My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 89 - Taking Over A Village Pt. 2

I spent a few minutes enjoying a quick meal with everybody before I went to sleep. I had a big day of telling the villagers that I blew up their lord tomorrow. 

I woke up to the smell of the most heavenly of smells. It was bacon... God I missed the smell of bacon so much.... Hold on wait, this world has no pigs that I saw? right? SO then where the hell is that smell coming from.

I get up quickly and rush out to see that over a large fire on a spit no less is a body of some unrecognizable creature and there slowly turning it while whistling a tune was Lucy. She caught sight of me from the corner of her eye and smiled big as she ran up to me and bowed.

"Good morning master. I am currently making breakfast for everyone but was interrupted by a sneaky intruder that was trying to enter your tent. So I killed them and knowing how you will eat everything I just decided that they will be the meat of the morning." 

She said all that with a smile on her face. Now don't get me wrong ever since I got gluttony I was not squeamish at all about eating literally anything but to not even ask a question and straight up merc a dude for just trying to enter my tent? That's some cold hearted shit.

"Umm ok well first off, thank you for looking out for me. But secondly did you even ask them any questions? Cuz knowing you from just the day of well knowing you, I get the feeling you didn't give them anytime whatsoever to speak."

Her smile seemed to grow a bit wider, almost unnaturally, or maybe that was just me. 

"Ofcourse not master, anyone who intrudes on my master while he is sleeping has to pay the ultimate price." 

"Well yea ofcourse haha, why shouldn't they. Hey listen I have some things to do waaaaaaaayyyyy over there so why don't you tend to the food and I will be back later on ok?" I was totally getting bat shit crazy vibes from this chick and I for one was not going to stick around more than I needed. Maybe we can do some digging around in her mind and figure out a way to fix..... whatever the fuck that is.

"But master you must be back in time to eat. I'm making all of this for you." 

"Oh man.... Ya know, I think I might be gone for over half the day so I'll just pick something up in town ok? But I think the troops will love it if you feed them." 

"Well in that case I will come with you and when you get hungry I can make something then." Lucy said and she started to pack up some things that I couldn't really see but I could have sworn there was a shiny glint of metal.

"Well look, I have plans to talk to the villagers and I'm already the strongest person around here. I don't need your help but would really appreciate you taking care of the people here. cooking, cleaning, things like that. If your up to it go talk to Howy and Liosa and have them take you with them on some scouting trips. I promise I'll be fine." 

I tried to be more assertive with her hoping she will take the hint and thankfully she did but she was definitely sad about it as her shoulders slumped and with a quiet 'yes' she sulked back to the fire pit and started roasting that poor bastard again.

'SONDAR, WAKE UP AND MEET ME IN THE COMMAND TENT. BRING THE OTHERS.' I quickly sent a mental yell towards my sworn brother as I played it cool and started walking towards said tent.

I barely just opened the tent before in came rushing the core members. With bed head and and the faint smell of.... activities, especially from Sondar, they were looking at me with worry in their eyes.

"Well? What did you have me round us all up and bring us here for?" Sondar said clearly agitated.

"Yea, I was sleeping ya know." Howy said.

"Look, I need to go to the village today and talk to them about joining us or at the very least letting them know I killed their lord. But I need you 4 to look after Lucy. She is definitely not right in the head and is starting to show obsessive vibes. Let me know if she does anything to crazy, but I also need you guys to look for anybody with mental powers that could potentially figure out the reason why she is acting like this."

"Well remember Opal? Your daughter and my right hand woman? She said she has minor psychic powers that can read surface thoughts? Maybe we can somehow power those up and let her have a crack at it?" Kitsoma said while she brushed her hair into a presentable state.

"OH YEA, that's right..... ok let's get Opal and I can see about giving her a power boost, in the meantime I want Sylvania and Howy to go around and look at the supplies and see if anything has been tampered with. I don't know how far she is willing to go but we should be prepared for some kind of fuckery."

"Gotcha boss, leave it to me, I'll go get Liosa right now and start." He then jumped up and shimmered for a second before disappearing.

"I think I will go get Shorunt to help me out. Till later Vexsus." Sylvania said, as she walked out of the tent.

"Sondar, you and Konna do perimeter sweeps with teams of atleast 5 or 6, I don't care if some people have to run double shifts. Something is sounding off warning bells."

He nodded before heading out with a light jog.

I finally turned to Kitsoma. "You can either stay here and help with the patrols or investigations or..... You can come with me to the village."

She looked at me with a smile. "As much as I would love a date with you, I think Opal would need me more if we find anything to threatening." 

"Yea I understand, good call. Well let me know as soon as you can if I need to hurry back." I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss that quickly turned into a not so quick kiss. Again it left my heart skipping beats like a broken CD player. I had to use all of my mental power to push her off me. 

I smiled back at her as we both were panting and wanting more but our jobs needed to get done and we had no time to lose. "I'm sorry, I want to keep this going but shit needs to get done. You understand right?" I ask her which she only nods as she places her hands on my cheeks and kisses me for another second before turning around and walking out of the tent. 

I took a moment to calm myself down from all the excitement and took a look around the tent itself. It was actually sparsely furnished, well not like I expected anything extravagant for a temporary base but it did have the necessities. A bed to sleep and a table for the meetings with a map to discuss the surrounding areas. I took a closer look at the map and I saw various roughly made wooden figures all grouped up in a forested area to the lower southwest of the map. 

The figures all kind of looked like animals at first but then I noticed that one looked like a fox, another looked like a bird and one was an armadillo..... Oh so these represent my teammates, But where was mine at? I didn't have one? 

*Look under the table doofus.*

The other me spoke up and as I looked under the table I could see various other wooden figures in different states of creation. Some were just being whittled down while others were still just pieces of sticks. 

There was one in the center that looked like a lizard on 2 feet, it looked almost flawless and if I was back on earth it would sell highly as a Dungeons and Disasters Figure.

But that was when something shook me out of examining the tent and made me focus instantly. 

*Vexsus, you need to come see this, I just found a few bodies and they do not look good.*

I get a message from Sondar and I rush out of the tent towards where our connection was leading me. I get there and behind a treeline and within a circle of bushes lay 5 bodies all stacked up on eachother, all of them have their eyes wide open and fear forever etched onto their faces.

"Good God. What the hell is this." I say as I attempted to block my nose from the rotting smell.

Sylvania and Sondar stood up from examining the bodies and looked towards me with grave faces.

"Well from the looks of the bodies I would say something sharp had been stabbed directly into their hearts. But that's is just what killed them, If you look here closer at the chest you will see 5 indentations, I would say something was stabbed into them around the same time as the heart was pierced." Sylvania said, her healing training definitely showing its colors.

Sondar started to gag a little but picked up the bodies one by one so we could get a good look at each body as it was laid out.

Each body had the same stab wound and indentations over their heart. I sucked it up and using one of my claws I sliced open one of the corpses and immediately regretted it as a plume of greenish gas was expelled into my face.

"RUN ITS POISON GAS!" I yelled as my face was starting to sizzle and burn, my scales were literally falling off and becoming ooze as my eyes started to go blurry and an intense searing pain started to make everything go black. Somebody had set up these bodies as traps after they were finished with them but I didn't have the time to think straight as pain was my whole world at the moment.

I could hear receding footsteps through the pain and I could no longer sense Sondar and Sylvania so I hoped that the gas would subside soon and my body would start the regeneration process.

But that was when I heard light footsteps calmly walking towards me.

"Oh master, I wasn't expecting you to fall for my trap. Looks like I will just have to alter my plans a bit." 

Then I felt a intense pain as my whole head was rocked to the side by some kind of blunt force, and my mind blanked.


From now on if something has * in front and back of it, that means it telepathic communications.

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