My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 133 Peace For The Moment

It took me a little bit to get to Mara's territory from the Pride Village. It would have taken longer but thankfully mom and dad offered to fly us partway until their bodies needed to recover. Even after killing Salus, who I though was the one who cursed my family, They still had limitations... But they noticed that their bodies were feeling better and better everyday.

By the end of a couple weeks we finally saw a small town surrounded by stone walls and surrounding that was farms and wooden houses. I knew this was the place because of the connection I had with Sondar. Don't get me wrong, I thought about using the ring multiple times during this trip... But my guilt forced me not to... I know what I did was wrong by Earth standards, But dammit I have a new life in a fantasy world. Why couldn't I finally live the magical life I wanted that was filled with hot anthropamorphic beast women and sexy as hell demon chicks....

I sighed but I guess it was external as my mom looked at me with a concerned look on her face. "Honey is everything ok? Are you nervous coming back because of what you told me?" She had transformed into her dragonoid form earlier in the trip because she says it conserves her energy.

"Yea a little bit.... Am I supposed to feel guilty for what I did though? I mean, Strong people should be able to choose how they live and who they love right? No matter if there are multiples or not...."

"Son listen up, I love your mother very much and I wouldn't trade our love for anything. But I will say that you're grandpa, well..... He was a bit of a whore. He didn't have anymore children thank the gods except for me and my brother, but he definitely did not settle for just one woman.... Ofcourse that was after your grandma died....." Dad had a look of sadness as he said that but he quickly covered that up with a shake of his head.

"Anyways, what I'm saying is that you can have whoever you want. Man, or woman. All I ask is that you do not take them, but instead learn about them first, Find out if there is a future with them before you take that next step.... From what you said with that succubus, she drugged you with her pheromones right? Well that was wrong but once your head cleared you stood up for what was right in your heart, That is why I'm proud of you son. You did what you felt was right and I couldn't ask for anything better." Dad patted my shoulder with a smile on his face so big that his teeth fully showed and he had his eyes closed.

I chuckled as a weight seemed to float of my shoulders. "Thanks mom, thanks dad, That's what I needed to hear. Now let me call the others and have them meet us here and we can follow them home."

I imbued mana into the ring and after a few seconds I heard Kitsoma's voice. "Hello? Vexsus? It's been so long I was worried, are you ok? The ring didn't show any signs that you were in danger except for a couple times a couple weeks ago but after that it was fine, so I figured you were safe and on your way." It stayed silent for a second before she chuckled.

"I'm talking to much ain't I?"

"No honey you're not... But yes, I had a bit of trouble but that's fixed now. But I am hear on the outskirts of the town and I want you to bring the guys over here. Especially my children I have a couple people I want them, and you to meet."

"Oooo, I'm excited now, ok give us a few minutes and we will be right there. I'll have Sondar use his connection to find you ok..... I love you Vexsus....." She said that last part with almost a happy but slightly sad tone. I knew why but this was something that I knew was going to happen.
"I love you aswell Kitsoma." I stopped the flow into the ring and told the others that they were coming. Mom and dad got visibly excited yet nervous at the same time. Dad was smiling like a goof after I told him about Michael and Grayson. Mom on the other hand started to pace back and forth after I told her about Harper and Grace. Magic and Might, ofcourse.

I kept talking but soon I heard a boom coming from the town. I quickly got up from where I was sitting and looked to see a cloud of smoke from the center of town. I started to get ready to sprint over there but soon I heard a loud yelling.

"DAAAADDDDDD!!!!!" I barely had enough time to cover myself in a mana shield as a huge grey and red scaled dragonoid that was as huge as a brick shit house tackled into me like some kind of linebacker from Earth. I felt actual bones breaking even through my Mana shield, but I was smiling since there was only one meat head that called me dad and dared to tackle me like this.

"Hello Grayson, and how are you?" I asked as patted the back of a giant dragonoid that looked more like a bipedal Ancient Alligator than a dragonoid.

"Dad thank god you're here. Uncle Sondar keeps making me and big brother fight him every day. He keeps beating the shit out of us while telling us how 'It's for our own good' What bullshit is this? Did you put him up to that.... Who are these people?" Grayson finally stopped talking as he saw Mom and dad standing behind me with smiles on their faces.

"Grayson. This is your grandparents. Where are your brothers and sisters?" He snapped out of it as I asked him that and he just pointed at a small platoon of dragonoids that were damn near marching towards us.

Michael and the girls were in the front leading and they each had a smile on their faces. I waved to them and the girls waved back vigorously while Michael waved almost like he was embarassed. Hehe, As the first born he had alot of responsibilies but now I can tell he is starting to loosen up a little.

Grayson was busy talking with his grandparents as the other kids walked up.

"Hey kids, how have ya been, Dad's home and I brought a couple people who I want you to meet. This is your grandpa and grandma. I brought them back with me and they will be living here with us how awesome is that? I hope you all get along with them." I waved over mom and dad and they just stood there with their jaws dropped to the ground at how many children I have.

"These are your kids? But, but, how did you have so many? Dragons only have a batch of maybe seven at most per breeding season?" Mom asked and dad only nodded.

"Well. You remember when I said that I was kept as a prisoner and used as a test subject/ gladiator? Well during that time I was forced to crossbreed with a bipedal ant queen that was a mutation. She then laid eggs that gave birth to what I called Dragonants, but.... She was traumatized because I was forced to rape her by the sick bastard who captured me.... I wasn't in control at all and she despised these children along with me. So one day she and her royal guards killed almost all of them... What you see here is not even 1/4th of the total children I had.... It's a shit show yea, but I love these kids. I may not know all of their names and I'm working on it slowly, but I still love them."

"Ok? But how are they dragonoids now? But I do see that some have odd mutations. Like this lovely little girl right here that has what looks like a crown? Or this one right here that basically has a permanent helmet that can cover his face? I'm so intrigued but at the same time I don't care... I have grandchildren!!!!" Mom squealed and started to hug her grandchildren after she stopped trying to hold back the overwhelming urge that every grandma has to squeeze her grandkids.

I looked and dad was just standing there with a look of confusion while in deep thought. I snapped him out of his by grabbing shoulder and jerking a little. "Dad you ok?"

"Hm? Oh, yea, I'm fine. Just a little confused on the process of you having sex with an ant.... But hey sometimes when I can't understand something I just say... "Fuck it, it's magic." And I move on with my day haha." He shrugged his shoulders as he said that and he went towards Michael and Grayson.

​ I was watching with happiness as they connected with my children. Even Romeo came and started talking to Mom about cooking and stuff like that. Dad was more interested in fighting so there wasn't much he had in common with Romeo but he still tried. But that was when I saw as the core leaders of my family along with the human leader and the Spider queen started to walk up to me. I saw as even though it was a happy moment, they had either scowls or looks of disappointment.

"Hey guys... How's it going? Did everyone get settled in ok?" It was the spider queen who reacted first and rushed to me and kneeled before me and started whining with tears in her eyes.

"Master! Why did you forsake me? Is Kitsoma not enough? Am I not enough woman for you? Why did you have to sleep with that slutty looking Succubus? WHY MASTER!"

"Master? WHere the hell did this come from? And I don't remember having that kind of relationship with you?" I said as I walked around her and towards Kitsoma.

"Honey, can we talk in private? I wanted to clear up some things or atleast get beat out of eyesight of everyone." Saying that last part got a chuckle from her but she only shook her head as she looked into my eyes seriously.

"Tell me honestly Vexsus.... Are you in love with her? I know you impregnated her but do you see a future with Mara? Do you intend to have more than one woman?"

"Not yet, Yes, and finally yes. You know my past... My real past, in this life I plan on loving who I want. If that involves multiple women than so be it. But.... I fell in love with you Kitsoma, I fell in love damn near from the first word that came out of your mouth. I know I'm not the best but I hope that you can forgive me for the way I am. If not than I understand but just know that you have my heart. Your place will never be taken."

She sighed as I said that and only looked at me for a second before out of knowhere I feel the heat around her rise and next thing I know half my face is on fire. I start to scream in pain but then the flames die out as if they were never there. I just look around as I start rubbing the side that was supposed to be burned but everything felt fine.

"Did you forget that Kitsune can use Illusion magic? I will say this only once... I love you Vexsus, I will be by your side for all eternity. But I demand first wife position got it? That Succubus may have the honor of having your first child... Wait.... Your however many numbered child... But I will be your first wife Got it?!" She slapped my cheek lightly a couple times before with a serious look on her face before she got a gentle smile as she gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Welcome home baby, I missed you." She softly said to me as she looked into my eyes with so much love that I was actually worried that I was living a dream. It took me a few moments to realize that this was my reality before I smiled back at her.

"I missed you to.... My Darling Wife."

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