My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 134 Settling Into A New Home

We stood around talking for a few hours with my children and parents getting acquainted with each other before mom came over to me as I introduced Kitsoma to her.

"Mom, this is my loving girlfr... Ahem... My loving wife (That just strong armed herself into that position...) Her name is Kitsoma and she has taken such good care of me and the children, aswell as being the one to oversee and manage the funds and inventory of our base."

"Oh. My. God. She is absolutely gorgeous Vexsus, How did my stubborn boy ever get so lucky as to find you honey... But I am so happy to see Vexsus smiling like that. He had a rough childhood before he was taken away and from what he said, he had it even rougher until recently...."

She took Kitsoma's hands in hers and with tears in her eyes she thanked Kitsoma for being there for me. Kitsoma of course was overwhelmed and ended up crying with her as they hugged and she told mom how she was the one to be thankful for finding me instead. Then the whole back and forth of who's more thankful kept going around and around until me and dad stepped in to break it up.

"Haha, ok, ok, we are thankful for each other, now let's go back to town so I can get a good look around ok? I still need to get acquainted with my new home." I waved everybody to head back and upon getting closer to the town Kitsoma filled me in on a few things.

"So when we got here.... Mara was waiting for us with a group of soldiers. At first we were worried that they might attack but she just grinned real big and came over and surprised me with a huge hug. I could have sworn she busted a rib or two but after telling us what happened and where she set us up a spot to call home she showed us to the spot and then asked to have a meeting with us all when you got here. It was supposed to be first thing when you came back but I figured what's the rush hehe."

Kitsoma had a mischievous  grin saying that and I only laughed. I was worried about what Mara wanted to talk about but at the same time I was happy to just be back home with my family.

We walked through a small town center where there was a well for drawing water like any small medieval town. There was a line of people waiting for water that all looked up at us as we came through. I saw a variety of species, Humans, Dwarves, Demons, Elves, and a few beastmen... Beastpeople?  Either way this town was a melting pot of races. But when they saw us arrive... Some of them had scowls on their faces or looks of disgust that I was confused about.

"Hey Sondar, Why are these people looking at us like we just shit in their morning porridge?"

"Welp that's because good buddy, one of us here fucked their lord and then was given a huge plot of land for no reason and then a few days later a huge group of people that look like they eat whole towns for lunch suddenly show up and start building in said plot of land... SO IDK?" He laughed but I only looked at him with a deadpan expression on my face.

I waved to a few of them but they just snorted and turned back to what they were doing.

"Great.... She just had to show up." Kitsoma said as her shoulders sagged and she had a look of exasperation.

I turned towards the voice and there coming down the street opposite from us was Mara with her faithful Samurai trailing behind her by a few feet. I smiled and gave Kitsoma a hug before I brought her with me to walk towards Mara. If things were to be resolved it needed to be met head on and not skirted around like a pansy.

"Mara, How are you? I'm sorry I took so long to come back... Were you able to get the family settled in ok?" I asked her after a brief hug where I did a quick mana search of her body... More specifically her womb to see if she was really pregnant.

"You don't have to worry about me Vexsus... The little one is doing fine. It's only been a few days but with the rapid growth of Demons, combined with you're overpowering genes has combined to create a rather rapid pregnancy. I've had doctors examine me and the baby and we both have a clean bill of health." She smiled warmly as she started rubbing her belly. It wasn't showing but the quick search I did showed that in her womb was indeed a little ball of cells that was rapidly growing. I didn't know a timeline but I knew it wouldn't be long before I had a bouncing baby to look after.

Kitsoma smiled at Mara and congratulated her but was had this look of Sadness that was obvious to everyone. I felt so guilty at what I did but I hugged her and apologized yet again.

"You know Kitsoma... Succubus have a potent Aphrodisiac pheromone that enhances the fertility of women... I could always come along and provide 'assistance' one night while the two of you try." Mara said with a grin that only spelled trouble meanwhile Kitsoma had a huge blush on her face as the realization of what Mara said sunk in. She started to sputter while waving her hands back in forth.

"Wha- No. Just n-no ok, As a proud Beastwoman I don't need any help from a demon to get pregnant. HUMPH!" She puffed her chest up and stared up at me with a look of pure pride that I was a bit taken aback but all I could here was the chuckling from Mara as she only looked on with glee.

"Don't worry Kitsoma, Succubus have learned how to bottle it and sell it for profit. I would be more than happy to provide you with a small bottle to help things if you're uncomfortable with me being there... Who knows maybe in the future You'd be fine with it." Mara winked at me as she said that but all I could think about was how drained I would be if I was attacked by both of these women at the same time.

"Vexsus? Boy as proud as I am for hearing about two women wanting you, I gotta say it is a bit uncomfortable to hear...." Then I realized that holy shit... My whole family was right behind me as I slowly turned my head to look at the others. Sondar and the other leaders only smirked at me as they shook their head. My parents were embarrassed and were looking away trying to not be here in the moment. My kids were either super uncomfortable or were chuckling at me. More specifically the 4 bigger kids were the ones laughing at me as they were the closest to me, and knew how I acted.

"Dad... Gotta say having two moms wouldn't be so bad but do you really have to showcase such a scene in front of everyone? I mean these villagers don't even know us yet."

"Oh god...." I muttered as my view than widened as I took in the people around us aswell. I was so caught up in the conversation with Mara and Kitsoma that I completely forgot that we were in the middle of fucking town...

All around was the various villagers either red faced with embarrassment or anger. The women had a blush on their cheeks but some of the men were glaring at me like I was stealing their wife.

I mean Mara had a smoking body, and Kitsoma had those athletic curves that made men drool so I could understand but damn, did they have to stare holes into my soul like that?

'AHEM' I coughed and started scratching my neck while looking away in shame. "Anyways. why don't we continue with the walk to my new home and talk there?"

"Agreed, but you know... you could always moved into my home with me." Mara wiggled her brows while suggesting that but Kitsoma stepped in between us.

"He will not, you took advantage of him once, but you will not do so again without his consent."

"It didn't seem like to big of a deal when he was railing me hard enough to make me hurt for days after? He may have been 'coerced' but he did more than pay me back for it."

After a few more back and forths I waved us on in the hopes of a nice bed to lay down in and escape from this day. We walked through town and onto a huge plot of land with a few places built into some of the larger hills that dotted the land and some huts were made alongside different gardens that came together to fill in the spaces. I was shocked really at how fast the place was coming together and even more so that they had started to cultivate some of the plants that were brought over from the old base.

"By the way what did you do with the old place? Did you give it over to the Apemen that were there?" I looked towards Sondar who nodded and let me know that the Apemen who caused a problem before were left behind as a sort of impromptu security force to grow stronger and gain more men for when we needed them. Sondar was sure that we could use them in the war when the time came.

"Hmmm, good call man, I like that idea. So what about our inventory and funds? Did you stop by the warehouse that I told you about?"

At that mention Kitsoma slapped me across the chest in frustration. "That was way to big to deal with you ass. You should have told us how much loot was there to begin with. It took us a full day just to pack it all up in the carts that Mara had loaned to us... But yes, we have it all packed up in an underground vault that Sondar had built for us under your home. I'll show you later how to access it but for now just know that the loot is safe."

"Great, I have a plan for after we sort through it all but that can wait, as for now why don't we settle down and after I take me a short nap then we can meet with Mara and discuss whatever it is that she needed, is that ok with you Mara?" I looked over at her and Tamachi only to see Tamachi standing there with a look of frustration while looking behind me as Mara was already entering a hut that was bigger than the others.

"That, is your new home Vexsus, Mara made sure that you had the bigger house out of your family but I'm sure she made the inside comfortable enough that she wouldn't mind staying there. Please don't be too mad at her.... My lord."

Catching that last part was a shock but I was not diving into that problem just yet. I needed sleep and so did Gaia and my parents aswell as my followers. We slept on ground or makeshift beds every night while walking here but man a bed is calling my name and I intend to answer the call. So I waved him away and took Kitsoma's hand as I followed after Mara. I walked through a door just big enough to fit my size and looked into a good size room  that had a huge bed on one side with shelves on one side and a dresser like piece on the other. On the opposite side of the room/house was what looked like a firepit/kitchen, with a huge open oven and a few counterspots for cooking with pots and pans. I didn't see any bathrooms so I would have to figure that out later but right now I was really impressed with the decor.

Mara had already made herself comfortable on the bed and was laying there... rather provocatively while just staring at me and Kitsoma. She pat the bed a few times with a smile that all but blared out her intentions.

"I'm sorry Mara, But after the journey I had all I want is some sleep. I don't mind sleeping in the same bed with both of my women but right now I do not have the energy to monster mash. I hope you understand."

She pouted for a few seconds but only shook her head with a smile. "I understand, I guess it's the quick rush of hormones that are making me overloaded with desire. I could use some sleep to so why don't you both hurry up and get in bed so we can nap?"

I looked at Kitsoma who was red in the face but after looking up at me she huffed a little but sighed and started walking towards the bed. I smirked before joining them and laid in the middle while they cuddled up on either side of me. In that moment I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that I had done something I never would have imagined in my past life. All the hell I had to go through was now paying out in this moment as for once I was able to peacefully slip off into sleep.

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