My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 17 - The Two Hybrids

I was still in a state of shock to be woken up in such a way but after realizing that I was in front of 2 very odd looking people I was simply just stunned at how different they were from the others around me. But in my amazement I guess Desmaros was talking to me, so with a small smile I finally spoke up.

"oh, sorry I was distracted at how different you are from the other lizardmen and dragons around here. Are you perhaps the offspring of the 2 adventurers that had visited here?"

With a bright smile Lizaria spoke up in the cutest voice I ever heard almost like how a timid girl would speak when she is trying to force herself out of her shell.

"Yes we are my father is a human adventurer named Joey who wields terrifying magic of all kinds, while my mother is a blue scale overseeing magical training for the young ones of the tribe."

With a happy smile on his face Desmaros mimicked Lizarias tone.

"My father is a human blah blah blah hahahahaha. Listen here my father is a demon more specifically a demon of pride named Hunter, and my mother? well she is a leading red scale in the guard who patrols and keeps this town safe."

"Quit mocking me cousin or I will tell Auntie Kilesia that you are being mean again."

A look of terror washes over his face. "h-hey listen I was just playing, there's no need for such harsh measures."

It seems that LIzaria isn't as timid as I first thought if these 2 are to be my rivals/companions than this could get very interesting. I stepped in to sort of be a buffer since Desmaros was in a fight for his life against Lizaria's cunning. "Excuse me, I assume that you had heard that me and Master Lucan were here to get you aswell as one other and then set off to train for the upcoming Shadow Eater invasion right?"

"Yea that's right, our parents agreed. We even used the magic tool that uncle Joey made to contact them to make sure it was in the best interest since they are technically the saviors of our village and the main reason you see so many dragons around here."

"Yea my dad made an amazing magical item using his knowledge of not only magic but also enchanting and formations."

"Hold on, Hold on. What do you mean formations and what is enchanting exactly?"

The 2 hybrids looked at eachother before turning back to me. "Well first enchanting is the act of well simply put just infusing magic into items but it depends on the material which magic works the best for example a piece of wood with a fire enchantment is perfect for an instant fire but with water it becomes useless and soggy, that is the basic enchanting metaphor that my uncle told me. Now Formations is the art of drawing specific runes and using certain types of material to create a semi permanent barrier or it can be used to create very deadly traps, or it can even summon monsters with their own will granted for those types of formations there is a constant drain on the materials used but you get the idea of just how powerful formations can be."

With Desmaros giving me that brief description of what they were I was in amazement yet again. To think that not only is there magic in this world but people have even gone so far in advancement as figuring out how to infuse that magic into objects and to create formations. The possibilities were endless already now to add in 2 other avenues of usage and my brain was close to overloading.

"But Desmaros is pretty useless when it comes to enchanting objects with anything other than Demon magic which grants tremendous strength but at the cost of the users life. If I or any other person with healing powers were not around who knows how long he would have lasted using the first weapon he made." Lizaria snickered at the thoughts of seeing him coming home with cuts and bruises from fighting monsters only to fall face first into a pile of dung because his weapon drew to much life from him during the fight.

Desmaros Had a scowl on his face as he knew what she was thinking of so with a huff he got up and looked back at me. "listen today is the day we are going to set out with you. we are getting our friend Stoney who is an earth dragon and the 3rd of us to get picked from here. Get some rest and we will see eachother tomorrow."

They both left and with a big smile on my face I drifted back to sleep to dream of the fantastical things that I had now had the ideas to make.

The next morning came and went as the village woke up and set about their chores you could see the dragons setting off towards the forest to hunt for the villages food along with lizard riders, lizardmen with axes cutting down the nearby trees for lumber, some cooking bread and other foods that filled the air with a scent almost like that of a bakery, and some were coming out of huts dressed in full armor heading towards a building situated along the walls of the village.

After we had breakfast, Me and Master Lucan set off towards the Chiefs hut centered in the village, and upon arrival we see 3 families and I saw Desmaros and Lizaria each with a woman with them, but the women looked to be much stronger almost rivaling the aura being exuded from the shaman of the tribe. The 3rd family however was 2 red lizard people but the woman was Huge compared to the man, and then there was a dragon that was sitting patiently between them talking in excitement judging from the dramatic waving of the the fathers hands and the mothers tail whipping back in forth.

The Chief walks up to us and with a smile greets Master Lucan with a handshake as he is in his human form since we are in town and not in the wilderness.

"Good morning Lucan, Vexsus I hope that the Inn was to your liking?"

"Yes it was thank you very much for the accommodations, we slept very well with little disturbance." At that Lucan shot the 2 siblings a look blatantly showing that he was awake for our late night chat.

"Good, good well here are the 3 most talented younglings of our village, first we have Desmaros and his mother, Kilesia, His fathers name is Hunter He was an adventuring demon who came and helped make the village what it is today, next we have Lizaria and her mother, Himine, her father is a human named Joey and who is also the brother of Hunter. Then last we have Stoney and his parents Silace and Hesitae. Silace is actually my other son which makes him your uncle Vexsus and Stoney your cousin."

"Great now that we are all here please pack up a few belongings so we can head to our next destination as soon as possible." Master Lucan said with a hint of annoyance at the useless details he was given. "We need to get to our training location deep in the forest before the next full moon which is only a few days away, parents please make sure to give your child as much luck as you can spare as they will need it for the upcoming tests."

And with that he walks back to the tavern without so much as a glance at the Chief or the others. The others had a look of being offended at the obvious rudeness of this Human, all they knew was that the chief had said their children were going away to train for the upcoming Shadow Eaters invasion but they were not given the information that the Human who was to be in charge of the training is in fact one of the Masters in charge of protecting against said menace. Thankfully before any thoughts could be voiced the chief handled everything with ease as he made sure that everyone went back and had one final meal together before the younglings were to head out.

I decided just to head back to the inn and have lunch I decided that this time I was going to go out onto the patio dragon serving area and see if maybe I could strike up a conversation with any other dragons in the hope that I could pick up some hints at developing my light magic.

I was seated and after a little bit I got my food which was a big slab of what I could only guess was pork because of the bacon scent wafting from it, my mouth drooled at the smell of bacon and I shoveled it into my mouth as fast as I could and I was happy that ding had popped up.

[DNA of Earthen boar consumed. Assimilate Y/N?]

[Skills available: 2]

[Earthen Charge] - After covering body with earth charges at enemy.

[Vitality of the Boar] - assimilation of a magical boar species will grant an significant increase in users wellbeing.

Disappointed at the the low number of choices was soon dwarfed by the gratitude I felt towards this inn for giving me such a great boost. Without further thought I chose [Vitality of the Boar] and almost instantly I could feel a great rush in my body and containing my excitement until I got back to my room I instantly checked my status to see the difference this one skill had.

'What the hell does it mean, 'due to weakened state.' I thought that I had grown stronger, granted I am not up to standard for a normal youngling but still I gained quite a bit from being the runt until now.' Unable to do anything about it I just accept it and focus on my magic. 'Shit I completely forgot the main reason I went to eat outside with the other dragons.'

So I trudge back down and after a little bit I just decided to start asking some of the waitresses. "Excuse me ma'am but is there anybody who can use light magic in the village?"

She stops and thinks for a minute before slowly shaking her head. "I'm sorry sir but the only magic I normally see is what the cooks do to prepare the food, They use mostly Fire and water magic, but I am sure that if you go to the School there could be someone there who can help you." After asking for directions and thanking her I walk towards the school that I told was being used by Lizarias mother aswell as the shamaness to teach the younger generations how to use and control different elements aswell as basic enchanting and formations that were passed down from the saviors AKA Desmaros and Lizarias Fathers. I walk up and after a few minutes of watching some young dragons breathing different elements and some blue and green scaled lizards creating different balls or arrows of the elements I finally get lucky and see that the teacher was creating a small ball of light as to showcase the correct form.

I continue to watch until the end of the class unfortunately I did not learn anything from the teaching as nothing new to me was being shown but afterwards I walked up to the teacher. "Hello teacher my name is Vexsus, I came to this village with Master Lucan, but before we leave I was hoping to get some help in learning to use light magic?"

"Ah little Vexsus I was told by Lizaria that she sensed magical potential in you, I'm her mother Himine. I can show you but first are you ok with a small test to gauge your natural elements? It will help me better teach in should you ever come back for more tips." She then brings out a small crystal orb that was as clear as glass, after agreeing she tells me to place my hand onto the orb but after realizing what she said she looked embarrassed and instead had me place my tail against it. "Now this will be a bit more difficult as you will need to focus you mana through your tail and into the orb....." Before she could say anything else the orb lights up which gives her a shock which then makes me break out into a wry smile. "Miss I am surprisingly good at manipulating mana it is the act of turning said mana into the elements that I am having trouble with."

"Well first off I don't believe that because right now the orb is showing a major source of Space element within your mana but I also see different minority sources of the other elements..... Oh the gods you even have a minor source of darkness within you. Thank you, you can let go of the orb now. But as for you learning Light magic it is only a matter of using your mana to essentially take control of the surrounding light, I know it is a difficult concept to master but just Imagine that the light is a tangible, physical thing that can be grabbed and using mana as a sort of net, capture the light and then you can mold it from there into what you want since it is one of the more major elements besides the 3 Primal elements it has different rules that it follows. I have to leave now and head home to see Lizaria off but I hope this has helped you farewell."

I was a bit confused but after working my brain and sifting through what she said I thankfully got a ding.

[Due to teachings from a light magic user, Users own contemplation of light magic has increased by 15% further training required to unlock element.]

Well that is somewhat helpful I don't understand why I could almost use wind magic a week ago but to use light magic I had to have atleast a basic understanding of it? Well Himine did say that light magic as a major element had different rules to be used so maybe this is one of them?

Not putting to much thought into this for now as I hear Master Lucan send a message to my mind.

'Vexsus meet me at the entrance of the village it is time to go.' Recalling how annoyed Master was at useless details and even making sure that people knew he was I could only assume that he got tired of waiting around, and after seeing him I could see that Desmaros, Lizaria, and Stoney were all ready and waiting and after a few final words to their parents we were off towards our future training ground.


Variant Earth Dragon youngling

str 3

vit 4.5

spd 4.5

dex 1

con 3.5

Int 1

health 120/ (320 with usage of [Vitality of the Boar])

MP 30 (30)

stamina 140 (340 with usage of [Vitality of the Boar])


"New" [Vitality of the Boar] lvl 0 0/10 - assimilation of a magical boar species will grant an significant increase in users wellbeing. 'Alert' due to users weakened state the skill has been turned into an active use skill. At the cost of being passive gains the potential of becoming a stronger skill.

"New" [Light Magic comprehension] 15% - user has comprehended a small part of the use of the element of light 100% will grant full unlock of Light magic.

"UPDATE" so there is a difference to the way it looks on my phone versus while i am working on it on my laptop my laptop shows the spaces in between the paragraphs but on my phone its all a jumbled mess if this is what you see aswell I am so sorry please let me know so that i can figure out a way to fix this

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