My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 165 The Dungeon Graveyard Fin

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about Necro? This is the most confusing moment of my reborn life I have ever been apart of. Have you been playing us this whole time? Have you been playing Hannah this whole time? HOLY FUCK! Have you been using my baby girl like some kind of tool this whole goddam time boy!" I roared the last sentence as my body enlarged as the anger welled up inside me as the thought of Necro using Hannah just to get me to let my guard down in order for him to get me where he wanted me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! Calm down Vexsus I swear on my life that is not what is happening I promise! I told you already that I genuinely love Hannah, and I would never use or hurt her in any way like that. I just was given an opportunity to bring the 3 of you together in the hopes that I could form a team that could be trained to fight against other high leveled dungeons and eventually fight off and eventually, hopefully, permanently seal off the Shadow Eaters Dungeon..."

Lizaria and Desmaros this whole time were still eating without a care in the world as this unfolded, but Desmaros finished and got up and snapped his fingers to produce a scroll out of thin air.

"This is our plan Vex. We have quickly scouted out a few other dungeons besides this one that are rated atleast a 4 of of 5 on a list of 1 being relatively safe and secure and 5 being full on destruction and mayhem on the level of the Shadow Eaters. Me and Lizaria have been keeping the majority of the monsters at bay here in the dungeon but in order to do that we had to let the little guys through and escape to the outside.... There is a second floor to this dungeon and the boss roams around but it likes to eat the other monsters, it powers up after it eats a certain amount aswell so we need an answer as soon as possible. We need your power to help kill this thing. We have been working on a way to seal of dungeons and this is the first test run.... IF you will just agree that is."

I took the scroll and it was a map of the surrounding land with a few X's where the danger dungeons he talked about were. I took a few moments digesting what Desmaros said before looking back at Necro. "Are you really not fucking with me man? I'm not a hatchling anymore, I will kill you all and eat you right here and now if you fuck with me got?"

"I got it man. I swear that I just want to do what I can to protect this world. That mission only got stronger when I met your daughter.... I don't know how much longer I have in this world but I want to spend as much time as I can with her, but with the threats of the dungeons looming overhead I can't do that peacefully." He shook his head before sighing heavily. I could feel the sincerity in his voice.... Motherfucker man.

"Godsdammit! Fine! But someone has to go help out the others and then lead them to me ok? I'll go fight the boss and atleast keep him busy till ya'll get there ok? Just show me the way dammit."

"No can do I'm afraid, this boss will just eat the others and use their fresh meat as a resource to power up. Only we are strong enough to face him and survive." Desmaros said but I highly doubted that since Lula was way stronger than me and if Necro was weaker than me now I had a feeling that maybe these guys were just some weaklings too.

"Then before we go I'm going to need a presentation of power from you 2. I need to know what you can do now if I'm going to even consider trusting you to watch my back." I said as I folded my arms infront of me while scowling at them. I used a massive amount of mana and sent it like a tsunami crashing over them as a test and too my surprise the only one that flinched was Necro. Lizaria moaned a little and her breathing starting to quicken as I could feel her body heat up. Desmaros scowled back at me before he flexed and took a step toward me.

"Relax. That was just my test. If you could handle that than you have what it takes to watch my back. Let's head out now.... But you Necro, man, we really need to figure out a way to fix your problem."

"Yea... that was a bit embarrasing."

I just waved away at him before turning back to Desmaros. "We need to get going. I don't want to spend more time than needed." Desmaros nodded before he snapped again and everything in the room disappeared leaving it bare and us in darkness. He held up his hand that soon emitted a ball of flames and he walked out of the room with us following him. We walked in silence down twists and turns with only the grunts and dying groans of the creatures as they spawned and attacked us in failure. After we rounded a corner we came to a door that was lined in what seemed like a silver trim and it was etched with some runic scratchings that were just oozing with power.
"This door is the entrance to the second floor, Are you ready to go down? We haven't cleaned out the monsters for a couple of days so by now they should have respawned up to a sizable amount. You know..... you and me could always find someplace nice and private real quick and I could give you one hell of a power boost Vexy." Lizaria first spoke matter of factly, but almost like a light switch her voice turned sultry as she ran her hands down my body as she leaned a little to close and I could feel as her hot breath ran over my neck.

"Ahem... Well, that sounds great and all, but right now why don't I get a raincheck on that? Maybe after we kill the boss and seal up this dungeon?"

"Mmmm, you tease... It's a date then." She smiled and said as she ran her finger down my chest and stopped just above my waistline. Any lower and we would have had a bit of a problem. I could smell a sweetness in the air and I was starting to feel hot, I knew my charm resistance was working overtime but boy oh boy was I asking a lot from it.

"Hey! If you two don't mind? I would like to kill a boss and not stand around watching two lizards fuck!" Necro angrily whispered while he and Desmaros were opening the door and looking to see if the coast was clear.

I wasn't going to get mad at him for being a rascist prick at the moment because damn I was having a hard time not agreeing with him. I needed something to kill anyways since there wasn't a cold shower readily available. Just so happens that as soon as we walk through entirely, the door slams behind us and from around a corner a few feet ahead of us walks out a huge bloated zombie that looks like it would explode at the slightest touch.... But shitty part is, is that it had 2 sets of arms on each side and it was currently in the process of taking a bite out of a huge leg of some kind of beast.

"Well atleast we won't have to go looking for the boss...." Desmaros said as he hung his head and sighed before he quickly touched each of our shoulders and then snapped his fingers and I felt as if I got considerably slower. I didn't understand what just happened but then I remembered that his special magic was that he would trade stats basically. I dont know what he traded for but I hope that it would help me fight....

"I'll start us off." Lizaria said as she placed her hands together and soon a pink light envelopes her hands and she then dashes straight towards the boss. At the same time it sense us and it roars in anger at having its meal time being interuppted and it throws the freaking half chewed up leg at us like some kind of spear. It even starts to spin and gained some velocity and piercing power to it from the wind it created.

I knew it would be dangerous to take that head on so I countered with multiple spatial bullets, which after a dozen or so finally reduced it enough that I was able to destroy it with a Dragon slash. I picked up the pieces and quickly ate them before the creature could use them for something. In my head it could pick them up in the middle of the fight to regain health or something, so I just said screw it, better safe than sorry.

Lizaria finally reached it and after she touched it, the beast slammed down onto its knees in pain and agony as it started to convulse and I saw as welts and some bubbles started to emerge all over its body. But just as soon as they appeared they disappeared and the beast roared in anger and swung two of its arms at her. She jumped back just in time before running back towards us.

Necro and Desmaros both waved their hands and chains of darkness and shadows flew from the walls, floors, and ceiling to cover and restrain the boss to help cover her retreat. It was continuing to roar as it shook its body against the restraints but to no avail.

"That should have killed it... It looks like its grown more powerful than last time." She said before she started to concentrate and then she laid her hands on me as they shone a dull blue. I felt as a rapid increase in my mana spread throughout my body before then drawing and focusing into a singular point in my body. It was in the center of my palm and it was condensing as more and more of Lizaria's mana flowed through me while drawing all of mine along with it into that spot.

"Wha..." I started to ask but she just shushed me. I was starting to get a little dizzy by this point and thankfully this was also when she stopped and held my hand palm towards the beast while leaning close to my ear and whispered.

"Release it Vexsus." She squeezed my wrist while massaging fowards almost like she was... oh no... almost like she was milking my wrist..... This chick is too dangerous!

I shot out the concentrated power ball and it shot forward and when it came in contact with the boss it started to melt away at the rotting flesh with a sizzle and the smell of cooking rancid meat filled the air. I fired more spatial bullets into its head and heart area until I could see the other side and it slumped over causing a tremor to echo throughout the dungeon.

"Ahhh, well that was easy peasy." Lizaria said while she skipped ahead past the still sizzling body of the boss. I was still wide eyed and slack jawed at the awdacity of this woman to be such a tease like that... but the smell was quickly overpowering what 'mini me' was thinking of.

The rest of us caught up to Lizaria and I got my first look at what I could only assume as a Tear in the fabric of reality. It was literally like someone had take a dull knife and then just stabbed fabric and then ripped downwards. It was a jagged flapping piece of reality that would show another world beyond every so often that was filled with many different creatures that looked like our zombie friend back there. Horrible thing was..... It looked like it was a low man on the totem pole in that other world.

"Ok, so let's hurry up and set up the ritual. Desmaros if you don't mind in calling up the ritual? Lizaria I will need you and Vexsus to draw the circles and then join in the center." Necro started commanding as he sat down and drew in a shit ton of mana all at once. Once he did that Desmaros walked over to me and Lizaria with a scroll and a set of black chalk like sticks.

"Draw a circle around the Tear but leave a good amount of room for you and Lizaria to move around in the center... 10 ft. of room should be enough I think."

"A 10 ft. circle? That is pretty big don't you think?" I asked but he just looked at me in confusion.

"I was talking about in the center... For you and Lizaria? Did Necro not tell you the ritual to seal the dungeon?" He craned his head to the side as he blinked a couple of times. While I on the other hand was getting a knot in my stomach and a hot ball of anger in my chest as I slowly turned towards a Necro that was starting to turn his head to the side.

'Whistling a horrible shitty ass tune' "Oh, hey Vexsus, are you and Lizaria done making that circle yet?"

"You son of a bitch! This is some sex magic thing isn't it!!!!" I screamed so loud that the cave started to vibrate.

"OWW! First of damn nice pipes. Second, yes. But, but, hear me out. Dragons are supposed to be just oozing with magic... and my research shows that during..... Ahem, copulation and, fruition. There is a sudden extreme burst of that magical energy that if captured and used, it could be used to create a sealing spell that could potentially seal off this Tear permanently!"

"You son of bitch dude. You played me again man!"

"Come on Vexsus, you mean to tell me after all this time you really don't want to get some? And with Lizaria of all people? I mean just look at her! Look at those curves dude, those tits! That Ass! If I didn't have Hannah I would all over that body myself!"

I could tell what he was trying to do but dammit I was still pissed that I was just being used fucking again! This time as a freaking resource in some damn spell!

"If this doesn't work..... I'm eating your fucking arm." I stared directly into Necro's eyes as I said that and I held out my hand to shake his because that was the deal I was going to make in order to test his spell. His spell, or his arm.

After he looked between me and his arm several times he finally gulped but then smiled and grabbed my hand with enthusiasm. "Haha, you won't regret it man."

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