My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 131 Reunion (5)

I was still smiling as Salus was screaming in pain. I could only chuckle as next second he raised one hand towards me and a swirling ball of sharp winds and sharp rocks formed in his palm and he threw it at me. The ball erupted and a tornado of pain soon commenced all around me.... I say pain but this low level storm barely gave me a papercut let alone caused me pain, but I could tell that if I didn't have Pain Resistance, I would be in a shit ton of torture.


"Salus calm down dammit, We can use him as a bargaining chip with Necro. You heard how he and Necro spoke, there is obviously some hate between them, so let's use that to benefit us." Aurum said.

Salus grunted as he stood there still supplying mana to the storm over me before he sighed and with a wave of his remaining hand the storm died down.

"I guess you have a point Aurum, but listen here you pathetic worm, Next time you attack me I will destroy you and take away your Sin and absorb it as my own got it?"

I smirked at that, as if this little piss ant could ever fulfill Gula, let alone handle Ira.

"Let me out of this cage shit head and I'll gladly let you try."

That smartass remark rewarded me with a ice spear implanting itself into the side of my body just under my ribs. Now that was some pain, My outside was resistant but the inside? That was a different story.

"AGHHH GODDAM IT LATIUS, I'M TALKING TO SHIT HEAD SALUS NOT YOU!" I yelled in anger but she only smirked back at me. Salus nodded towards her and she balled her hand into a fist before imitating an explosion and the spear soon sprouted spikes that further impaled me.
"I thought... you wanted to keep... me alive?" I had to struggle to say as the ice was starting to freeze my insides aswell as I had to struggle against the bloodloss. Not to mention my lungs were pierced but at the same time my body was healing itself. But with the ice still inside me it was hindering the healing process and I was stuck in a limbo of internal pain and suffering.

"Ah, but you see who said we had to keep you completely intact? We all know you have the regeneration of a dragon, hell even Gaia over there has some form of it, even if it's weaker." Tyrole said with a condescending tone, he wasn't wrong but damn I wish they hadn't thought of it.

*You'll die if this keeps up Vexsus, use my power to break free, Create Carnage and Mayhem on these pathetic weaklings and consume them. Gula and me promises that you will gain so much power if you do this.*

*Not now Ira, I want to play with these fools some before I take their lives. They deserve a slow death for the pain they caused.*

In my head I could swear I could see an image of a red skinned woman pouting while beside her was another woman that was laughing at her.

I only shook my head as my attention was brought back to the present by the ice spikes digging deeper into my body, the freezing effect was taking more of a toll on me as it was getting harder to focus and it felt like an uphill battle just to breath and move a finger.

"Guys.... I think.... It's time.... We finish the game...." I huffed out with each tormented breath. They all looked at me with a confused look before outright laughing at me. The only two people who weren't laughing as I said this was Gaia who started shaking his head and Jaspin who started to meld into the darkness and ran away.

I smiled as blood started to freely bubble out of my mouth with lung blood and was soon followed by a thick fog of ash and smoke as it came billowing out of my mouth in waves. The sheer tempature of the smoke melted the ice like it was just ice cream in the middle of a summer day.

"What the fuck? How is this possible?" Latius asked with bewilderment.

As the ice melted my body was healing at a faster pace, eventually my lungs finally healed and I sucked in a deep breath before smiling. The mana drain from the cage was never a concern so I freely let me skills loose.

"I told you I was done playing these games. Now to get rid of this stupid cage." I waved my hand over the bars in front of me and several magic circles appeared before searing themselves into the bars. I soon felt the mana drain increase a drastic amount but soon I could see a faint glow of the bars begin to get brighter and brighter before a sense of danger even I shivered at could be felt all over the room. I created a mana shield over me and Gaia but nobody else... for obvious reasons and just kept pumping mana into them to make the shields stronger and thicker to hopefully withstand the explosion that was about to happen.

It took longer than expected but my danger sense was in full swing telling me to not let my guard down and to keep strengthening the shields.... The dipshit siblings on the other hand lowered theirs as they yet again started laughing.

"Hahaha, See I told you he was just weak, this was probably just a vain attempt at the end of his life to try and escape. See watch this." Tyrole being the meathead he was walked up to the bars and started moving his hand towards the bars as if to touch them. I kept a straight face but as his hand got closer I showed a small smile as I looked over at Salus. He looked back at me and soon his eyes opened wide as he yelled at Tyrole to stop.

"TYROLE STOP THIS IS A TRAP!!!" But it was to late, as Tyrole looked back at Salus in confusion his hand crossed the short distance and lightly tapped the bars. The next second was like waking up in the middle of the night and then turning on your cellphone while it was on max brightness. Nothing but retina searing light was all that I saw before I felt the earth beneath me shaking and crumbling.

Even through the shield I could feel an almost suffocating pressure as loads and loads of mana was thrown all throughout the area around me. I felt like a herd of elephants were laid on top of me. It was even harder to breath through this than it was with the ice spreading through me.

The rumbling kept going as seconds turned to minutes as I started to get worried. Because as I started to look around after my fucking eyes healed from the pain of being burned, I started to notice as cracks started to appear all around my shield. I wasn't worried for me but in my head I was freaking out because of my shield around Gaia. I started to pump out even more mana as if my life depended on it but directed 90% of it towards Gaia.

Soon the cracks started to turn into holes that let in not even more of the pressure that weighed on me but a blistering heat that soon started to burn holes right through me like a hot iron rod. I could brace myself and try and endure through the pain.


Ira yet again screamed into my head but between the roar of the explosion and the pain I was enduring, her voice barely came through above a whisper compared to everything. But my nerves did relax a little knowing Gaia was ok, I still kept his shield as the main draw of mana but I did start pumping a bit more into mine to start repairing it a little.

It took a few more minutes till everything started to subside. The light dimmed into nothing and the earth stopped shaking. Me and Gaia stood up and after a few seconds of silence between us he started shaking his head.

"Did you have to cause such a large explosion? You could have just killed them normally ya know."

"WHo said... WE WERE DEAD!!!!" A gravely voice shouted from the ground as a golden clawed hand burst through the rumble and soon a blast of energy erupted that threw me and Gaia back aswell as the ground around us.

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