus and I have a feeling I'm already late."

Feeling a rush of hostility from my left I leaned my head back just in time to dodge the brush of wind as I could only imagine a fist had just been on a collision course with my face.

"Monsters like you do not deserve to speak to us like your our equal." The voice of a young man with a very high opinion of himself said from right in front of my face.

"I may be a monster ya little brat, but watch the way you speak to me.... Is there anybody else here who can speak to me? Is this brat really the voice of this group?" I didn't have any bad intentions.... yet.

"That 'brat' that you speak of is my son you fucking abomination, Him and his friend only saved you because they thought you'd make a nice pair of scaled armor. They just saved you from the Greater Spiders while you were screaming like a little bitch. Jonesy, go get the rope it's time to bleed it, I here Lizardman blood is good for waterbreathing potions." The whole groupd around me started laughing and chuckling like the funniest joke was just said. 

"I am planning on a very 'fun' night with the missus, I don't want to ruin it by dirtying up my scales with your blood, Just speak to me like a normal person and we can get along wonderfully, I'll even set up a trade with your little camp. I think we can work together, but only if you start showing me some civility." I was trying my hardest to keep under control, especially after yet another lesser creature called me a goddam lizardman.

There was silence for more than I felt comfortable with so I decided the mystery wasn't exciting anymore and activated Detection. I saw 40 humans around me, they had me in the middle of a circle where everyone had a sharp weapon of some kind pointed at me while they looked towards the a huge bear of a man that was sitting on a makeshift throne in the center of everything. Around me was just tents and shoddy looking huts centered around a huge bonfire. 

I saw the man get up from his throne and start to walk over to me with heavy thuds that hinted he was more than just a human. He walked up to me and I had to gag for a second from the stench that erupted from this man's mouth after every breath. It smelt like rotten meat combined with straight up ass. 

"Gugh, fucking lord go wash out your mouth with something good fuck. This is torture already." I said as I started waving my hands in front of my face. I heard a few quiet snorts from the surrounding people but a quick look from this man and those people instantly shut up.

"Who do you think you are lizard, I rule these woods and nobody enters here without my say so. The guild gave me specific rights over this forest and all that resides within it."

"Excuse me? Nobody asked me if I was alright with that. I don't think the other people who live in this WIDE and Very Vast forest agreed to be lorded over by a human who imitates a fucking bear."

"You monsters and beasts don't get a say. You are just the creatures we hunt and slaughter for food and other necessities. You have no rights in the world but to obey Humans."

Dammit, I was really hoping they wouldn't be humans. I was hoping some kind of horrible species that just looked like humans but in reality humans were just as horrible here as in the other world.

"I'm leaving and going back to my home. I don't care what you do with the spiders but beyond that and your nearing MY Territory, I don't care for your human politics and sense of self rightousness, If you enter my territory with the intent to kill anyone I hold dear or pillage what I am in charge of..... Well, you won't see the rise of the next sun." 

I gave my warning, I turned around and started to walk away and pushed my way through the crowd. The whole time I had Detection going and was watching as the humans all looked at the man in shock but soon they all smiled as someone quietly handed him a large 2-handed battleaxe that dripped some kind of liquid from it.

"You really think you can just leave after speaking to me like that? Your hide will look great as a rug infront of my outhouse and every day I'll wipe the mud and whatever else I step in on your scales before and after I exit. You are going to be nothing but a leather patch on the ground YOU FUCKING LIZARD!" He then jumped towards me with his axe raised high and swung down with all his might. 

I felt a slight second of danger but it soon passed so I just let the axe connect with me, hell I even turned so that he could hit my softer scaled frontside and deal more damage. But the only thing that happened was a slight scratch that was just barely deep enough for some blood to leak out.

I looked down and smiled. "Is this your strongest attack?"

I was feeling mighty hungry at that moment so I used Analyze on the big man in front.

[Hyde Bloodletter]

[Lvl 20 Barbarian]


[Relentless Rage]

[Bloody Strike]

[Unyielding Charge]

[Persistent Rage]

[Danger Sense]

I was pretty intrigued with this guy's skills. If I had to use the power of Wrath again these skills might be just the ticket to fully unleash it's true potential. Danger sense was a good skill to have since it would give me an extra few seconds if something dangerous were to attack me. 

I smiled as I made up my mind and made sure to show off all of my pointy, sharp, bloodthirsty teeth at the pathetic humans in front of me.

It's dinner time....

I eyed a few other interesting people that were hiding in the trees and observing, I didn't feel anything from them besides curiosity so I ignored them. I used Spatial blink to appear right in front of the man, I wanted to play with my food for a little bit, you know, really get the meat properly tenderized.

I used Mana Hands to form 4 additional scaled fists that I used to rain down fists down onto this pathetic bastards chest and stomach. I stopped only when he coughed up blood and then I did something evil.... I healed him.... but I did it by using one claw to scratch a magic circle straight into his flesh. This way with every punch I'll activate the healing circle that way I can keep tenderizing. These lowly things dared to think of me as something below them, They dared to try and hunt me like some common beast. They will feel the difference between us, between humans, and the monsters that overshadow even their darkest nightmare.

COUGH, COUGH, "Ple-please.... Stop... no...more." The huge man meekly begged inbetween vomitting blood. The power he prided himself on could do no more than inflict a papercut, I do have to admit, about 2 minutes in he gave it a good go and tried to go full force but I just slapped the piss out of him and rocketed him through the nearest tree before walking over and picking him up from the dirt and placed my hand over the magic circle.

"Please, god no, please. Just kill me. WHY AREN"T YOU BASTARDS HELPING ME!!!..... Please no more...." He had tears and snot flowing freely as he begged me to kill him. I smiled as I nodded.

"I'm bored anyways." Then with a sickening squelch I plunge my claws directly through his chest and grab his heart, before I crushed it I felt it beat in my hand as it fought a losing battle to keep doing it's job. I felt the beats get slower and slower but I couldn't wait much longer and decided to end it right there with another sickening crunch. 

I ripped my hand free and let his body drop. Then turned towards the other plebian mortals with a smile. 

"Are you going to follow along in this bastards footsteps?" I then I rip off an arm and take a huge bite. Loud gasps of shock and screams of horror erupt from the group but they didn't move due to that same fear. After I gulp down the rather gamey flesh I speak again.

"Or~~~ you can come work for me. I've already proven I'm damn near the strongest 'Beast' around here. So what's it gonna be?"

The group was so terrified that none of them could speak, Even the loudmouth brat from before. But I could sense that behind the terror, was a subtle seed that was being planted, That seed was Wrath.

*I expect to be paid for giving you a new play thing Wrath.*

*Don't try and con me mortal, I just took action when I saw an opportunity.*

Tsk Stingy Bitch

I shake my head in dissapointment before staring at the humans again. "Final offer, join me or die."

"1" The humans were looking at one another to see if anyone would be the first to bow down to me. That's fine If I needed to make another example, I knew my next target since I got nothing out of his soul being marked anyways.

"2" This time I saw a few humans shake before coming over and finally kneeling before me. Good, good, this started a chain reaction where all but a handful gave up and submitted.

"You really don't want to serve me? I offer benefits, We have some of the best healers, 24/7 security, oh and the best health insurance you could ever ask for..... I'll let you live." I smiled a big toothy grin at that last part. Is it bad of me that I was hoping some more would say no? Just that piece barbarian was just a tease and I need more.

"You swear to let us live if we bow to you?" The loudmouth finally spoke up as he stepped forward. With a smile I took a step forward aswell until we were only a foot apart.

"If you follow my every command? Then yes, I will provide you with a new home where you and the rest of these humans can grow stronger and prosper."

"Fuck..... Fine, but I get command over the humans under you ok? I'll be your second in command."

"Nope, sorry position is full, every position is filled in my inner circle. If you feel like you want a spot than little man.. You have to earn it."

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