My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 129 Reunion (3)

"Why are you all packed and ready? Were you expecting me to appear like that?" I asked as I was confused as to why Gaia and the followers were like this.

"No son, I told them to be ready, As soon as you left yesterday me and Gaia talked some more and he told me about the reason you came back, granted I am a little hurt that you didn't just come back to see me and your father but I'm still happy you came back.... But anyways, I knew you would be needing to leave as quickly as possible once you were finished so I had the little ones pack up and stay here until you arrived." Mom said as she held a smile on her face that was betrayed by teary eyes.

I sighed with guilt as I saw her. "I'm sorry mom, I felt like coming home so many times.... I just knew that without strength I would just get harassed and bullied like the old days. But now that I'm stronger and probably could fight on equal footing with some of the others I don't mind coming back to see you and..... Father." I spoke that last word with disdain as I gazed into the cave and directly at him, I saw as he seemed shocked that I could but quickly he resumed his scowl and exited the cave.

"Are you leaving boy who resembles Vexsus?" He asked me, I felt that pent up anger inside me start to well up again. Is he trying to piss me off? Why does he keep saying this? There has to be an ulterior motive to him saying such a hurtful thing.

"Yes, but I have to ask, can you stop the facade already? I mean You and me both know that I'm your son. So why are you putting on this act right now? Is it becasue Aurum and the others did something while I was away? I know what they did to Grandfather.... Is that the reason you're acting this way? Are you trying to make me leave sooner before they do the same thing to you?"

The two dragons looked shocked at what I said before they looked at eachother for a brief moment before mom spoke again.

"Yes, Your siblings hold powers that they got from dealing with that awful Necromancer.... In return they used that new power to capture and send off your grandfather to be experimented on... Your father and I tried to stop them along with some of the others but..." She started to cry and couldn't continue as father stepped in while holding her.

"We lost.... I, lost. Your siblings were strong enough to fight off the strongest warriors of our clan. They did something to the losers, it felt like they ripped a part of our essence away, I don't feel like I'm complete anymore... Like somethings missing... Look I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday, I missed you so much no matter how horrible I let you be treated when you were younger, you're still my son, and after I learned what happened with that traitor Lucan, I flew everywhere within our land to try and find you. Vexsus please just leave quickly before they come and take away your essence aswell...."

Hearing those words come from my parents mouths hurt me, it angered me, it depressed me. I had so many emotions swirling around that I didn't know what to do until a soft voice was heard in my head.

*This is a teaser of what's to come, calm down my Branded, it will be ok. Take strength from this and do what needs to be done.*

I felt as a wave of calm washed over me as it took away the more powerful emotions and in return I felt a strength surge in my body, it felt like when I used rage but I wasn't immediately tormented by pain. My body felt like this power had been mine all along and it was natural.... Was this what Ira meant when she said I could use her powers fully? Is this the true power of Wrath? To feel Anger and Pain and Intense emotions but instead of succumbing, you enslave those emotions and burn them as fuel for power....
*Thank you Ira, I mean it.*

I breathed out slowly as I looked at mother and father. "I will go have a chat with my brothers and sisters.... Gaia, help them pack their things, Mother and Father will be coming along to meet their grandchildren after I get back." I was going to use Spatial blink to rapidly get back to the chamber but I was stopped by mom who hurriedly ran and hugged me.

"Stop Vexsus! Just stay here for a moment. Me and your father wanted to spend time with you before you leave.... Please?" I saw the sincerity in her eyes but I knew what I was going to do after all this was over. I decided that it was now going to only be me and Gaia as the remaining children still breathing. The others signed their death warrants I was going to collect the bounty that was their souls....

"Fine mom, I'll stay for a little bit, but know this, I will not alter my plans to kill those traitors of the clan, I know I haven't been apart of this clan since well ever, but still to actually do something as horrendous as sending off grandfather for death and ontop of that to steal your essence away? That is unforgivable and they will better serve as a source for my strength to increase than to keep breathing out noxious air into the world."

She could only look at me with yet another shocked look as her brain digested what I just said. After a few moments she could only whisper. "what happened to you my baby boy?"

I looked with a gaze filled with agony and sorrow as the sporadic memories of a year as nothing but a test subject and a gladiator, along with the still vivid memories of watching my precious babies getting killed by their mother raced through my mind.

"I witnessed the darkness that this world harbors, I lived through suffereing that I would wish upon nobody but my worst enemies, even then they would have to do horrendous things to make me go that far. The things I witnessed mother... It scarred my very soul, I'm not ever going to be the same as that fragile runt that you knew, nor will I carry the same emotions as back then, I lived through horror and that horror attached itself inside me and changed me forever."

Her eyes started to well up again with tears in her eyes as she hugged me tighter. I could feel her sobbing as I felt wetness on my shoulder. I shouldn't have said that to her... I should have just kept that to myself and said some other nonchalant answer.... But I can't take it back now so the best thing to do is try and distract her from it.

"Mom.... Hey, listen why don't I help you guys pack up and I can tell you about a few of your grandkids huh? I can't wait till you meet them, OH man and I can't wait till you meet my family, the ones who I bonded with in the dungeon after almost becoming a slave? Yea those guys, but wow especially this woman called Kitsoma, I mean from first sight my heart bumped like a rabbit, I mean she is so smart and funny and loving, Even my children have taken to calling her mother...."

I went on and on like this for a few minutes as I just gushed about how my life was with my family and how excited I was to have my parents meet them. In the back of my mind I could still see the worry in their eyes but just like me they were putting on a face and trying to move past it for my sake just as I was for theirs. This went on for a few hours as I followed them inside and looked around the home that I left years ago.

I came upon a room that had an assortment of books and other magical things and that's when mother came in and sighed as she saw me looking around. "I started collecting these things from the few trusted merchants that have been allowed to trade here. It's not much but after you.... I started to train magically in the hopes that me and your father would have another brood.... But unfortunately after what your siblings did..... Something inside me stopped."

As disturbing as that was to imagine.... I still was upset that my mother was denied something that she wanted, any son worth their salt would be upset. I gave her a quick hug and went over to check a few of the books. A few of them was actually intriguing with names like [Magic basics for dummies], [Earth Manipulation of the Ancients], [Circulation of Inner Energies].

Those things were funny to see but once I gave them a quick look through they were actually quite detailed, For a beginner in magic the dummies book would prove quite effective, aswell as the circulation book because that would be OP for any magic user.

After leaving that room I opened up a space bubble that was big enough for a them to pack together quite a few things. Mother went out and grabbed a few seedlings and cuttings from her garden to plant at the new place, Father brought along some weapons to train my kids with, He was adamant and even had a gaze of excitement at training younglings again. Me and Gaia watched as our parents became giddy with excitement as they talked to eachother about what they wanted to do once they got to where my family was now living.

We left the cave and I gave them a hug before I told the followers to take my parents and wait outside the village as me and Gaia walked towards the chamber to get to work on the last thing I will ever do with this village.

As we were walking down the stairs to the chamber Gaia looked over at me with worried eyes. "Brother? Are we sure this needs to be done? Couldn't we just leave them alone just this once?"

"Gaia, I know you mean well but think about what they did... They essentially killed our grandfather and sterilized our parents, they need to atleast be beaten to a pulp, but hey if I go overboard and kill them then hey no big deal and I gain a nice snack."

He just looked at me wide eyed. "Are you really going to eat them!!!"

"Duh, why would I waste a source of empowerment? I know it's A taboo to eat your kin but hey two of them hold Sins and I plan on collecting them all and becoming strong enough to fight off the Shadow Eaters. I don't see the problem since I never considered them family since the beginning anyways."

"Yea.... I guess your right but don't expect me to partake in the snacks though..."

"Yea yea now hush we're almost there."

Once we stepped past the golden doors I was surprised as Necro was there smirking  as he was already looking my way as he felt me coming back here.

"I see you were told what really happened here.... Well I think that's my cue to leave then."

"Don't fuck with my family anymore Necro.... OR I'll be coming for you and this time I wont hesitate..."

"OH I know little dragon, I know all about your special lifespan burning trick, don't think you're the only one who has a trick or two, hehehe, toodadlooo, till next time boys and girls!" Then with a wisp of black fog the figure disappears and all that's left is the siblings all together in one room.

"Focus up brother, it's time for a Reunion."

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