My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 90 - Plans Interrupted

I woke up some time later to the feeling of being dragged along rocks and twigs. I still couldn't see as every time I tried to open my eyes I would feel nothing and see nothing. It was like my eyes were completely gone and the nerves were no longer alive.

"Oh, it looks like you woke up master. hehehe, I'm taking you to my special place that I found recently when before I killed those 5 weaklings. I have to admit master, ever since you overpowered me back in the labyrinth I felt an almost unquenchable thirst for you. I knew in my heart I had to have you, and luckily you were strong enough to survive my poison attack that I planned on using to take out your friends and family."

"I needed to take out any and all distractions that could take your attention away from me my lord."

With a hoarse voice I tried to speak. " did.... not.....have to do this."

I could feel my regenerative powers slowly taking action, whatever poison she used was dampening them severely but not enough to block them entirely.

"Yes I did, I need you Vexsus.... I need you for myself.... I need your blood."

HUH? "" I felt my throat healing but I felt like I needed a huge drink of water.

"Well you see I can answer that my star pupil." answered a voice that I had not expected to hear. It came from directly next to my left almost as a whisper.

"Lucan?" I asked, to which nothing but laughter answered back.

Next I was being picked up and thrown down repeatedly as I felt sharp curved claws easily pierce my scales. I cried out in agony as a searing pain flooded into my system from those claws and that's when I knew, those claws are poisoned with the same thing as those bodies were.

All I could hear in between groans of pain was a maniacal laughter. I was forced to just bear the pain as whatever it was that made up the poison blocked all my skills. Even my healing was now cut off completely.

I tried multiple times just to activate a small amount of lightning in my body but everytime my mana would circulate in my body something from outside would almost sap it all away in an instant.

"It's pointless trying to defend yourself boy. I gave this useful little kitten a vial of my special poison that inhibits your mana, body, everything, from fighting back. Your mine now Vexsus, I've been waiting for quite a while to get my revenge after you disgraced me in front of Lord Necro. Now I'm bringing you back to him and you will be my redeeming gift to him."

I couldn't speak as I was focusing everything I have into moving the mana inside my body to work. It didn't matter if it was pointless, what mattered is that inside my body I could create my magic. Granted it hurt like a bitch when I overloaded my body with mana but aslong as I didn't try and push it to the outside of my body I was still able to manipulate it. So guess what I did? I infused the shit out of my blood vessels. I infused my mana into every part of the inside of my cells, I needed to do whatever it took to get back to my team, if it took me going through this hell than I would gladly do it.

After I was finished infusing every last drop into my body I waited for a few seconds to catch my breath, then I forced it all to basically implode. The mana shrunk down and folded in on itself as it drew in the poison that flowed freely through my body, downside.... it did the same with my blood. Then after a few moments it all was formed into a tiny little ball in the center of my body. I had 2 choices, either I shoot this out and essentially tear my body apart and hope my regeneration powers kick in fast enough to heal me enough to run away, or I try and eat the mana bomb I just created that was completely corrupted with that wicked poison.

*Vexsu.....Do it* The voice in my head sounded so weak and frail. But that confirmation was all I needed as I activated my gluttony skills, and devoured the poisonous mana bomb. Inside my body formed a mouth filled with horrendous fangs and multiple slimy tongues. The tongues then wrapped around the ball, but upon contact the tongues would burn and be incinerated instantly. 

I refused to give up and just focused more and poured more of my desire to consume this ball of pure poisonous power. More and more tongues flew from the horrendous fang filled maw and eventually it succeeded in wrapping the ball up and slowly it pulled it towards the maw. The entire time my body was filled with nerve racking pain as if lave was filling my bloodless veins. My mind was slowly blacking out but I was determined to survive and overcome this obstacle and then bitch slap this mutt and that traitorous bitch back to their ancestors.

Finally the ball was pulled in and the maw clamped shut as steam and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. 

--------Lucan POV---------

"What the hell?" I said as a huge amount of almost unbearable heat erupted from the stupid kids body that I held on my shoulder. So without a second thought I threw him onto the ground and could only stare in silence as this stupid ex-pupil's body started to glow with a dull green and purple light. The light kept growing until it was encompassing his entire body and the heat was rising every second. I grabbed the servant that Lord had created and placed as a trap for Vexsus and jumped back to a safer distance.

"Master is burning, His glowing body is so magnificent and majestic. But wait I thought you said he wouldn't be able to do anything and I could make him mine whenever I wanted aslong as your poison was coursing through him?"

Ugh. I could not deal with this stupid servant any longer so I just injected my pure overwhelming aura directly into its undead core and watched as it disintegrated.

Just what the hell was happening with this kid? Whatever he is doing doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon and Lord Necro is still halfway across the world overseeing the fight with the Shadow Eaters. 

I was only given this task because we are being forced back at almost every fight and need this kids special power to absorb and assimilate power. No other Sin holder has the power to absorb power like he does, Even the Sin of Pride feels threatened by this kid.

*Lucan, do you have the Wielder of Gluttony?*

I kneeled quickly. *Master, I do have him in my possession, however....*

*What is it? We are being driven back yet again. We need his power and the sooner the better.*

*I understand my lord, but he is doing something that is barring me from proceeding any further. Somehow my specialized poison is having no effect over him and instead it seems like he is absorbing it. I feel like whatever is happening is making him stronger.*

*Goddamit... Hold on.*

I was confused as the connection between me and Lord Necro was abruptly lost, but the next second a sickly purple and green magic circle appeared a few feet away from me and out of the circle appeared a huge bulky armor wearing Death knight.

"I will take it from here, My master requires this insect and it appears you are to weak to handle the simple task of delivering."

Fuck! out of all the assistance Lord could have sent me, it just had to be this arrogant asshole.

With a forced smile I spoke through gritted teeth. "Why lord Abbadon, Such a pleasure that you came to my aid..... I assure you I could handle it but the boy had revealed a particular obstacle that I am unable to overcome at this point in time...."

"Ha, just like what a weakling would do. Making excuses to cover up the fact that you couldn't handle something. Let me show you just what one of the 4 Lords of Death can do." 

The next thing I saw was a flash of light that blinded me as I was forced to put a hand over my eyes. I still could not see anything at the moment as the flash surprised me and the intensity was overwhelming.

"Looks like you have awoken boy. Doesn't matter as Lord Necro still requires your skills, however I'll now give you a choice. Come with me peacefully and I'll personally give you command over half of my army, or I make you...." The Lord of Death Abbadon smiled maliciously after saying that last part, Knowing how he thought gave me a clear indication that he much preferred the second option as he was a adrenaline junky and much preferred to fight than be diplomatic.

"I don't think so big guy. Actually I just had to deal with a huge amount of pain and I'm actually pretty fucking tired. I just want to go back and sleep so I think that's what I'll do...."

That stupid boy actually said those words to Abbadon, I had to will my eyes to recover and seconds later I was able to see again. I could only smile as the sight before me was to hilarious. In one hand Abbadon had Vexsus by the throat and lifting him up in the air, in the other was a huge greatsword that was double Vexsus' height, but Abbadon wielded it easily.

-------Vexsus POV-----------

'Cough' 'Cough'  "Let.. ME. GO!" I shouted as I focused my mana into my fist and sent it flying at this huge bastard. 

My face paled as my fingers broke upon contact with it's face. My attack did nothing to it and actually ended with me breaking bones. Just how tough was this guy? Despair started to rise up in me but I still had to escape and get away.

"You can't escape little man. But I do commend you for being courageous enough to hit me. I haven't had an intelligent mortal dare to do so in such a long time. I can only find worthy challenges with those savage Shadow Eater abominations."

"I have a family to get back to..... Release me or I will kill you." I bluffed, I knew it would probably fail but I said it mostly to fake out my own mind.

"Hahaha, boy, I don't think you could beat the weakest man in my army let alone hold a candle to my power." Abbadon only laughed in my face as the horrid stench of his rotting breath assaulted my nose with every word. 

Fine, I just need to use basically everything I have yet again.. I didn't want to use that Life burning skill but it's my only viable plan at the moment.

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