My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 18 - Road Less Traveled.

With the 5 of us on the road I figured out something. 'Where have all the monsters and creatures gone' I always wondered what happened but after a bit of traveling Lizaria perked up and asked. "Master Lucan why is it that there are no monsters or creatures attacking us as we travel I have done short expeditions into the land around my village but it was always at the side of my aunt and mother?"

He laughs and says "About time I was asked that question, Vexsus Did you not wonder about that or were you to busy trying to explain it inside your head first."

Being called out like that was a bit startling at first but with an embarrassing nod I agree before speaking. "Yes master, I was trying to come up with the answer on my own, I will admit I was a bit hesitant to ask you for fear of reprimand for not thinking for myself."

"Ah, I understand my boy seeing as how you are essentially an outcast from your siblings I can see how your mind has grown to rely on itself, but Vexsus you must learn to also rely on the help of others, even willing to trust others should such a person enter your life." He spoke such affirming words like it was breathing but it did speak to me and make me rethink a couple things.

"Also back to the main question my dear, it is because of me that weaklings surrounding us have not tried to attack us. I am able to send out my aura at a distance to ward them off so as to make our travel quicker. It would be good experience for you younglings but with the training I am going to put you through these measly souls will do nothing compared."

Lizaria, Desmaros, and even Stoney seemed to pale at that remark, before Desmaros regained his composure. "Sir Lucan..."

"Boy it is Master Lucan, Until you die or become as strong as me I will always be addressed as Master, do you understand."

"Yes, sir... I mean Master Lucan the monsters around here are in the 2nd rank of their evolutions, Even my father had trouble with a peak 2nd form monster on the cusp of entering 3rd rank. How could that be called weak. He may not have used his dragon form but he had trouble nonetheless."

"Yes these monsters may be strong to the power level that you are at now but who said that these are the strongest monsters around the world? Did you think that your just now evolving bloodline within the last generation could compare to some of the horrors that threaten this world? Ask Vexsus how powerful the Shadow Eater was that he and his father killed. He lost a leg in that fight and his father lost many of his almost indestructible scales and that one was just a low leveled Shadow Eater it had not fully formed its powers, I bet that Vexsus was supposed to be its first meal of life to put it bluntly."

Now that was a mind blower if I ever heard one I could see from the faces of the others that they had not heard of this either. Then almost like a spotlight was flashed onto me all 4 of their heads turned towards me. "W-What are those looks for what did I do?"

Shaking his head Master Lucan continued walking with us in silence following behind. I felt the occasional glance from the others but I could feel Lizaria and Desmaros' stares last a little longer until finally Master Lucan stopped in a clearing. "This will be our campsite for the night, I have decided to lower my aura, I sense a valuable training partner in the vicinity and the lowering of the aura around us will no doubted bring its attention to us."

After hearing that he changed his mind on having us train, I start to think up plans in advance mostly they revolved around me using my smoke blast since it is the only skill that would not cover up everybody's visibility of the creature. But thinking of something I figured that instead of that maybe if I knew what direction it was coming from maybe I could set up traps to weaken it. So with that thought in mind I go up to the others.

"Hey I have an idea, would you be up for strategizing?"

"Are you kidding if its a creature Master Lucan considers training then we will need all the help we can get." Desmaros being the first to speak up.

"Yes, exactly I agree I was thinking of asking you to strategize with us considering that Master himself said that you like to think things through." With a cute voice Lizaria asked me that. It took all I had to focus on what she was saying.

Stoney then came up to us and stated. "Listen I may not be as talented as the rest of you but IF you are my cousin then I believe you hold great power so I will listen to what you have to say."

Hearing them say that was a little heart warming for me as since coming here nobody except maybe Gaia has listened to me when I was talking, but being here in this situation could be a factor in it also because of Master Lucan with his big mouth, they now know that I am an overthinker. But that could be an advantage if used correctly.

"Ok so what I was thinking was that I use my ability to detect my surrounding to see what direction it would be coming from then using Stoney's Earth magic we can create pitfall traps to either capture it for easy elimination or if it has intelligence we can use the pitfall traps to create an opening that we can control."

"That sounds like a good plan but what if it decides to just jump over all the traps or it can easily escape them?"

"If it can do that which there is a good chance of that happening then we rely on Lizarias Hex magic. I'm assuming you have some kind of speed reducing Hex correct? or maybe a poison?"

"Yes I have both of them but they take a while to use but the main thing is that my level of mastery still requires a catalyst to use, the greater connection to the target the better."

"Shit, ok we can still use that if me or Desmaros are able to get anything off its body you take it then start your cast ok? In the meantime If but mostly when it escapes the traps, Stoney you will be in charge of hindering its movements any way you can either by creating earthen walls or even just turning the ground soft Speed will be essential in surviving this, Which leads me to you Desmaros what can you provide? I know you have demon magic but what is that exactly?"

"Well It is Demonic obviously but it is mostly in the form of gaining one thing at the expense of another like say you wanted to be faster, well what would you be giving up for that increase in speed. Even at higher levels the rules mostly stay the same it requires one sacrifice to gain something else however I am capable of using Unholy magic. It isn't on the same level as necromancy but I can cast short burst of mind distorting magic and if it is of the holy element I can do increased damage with my [Rotting blast] attack."

"Ok that would help as a last resort, If it comes to it cast that on me and give me strength in exchange for my Intelligence. I have a skill called rage that will do the same thing so adding those together will give me a big boost but only after Lizaria can slow it down and weaken it. Now prepare I do not know if it will notice my detection or not, or if it is even within my range."

After they split up to either help with starting the traps or just conserving their energy I climb up a tree as high as I can go to help give my skill the added range and cast [Detection]. Shortly after I can feel the mana leave my body and start to sweep in a wide radius around me in my mind I can see my companions working or resting, I can see Master Lucan staring at me smiling. Then as my mana reaches the wood line I can start to see flashing images of creatures, small lizards running around or hairy beasts on 4 legs eating various prey, all this and more until at the very end before my mana started to recede back to me I caught the glimpse of a big 4 legged creature at the mouth of a cave staring in my direction. I open my eyes and shout.

"IT NOTICED GET...." Before I could finish a loud roar echoed across the forest and soon after I could hear wood breaking in the distance getter closer and closer. Looking down I could see that Stoney was creating pitfall traps in every direction, But I could see that the majority of the traps was placed in the direction of the roar and the loud breaking sounds. 'Good job, even without my direction he assumed the right direction.'

"We need to prepare now it is 4 legged and has a massive body even before my skill reached it, it was already looking in our direction, Likely like what Master Lucan said it noticed his aura being taken down but because I tried to detect it I angered it. It will be here soon Lizaria get read with a Fire spell it does not matter how powerful it is. Desmaros be prepared to cast your unholy spell, Stoney I want a double layered wall right in front of its path if we are lucky it is running to fast in anger to properly dodge the sudden walls."

They all nod as the sounds get closer and closer, I can see the fear in their eyes but I was happy that they did not cower from it. I got ready with a smoke blast to disorient it hopefully the blast will not shoot me back to far this time but also disrupt and hopefully damage the creature at the same time.

As the walls erect and I can see a red glow come from Lizarias hands and a slightly sickly greenish glow come from Desmaros' hands I hear a loud bang come from the walls I was right that the monster was enraged and not thinking clearly and had instead chosen to bash through the walls and before us was a large wolf like creature except this had bright yellow fur and every so often I could see sparks fly from its fur, It shook its head a few times before finally setting its eyes onto mine.

I could see that it was looking solely at me, I guess me using detection somehow was seen as a challenge to this monster and it came running to accept. Well I will not back down and instead I will use this monster to grow stronger. With that thought in mind I started to drool at the thought of eating it and so I run at the creature and scream. "FIRE" and shoot out a smoke blast.


Detection - 20%

Smoke blast - 2 -> 3/10

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