My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 112 - The Taming Of The Spider

The brat just kept staring at me straight in the eyes. I was rather impressed, he showed fear but at the same time he was fighting back that same fear to stand up to me. With a smirk I placed a hand on his shoulder. He tried to jerk back but with a little added strength I made sure he couldn't move.

"You're a feisy one I'll give you that, but don't think you can keep staring at me like I'm an obstacle you'll overcome one day. I promise you compared to you lowly little humans, I might aswell be the fucking stars in the night sky."

I could see his resolve faulter for a second but it quickly firmed back up. I can tell this guy is going to be a hassle. But oh the fun it'll be in the meantime.

"I'll personally train you brat, I'll make you reach those stars, I'll be happy to fight you when you're stronger." 

I turned and walked back towards the forest..... Back towards the fucking spiders. I had to fight a shiver from going down my spine and shattering the confidant walk I had going.

"Just stay here for a second, I'll go deal with the spiders and when you see the signal you start walking in that direction. Got it?" The humans all nodded furiously as I walked away.

Before I left I picked up the barbarian and took him with me. I wasn't just going to leave a meal lying around like that. Even as I was still within hearing distance from the humans I started eating and munching down on my take out.

[New DNA Detected. Assimilation processing....Complete]

[User's level is high enough. Will now Assimilate full list of skills.]

Fuck yea.

[Relentless Rage] Lvl 0 0/10 - User can now withstand a fatal blow aslong as User has 20% health.

[Bloody Strike] Lvl 0 0/10 - Perform an attack that gains power the lower health the User has.

[Unyielding Charge] Lvl  0 0/10 - Perform a body slam that gains power the Lower health the User has.

[Persistent Rage] - Upon a fatal blow User will lose control for 30 seconds but continue fighting with increased strength. User will regain health during this time but will recieve double damage.

[Danger Sense] - User will now sense incoming danger seconds before it occurs.

With a victory fist to the sky I continued walking into the forest.


It took me a few minutes before I started to encounter the webs again. This time I had Detection going the whole time so I couldn't be caught by the damn webs again.

I could see that no spiders ever came down to the ground except to capture the prey and then scurry back up to the treetops. Up there I saw huge thick webbings that covered a vast majority of the trees. I saw atleast 50 spiders of varying sizes scurrying everywhere. I was a bit shocked because using Detection I could tell that the entire web had magical properties. 

I just got another hairbrained idea. I took a quick look at my skill list for something and smiled when I found it.

[Taming] Lvl 0 5/10 

I still had 5 free slots for minions..... 

Now just to figure out a way to grab a few of them...

I tried just throwing some sticks or whatever was lying around at the webs but it was like the spiders knew it wasn't worth the effort. I saw a couple of the little ones start to come down but was stopped by the bigger ones. 

"Clever bastards aren't you? Well fuck, looks like it's time to risk it to get the biscuit."

I took some deep breaths to calm my nerves and when I was ready I jumped straight into a web and started thrashing around. Instantly 2 of the bigger ones came rushing down at me. They were atleast 6 ft tall and may double that wide. To say I was anxious was an understatement.

When they got closer they started to slow down as if they were being curious and making sure there was no trap around before they struck. I had to keep struggling for another 5 minutes before they finally came over. 

As soon as they were both within arms reach I shot out a Smoke Blast at both of them to knock them off and onto the ground. It worked like a charm as they both were stunned and fell on the ground unmoving for a few seconds as I used that time to activate my Lightning muscles and break free, I landed near the spiders just in time for them to flip back onto their feet but I was already there with my hands on their heads. 

I activated the Taming skill but this time it felt different from when I tamed Shorunt and the others. I felt a huge draw of mana coming from my body and it was being directed straight into the spiders minds. I didn't understand but nonetheless I let it continue since these things had potential for the Base.

[Taming Successful: 2x Greater Spider tamed]

At that moment I felt the draw of mana stop and a screen popped up showing me their stats.

[Greater Spider Lvl 15]


[Thread Creation] Lvl 5

[Venomous bite] Lvl 10

[Dark Vision] Max

[Greater Spider Lvl 16]


[Thread Creation] Lvl 10

[Venomous Bite] Lvl 2

[Dark Vision] Max

Oh? It looks like they differed in skill levels. One was more suited for fighting and the other was basically more of a production worker. But both of them had the same skills so the potential to do both was there but it looks like they were sorted out into jobs in the nest.

That led me to think of who exactly sorted out those jobs, and just like a fucking curse I heard a loud screeching come from up above. I look up and in the center of the webbing laid a gigantic ball of web the size of an apartment, I could feel a presence coming from the ball and shortly after a spindly leg breaks through the web and slides down cutting the ball open. 

What came out was.... not that horrible to look at actually, It was an Arachne. For those of you who don't know an Arachne is a creature that has an upper body that resembles a woman and the lower half that was a giant as fuck spider. Usually the upper half is hot as hell but is definitely countered by the grotesqueness of their lower half. 

This case was no different. The upper half was that of a pale skinned beauty with whitish grey hair that flowed a little past her shoulders. Her eyes were glowing with fury as she looked down at me still with my hands on my new pets. 

Her lower half was just gigantic with 6 legs that ended in sharp points. It was covered in white prickly looking furs all over it. It had black dots that were spread out all over it aswell.


She pulled her head back and screeched loud enough to vibrate the air around us and then jumped from the web and came crashing down just a few feet in front of me. The dust settled as she rose up to her full height that was atleast 3 ft taller than me. 

I followed her height as she rose but soon stopped as I was caught by 2 still bouncing mounds. I was entranced like someone was hypnotizing me but I quickly shook my head to break free. I was in a relationship now dammit. I slapped myself a couple times and stared up at the Arachne's face only to see a wicked grin on her face as her eyes glowed a bright green as she looked down on me.

Well hell.

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