My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 164 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 10

After me and the girls settled down for the night after talking about the fact that I had not in fact slept with Lula....

We woke up the next day and after eating breakfast and getting ready, we met up with everyone else at the side of the barrier that looked out towards the entrance towards the entrance to the dungeon. It was finally time to go and finish this. I looked over at Necro and he looked back and nodded.

I took in a deep breath and aimed towards the ever increasing horde of creatures bashing against the barrier, the army Necro had was going to stay behind once we got to the cave and made sure the horde did not come around to hit us from behind. While the main group would enter the cave and fight towards the boss room and end this bullshit once and for all. After a few seconds I felt the buildup reach the critical moment and I unleashed my Breath of the Sun attack and decimated a huge line straight to the cave. Immediately everyone took off towards the dungeon at full speed while attacking the horde that tried to close in all around us. I had to make sure that we made it there but also that the army behind us could make it there to in more or less one piece.

I just started chucking spatial bombs left and right into the hordes and everyone felt as the gravity would slightly invert for a fraction of a second before a shockwave would push the horde closer to us. But because of the pull from the implosions the horde would be in a constant dance of being pulled and pushed without gaining any ground.

"Great job baby, that worked wonders!" Lula said as she raced by while planting a quick kiss on me while she was red faced. I was stunned for a second because up until now she would only call me Vex or Vexsus and would never kiss me or anything... My heart fluttered and my whole body felt light and free.

"WOOOO LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!" I screamed as I flexed my body like I was trying to go super dragonoid. I Jumped up high before started flapping my wings and started shooting out double the amount of Spatial bombs that drew in double the amount of monsters. I also shot out Beams of light that would leave giant swathes of burnt land where once there was large clusteres of monsters.

A few minutes later I landed and started panting before looking around as there were no more monsters around while still smiling a huge goofy grin.

"See? I told you how the big idiot would act if you would just do something cute like that." Mara said and I looked over to see her and Kitsoma leading a shy Lula over to me while they were chuckling and looking around at all the destruction.

"Did you really have to destroy everything so much though honey? This place would have been a good place for farmland.... I don't think this place will be livable for quite some time now." Kitsoma said while she held her chin in her hand thoughtfully while she cocked her hip to the side.

"I'm sorry I just got overzealous." I said as I walked forward and picked up Lula and she yelped since she didn't expect it. "Did you do this because you wanted to? Or because these two put you up to it? Be honest with me."

My arms were wrapped around her back while her legs were around mine and we were just staring into eachothers eyes for a couple of seconds.

"I really wanted to kiss you Vexsus. But I have been really nervous, I don't measure up to Kitsoma or Mara so I don't see what you see in me..." She looked away from me and down towards the ground. I sighed and hugged her close while lifting one hand towards her hair and stroking it slowly.

"Lula, my little bear girl. You may not have been with me for long, but you still hold a special place in my heart. Kitsoma and Mara have accepted you just as much as I have. So now the only thing that needs to be done is for you to accept us.... Can you do that? I want you Lula, You are cute and beautiful and sexy and when you show off just how smart or dedicated you could be at times, it makes me fall for you more. You aren't any less important to me than my other goddesses, So just accept it already ok?"

I laughed as I lifted her head by her chin and saw as she was smiling. "There we go, look at that pretty smile. So beautiful." I said before I leaned down and kissed her deeply. She was surprised but quickly she melted into it as her hands went up to wrap around my neck and pulled me closer into it. Her breathing started to quicken as our tongues started to explore eachother and fight for dominance there on the battlefield like nothing else mattered but us at that moment. If I didn't pull away I knew my body was going to start to take control.
"OK, OK! Break it UP!" Thankfully a huge blast of water broke me and Lula apart and I saw as Grace, Harper, and Hannah were together with disgusted expression on their faces while looking at me.

"Just ew dad! SO Gross! We are trying to conquer a dungeon not get you freaking laid dammit! HMPH!" Harper said before she huffed and turned around and stomped off towards the cave. Grace and Hannah just nodded and followed behind her. I could only scratch the back of my neck in embarrasment since I was too caught up in the moment. I got up and then went over to help pick up Lula and we both laughed as I used magic to dry us off.

"So, I guess this means that we better finish this Dungeon quickly huh?" She asked as she rubs my arm sending shivers down my spine with tingles and looking at me with a very suggestive look in her eyes.

​ "Haha, The second this Dungeon is conquered we are getting the fuck out of here!" I laughed as we held hands and walked back towards the others at the cave.

Necro just shook his head as he saw us enter the cave. "OK, Now that we are all here and hopefully ready for the fight.... And now that we have some extra help, The army will be responsible for the minions and mob monsters while the main group will be in charge of trying to find Lizaria and Desmaros and trying to stop them. If anybody but me and Vexsus encounter those two, I want you to run got it. We think they might be infected with something that is not of this world. If they are then that means they are far more dangerous than anybody but the two of us can handle... Even that might be a stretch, no offense Vex."

"None taken. I understand."

"That said, If by some way we make it to the boss room and we don't find them then that means that this dungeon has another floor to it or a secret room that we missed. If it's a secret room, Vexsus can use his Detection. But another floor means stronger creatures that we will face and a boss that will be traversing the entirety of the floor."

"Hold on. Why would the boss be doing that? Shouldn't something be keeping it stuck in the boss room?"

"Any dungeon with 2 or more floors has no restraints on the boss monsters and instead only has restraints on the dungeon entrance itself. The portal from the monsters world to ours is stronger and so our worlds only way to help is to block the entrance. My research into it has only shed so much light on the matter... But I've figured that much out atleast."

"Got it... So hope for a single floor and a maybe a secret room at worst. Ok, let's go."

After that meeting we all started to explore the Dungeon cave in formation but that was soon put to a stop as we came to a split that went in 3 directions. I used detection and forced it to go asfar down the paths as I could, Down the left and right path I felt as a small horde of monsters were heading our way but down the middle I only felt a void of emptiness.

"I say me and Necro head down the middle while the rest split up and take on the groups of monsters that are coming up the sides." I say after giving a quick description of what I found out. Necro agreed and the groups split up with Kitsoma, Mara, Lula leading the rest of our group down the left path while Vannessa, Hannah, and her sisters led the army down the right.

"Do you think Hannah will be alright with Vannessa and the girls?" Necro asked while he looked around the cave diligently. I could see he was nervous to leave her behind and I understood why but like he said... Only the two of us were strong enough to withstand fighting Lizaria and Desmaros if it came down to it. I wouldn't want to risk anybody else and I know now that Necro wouldn't want to do that with Hannah now that I know the kind of man he is.

"I'm sure her sisters will do their very best to protect her. I may have done a crappy job lately of being their dad, but I did raise them to be damn good fighters for the few moments where I was attentive."

He only nodded before we moved on. We kept walking but we didn't find anything, I activated Detection once again but still felt that void of emptiness looming ahead of us. It felt just like ... nothing. Just like an empty space where something should have existed, but didn't... We continued on and eventually we came upon a wall that looked a bit miscolored unlike the rest of cave walls. I walked up and touched it and immediately reeled back while shaking my hand in pain.

"Some kind of poison that attacks the mana veins. The second I touched that wall something pricked me and it was like a liquid tried to invade my body." I said still trying to shake away that awful feeling. Imagine getting a some blood taken by a nurse but instead the needle just keeps going in and in constantly but it starts to swim in your veins..... That was how it felt for just that split second but in my whole hand.

"Then this should be either a secret room. Or they blocked off the boss room with some kind of trap. Either way we need to break it down." Necro said before he pushed his hand into a shadow and as his hand came out the shadow coalesced into a hammer with cracks and veins that glowed purple. He reared back and after breathing for a second I saw as the glow in the hammer brightened for a split second before he yelled and swung the hammer at the wall.

The moment the hammer made impact a wave of darkness expanded in a circle across the wall as cracks appeared all along the wall. Soon the wall started to crumble down and turned to nothing but gravel and dust at our feet. I turned to Necro with an awed expression and he stood there with a smug grin as he dropped the weapon to the ground and it melted back into the shadows.

"That was awesome!!! I could totally do that myself though." I said as I gathered myself."

"Uhuh, I'm sure you could. Now if you don't mind? We have some possible Mindflayer offspring to find and kill?" He said as he led the way into a room lit up by blue glowing crystals lining the walls of spacious house sized room. I could see everything from where I was and in front of us was Lizaria and Desmaros sitting at a table eating what looked like the cooked remains of some kind of meat and vegetable. Off in two seperate corners were two beds and in another was a curtained off area that looked like a bathroom area.... This was an odd room for sure.... Was this really the living situation of Mindflayer offspring? Or was something else going on here?

"Ah, looks like our guests have finally arrived." Desmaros said as he finished his bite of food and put down his fork and got up from his chair. That was another thing..... They had chairs in this dungeon, they had tables, beds, plates, food.... What the fuck?

"Took me awhile to bring him but I finally did it."

"No..." My heart sank as I heard Necro say that and watched as he walked over to sit down and start eating.

"Vexsus, don't just stand there come, eat with us." Lizaria said while washing her eyes over my body. I could feel the wanting in her eyes like a physical pressure.

"Necro. What is the meaning of this. Explain right now before while I am still calm." I held my hands behind my back because they were starting to shake with rage but the last few days with Necro were replaying in my head and the happiness that Hannah showed made me think that maybe something wasn't exactly what I was thinking at this moment.... I needed to calm down and not over react.

"I needed to get you here by any means necessary Vexsus, That was the goal ever since I found out about you so long ago....." He stopped eating and sighed before getting back up and turning to me.

"I really do love Hannah just so you know. What I told you is true actually. I did lose my whole family to a fucking dungeon, I vowed to figure out a way to save this world. I need strong people to help me... I need You to help me. When these 3 came back to this world I knew right away because they were still under my control... well ok technically Lizaria and Desmaros were. Stoney was already gone but his body however still had my tracking magic on it. It just didn't work because you sent them to a whole new fucking dimension. But when they came back I appeared before them. Knocked out the abomination that controlled Stoney's corpse and destroyed the offspring that tried to consume Lizaria and Desmaros. Surprisingly, they still gained the powers that the little shit gave them while it was munching on their frontal lobes. but hey pros and cons ya know? Desmaros is a bit more cold hearted but his demon deals are super beneficial... to him hehe, and Lizaria?"

Necro goes up to Lizaria and rubs his hands up and down her sides and traces her body while her body shivers and she moans slightly while smiling at with. "Well Vexsus as you can see, she has lost some of that pesky shyness that stopped her from truly utilizing this banging body of hers. But now, question is big man? What about you?"

"What about me Necro?" I asked while taking a step backwards from the trio. towards the exit. I needed to get back to the others and if possible I needed to get everyone away from here. This guy has been scheming this whole time just to get me here. All for his plans for some kind of world domination.

"Will you join me to protect and save the world?" He suddenly bowed and asked me.


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