My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 130 Reunion (4)

I just stood there alongside Gaia and glared at the others. They only stared back at me before Salus stepped forward and spoke up.

"Welcome back Vexsus, did you leave something behind? Why are you back here?"

"Salus.... Are you really trying to be ignorant right now? I heard from mom and dad about what you dumbfucks did to grandfather and even to your own parents. I've come here to right a wrong that should never of happened."

That shut him up as he was shocked that I was aware of what they did. But soon the others started to laugh as the last of my words sunk in.

"Hahaha, You think you're the one to right the wrong? Nothing wrong happened here though? The only thing that went wrong was that you were left alive and that we didn't check you before we let you in. Who do you think you are to be able to stand there with a Fallen Creature next to you no less and dare spout off such bullshit." Aurum said as his arrogant tone was in full swing once again.

"Well thank you for reminding me of that.... I want to also know why the hell Gaia is a Fallen Dragonoid? What happened? He had the blessing of a Virtue but now he had to start over basically from scratch. Did you fucks have something to do with that... What am I asking, ofcourse you did, I'm guessing silver tongued Salus over there convinced Gaia to do something that went against his morals and that was what caused it. Am I right?"

"Brother it was a moment of weakness.... Salus convinced me to give up on bringing you back after we heard what happened after you left. I was convinced you were alive and wanted to form a party to go look for you, but Salus put up a good argument that unfortunately was easy for my weak self at the time, to believe. I'm sorry Vexsus."

I looked at Gaia with a saddened look but I nodded nonetheless. "I understand Gaia. I was weak in the past and if it wasn't for a few lucky or well some would say unlucky breaks, I would not be who and where I am today. But nevertheless, you are better without them and by my side I can promise you will grow stronger.... But as for you Aurum, and the rest of you pathetic lot. You will pay for doing what you have done to my parents and grandfather. You are not my siblings, we do not share the same blood."
After I finished talking I shot forth a quick succession of Spatial Bullets at each one of them. They were only small and barely had any strength to them but their purpose was to 1. test for defenses, and 2. give the appearance I still was not stronger than them. Like I anticipated the bullets were either slashed away or were blocked by some kind of shield as all 6 of the bastards had some form of defense or were strong enough to swat the bullets away.

"This was your opening attack? This was a shame little brother, or well since we are no longer siblings that would mean you are nothing more than a pest that intruded upon my golden chamber. Die Vermin!" Aurum yelled before his thoat started to swell and glow with an orange light before he opened his mouth and out came a stream of bright orange flames that instantly raised the tempature of the room.

Seeing this I pushed Gaia out of the way and using mana manipulation I was put up a wall of pure mana that was able to block a good portion of the fire breath, the rest of the flames licked across my scales and burned me a little but that was soon taken care of by my awesome regneration passive. I wasn't going to get cocky and let the whole breath hit me but I had a feeling I could manhandle these fools If I went all out. But since I wasn't feeling like my life was on the line I decided I was going to play a little bit like I used to back in the old days.

With my mana shield still up and blocking the flames I waved my hands and materialized a mana spear that I soon threw over to Gaia. He may not want to eat them but he is damn sure going to help me kill them. Then I materialized 4 more spears but this time I infused my spatial mana into 2 and smoke into the other 2. The spatial ones took on the appearance of lances made of pure night sky that were dotted with twirling masses of stars. The smoke infused ones soon started to get wispy and almost seemed to dissipate into the air but I could still feel them through my mana, the smoke spears just took on an invisible aspect where as the spatial ones gave off a feeling of overwhelming power that could penetrate even the deepest recesses of space.

"What the fuck it that! Marico and Jaspin GET HIM NOW! LATIUS, TYROLE OBSCURE HIS VISION ALREADY. WE CANNOT LET HIM SEE US!" Salus screamed out orders and in an instant Marico and Jaspin melded within the shadows and Latius and Tyrole combined their elements to create a steam that effectively blocked my vision. Little did they know that I have more ways to see them than just with my eyes.

Using Detection I could see Latius and Tyrole both with an orb of water and fire respectively and were blasting the two of them together. It was effective but mana exhaustive since they had to focus on controlling the ball of element then sending a stream forward while still creating more. I could even see ripples in the shadows as two barely discernable figures were sneaking through them like 2 wolves slowly stalking prey. Salus was next to Aurum and in his hands was a small object that was triangular but with some kind of gem situated in the center. He was raising it up while Aurum was infusing mana into it while they both pointed at me.

"LATIUS, TYROLE ENOUGH! It's already over Vexsus, I'll be sure to tell mom and dad your goodbyes."

I was confused but soon I could feel an energy coalesce above me and soon bars of some kind formed and descended down all around me. They appeared faster than I could move and soon I was trapped in a cell of whatever these things were made of. The worst part was that I could feel a faint pulling sensation inside of me as a weakness started to slowly set in. This impromptu prison was made up of mana draining material.

"Hahaha look at what I found when going through that old farts treasure trove. He kept this hidden but when we all came for his head he tried to use it to stop us, thankfully we had little Marico there to quickly slice his hands off with a surprise attack and grabbed the artifact. You should have seen his face when we summoned Necro here to take him away, it was so funny." Aurum laughed aswell as Salus while they walked up to the cage and looked at me with triumph clearly in their eyes.

Gaia came running over but was soon stopped as Jaspin and Marico emerged from the shadows and took him down and restrained him.

"LET HIM GO AURUM! THAT WAS A CHEAP TRICK!" He yelled while struggling.

"He was going to kill me dear Gaia. He along with anyone else who dares to take my life deserves no less than my full attention."

"I will get out of here Aurum. It'll be very soon." I said while using a pained voice to hide the fact that as I was grabbing at the bars and acting like I was trying to bend them, I was actually creating a magic circle into the bars that would direct the mana back into the artifact and overload it. Magic for the win bitches!

Latius and Tyrole both started laughing as they started to throw small balls of Ice and Fire into the cage at me. It hurt yea but I had plenty of mana to counter the drain aswell as regenerate from these petty attacks.

"I don't think you know just how screwed you are Vexsus. We are going to keep you as a pet, you'll be drained of just enough mana to not be a nuisance but still have enough to do tricks and entertain us. Don't worry I'll be sure to feed and water you ever day hahahaha." Salus came closer to the cage and spoke with a arrogant attitude.

But that was his downfall as with a flash I quickly jab my claws into his shoulder before one of the others had the time to react. I quickly got pelted with stronger and stronger attacks as I balled up inside the cage to defend the soft parts of my body but while hiding my head I was smiling as I gave Salus a gift that should be going off very soon....

BOOM! A loud explosion erupted from Salus' Shoulder as his arm exploded outwards like a bomb with blood and bones as shrapnel. I used my skill Rupture that made the person explode and damage nearby enemies but Since I didn't inflict a fatal wound, only his shoulder exploded and not his whole body. I wanted to but the weakness from the mana drain was making me a little woozy so my aim was off.

"AAAGGGHHH! THIS BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO!" Salus screamed at the top of his lungs as he grabbed onto the stump of his missing arm. Blood was pooring down his side but it was soon cauterized by Tyrole.

"I only gave you a gift Salus. Just one of many that you all will recieve when I break free."

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