My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 105 - Rest day

Feeling bad about how he'd lost such a large amount of money on me, I offered to do whatever he asked of me to repay it, but he said that every penny he spent on me was more than worth it. 

Clearly, he was a very smooth talker. 

We were now back in Luke's room, where he told me that it would no longer be just his room but our room. He said that he would need me to sleep in his room every night since he couldn't sleep well without me. He claimed that he couldn't sleep without me by his side since he'd grown too accustomed to sleeping with me over our entire stay in Gordom—which was obviously only an excuse the man had come up with. 

I only agreed because he'd pleaded so pitifully. 

"Can you please pour me a glass of water?" He asked as he lay on his bed, casually flipping the pages of his book. I obediently took a glass of water from the table, delivering it to the man.

Though it was already morning, I insisted that he take the day off as he was clearly very sleep-deprived. At first, he refused, but then I reminded him that he had Andrew and Jack working for him. He grinned in realization. 

Leaning my head above my folded hands, I lay on my stomach by my side of the bed. I stared at Luke, whose red eyes were now hidden behind his glasses, thinking about how good he looked in them. It was my first time seeing him with glasses on. 

The glasses added something to his face, making him even more attractive than he was before. I had no idea that glasses could make someone appear this good. It was as though the glasses gave him a certain poise that did wonders to attract people. It was unfair how he could look good in almost anything. 

Did he wear his glasses often? I hope not. 

"Do you have bad eyesight?" I asked, and he shook his head no. "Then why are you wearing glasses?" 

"Because I know I'll look good in it," he looked up from the book in his hands, smirking. "It got you staring, didn't it?"

My mouth fell at his answer. I ȧssumed he wouldn't notice I was staring at him as he was so engrossed in his book, but I must have been mistaken. He caught me. 

"You do realize how cheeky you are, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes at him, turning my face away. It was so irritating that he recognized how attractive he was. I'm curious as to when he gained that confidence. Maybe he'd been like this since he was a baby.

"But I'm only stating the truth," he laughed at my words, ruffling my hair. "Weren't you just wondering about how good I look with my glasses on?"

"I-I didn't," I lied, but he clearly saw right through me. Letting me get away with my lie, I heard the sound of his book closing. 

"You know, I really don't think this is a good book." 

"What book?" I asked, closing my eyes as I was feeling a little drowsy. Perhaps it would be good for me to sleep for a while. Is it because of the magic? Maggie did suggest that I let my magic out for a while as I had been suppressing it for a long time, but it was really taking a lot of my energy. 

"Loving the Crazy Lord." I hearing things? 

I sat up straight away, my gaze falling on the book in his hands. There—the book Loving the Crazy Lord was, indeed, in his hands. I didn't realize he was reading that book as he looked so focused, and it never crossed my mind that he would read that book—again. I thought he would read a book about business or something along with that. But this... 

"W-why are you reading that?!" I tried to snatch the book away, but he was faster. He dodged my hand, pulling the book away from me with that annoying smirk of his. 

"Why? I was only curious about what kind of preference you have for books since you snatched the book away from me the last time..." His smirk grew wider when he saw me—perhaps at how my cheeks were turning red—and he added, "...but it doesn't appear to be that good. I'm sure I can tell you more than this book can ever tell you." 

It seemed that he could never get enough of teasing me. I wanted to get back at him, but I was afraid it might backfire since I knew how good this man could be at making things happen according to his wishes.

"I-I was going to throw this book away!" Not wanting him to hold on to the book any longer, I tried to snatch it away again, this time, finally successful. I quickly got off the bed and took the book, throwing it into one of the shelves in the room. This book should never be seen anymore. 

He lolled his head back and laughed when he saw me in such a hurry. "You look the cutest when you're flustered like this." 

"Is that why you can't seem to stop teasing me?" I asked, frowning. 

He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe." 

I glared at him, and he returned my glare with that charming smile of his. I turned around and walked to the door, irritated by the man. I decided to tease him back, curious to see how he would react if he knew I was annoyed by his constant teasing.

"Where are you going?" In an instant, he got off the bed and arrived beside me. I took a step back when I saw him suddenly so close to me, surprised by his inhuman speed. 

"I'm going back to my room," I said. 

"But this is your room," he pouted. "You agreed to stay here with me." 

"I changed my mind," I tried to put on my grumpiest face, still on with my act. He examined my expression, as if he was trying to see right through me just like he always does. He then took my hand in his and pressed the doorknob to pull the door open. "What are you doing?" I asked. 

"If you're going back to your room, then I'll go too." He smiled, raising our locked fingers. "Wherever you go, I go. I'm going to stay glued to you for the rest of our lives."

I opened my mouth to respond to him, but quickly closed it again since I wasn't sure whether I could continue with my act. His words unexpectedly brought a smile to my lips—which I tried so hard to hide—almost failing. 

Strangely, hearing those few sentences made me feel happy—despite the fact that I was currently trying to get rid of him. It just meant that he would never leave me, and I was happy to hear that. But I'm not supposed to act happy right now. I should act mad so that he would stop teasing me.

"Come on. I know you're only pretending to be mad," he said, ultimately breaking my facade. "No matter how hard you try, you can't lie to me. I can see right through you. You tend to avoid my eyes whenever you lie, and that's exactly what you're doing right now."

"I-I didn't do that," I returned my gaze, widening my eyes at him. He returned my gaze with his widened one also, chuckling.

"You certainly do," he said, turning my body around and leading me back to our bed. I reluctantly followed, having failed in my attempt to stop him from teasing me. It seemed that he had me in the palm of his hand. "Do you remember the race we had back in Gordom?" 

"What about it?" 

"I remember I have yet to tell you my wish." 

I froze. I'd forgotten that he still had that card up his sleeves. He never mentioned anything about it, so I thought that he'd forgotten about it, just like I had. I thought wrong. 

"Really? I don't remember you winning the race, though?" I gasped, pretending to lose this part of my memory. I was afraid that he would make an absurd wish, one that would require me to do things that I was not used to—things that would require me to invade someone else's personal space. Luke's. 

"Rabbit, I told you—you can't lie to me. I know you remember it," he pinched my cheeks. "I'm going to use that wish now." I gulped.

Failing to feign ignorance, I succumbed to his wish. Bracing myself, I said, "Tell away." 

Hearing that, he smiled, smiling ever so brightly, knowing that I had no other choice but to follow his wish—whatever that may be. I just hoped that he would have enough conscience in himself not to give me anything hard to do. 

"I want you to kiss me—one kiss a day."

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