My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 106 - One kiss a day - Part 1

"W-what?" Baffled, I turned to him. "What kind of a wish is that?!" 

He folded his arms, tilting his head slightly to the side as he thought. "Should I have said twice a day? One is too little." 

I felt my mouth fall open at his brashness. I'd expected that he would ask for something bizarre, but I didn't think it would be this bizarre! I didn't have any problems with kissing him, but—one kiss a day is too much! Do people usually kiss that often? 

"What do you mean too little?" I asked, thinking the exact opposite of him. "One kiss a day is too much!"

"Of course, it's too little—for me," he said. "Still, you have to grant my wish. If you don't want to do it once, then I can always change it to twice a—" I quickly closed his mouth with my palm. 

"One." I gulped. "One kiss a day." 

His lips curled up in satisfaction, and with those same lips, he kissed my palm. I quickly pulled away. 

How come everything he did to me would make blood rush to my cheeks so easily? His touch, his voice—everything about him made my pulse beat a little faster than usual every time he got closer to me. And every time it happened, I felt like running away, but he'd always chase after me no matter how far I went. 

I thought we were taking things slowly, but I suppose I was taking it too slowly. Even in the book, Lord Ansel and Melissa had their first kiss on the very first week they met—though it was by force. But I couldn't seem to get used to his touch or the sparks that would appear inside me. Perhaps because it was once so foreign, I needed some time to get used to it. 

Maybe this could be a way to get used to it. 

Have some courage, Violet. That way, you can slowly turn the tables around. 

"But you have to make the first move," he said, gazing right through me. "I'll do nothing but eagerly wait for your lips to touch mine." 

"I-I have to make the first move?" I asked, and he nodded firmly. He sat on the bed, patting the space beside him for me to sit. I followed, feeling my cheeks burning from the thought of kissing him again. 

"Do you not want to?" 

"N-no, it's not that. I'm just... shy," I looked away, my hand clutching my skirt. 

"As usual," he smiled. He used his hand to turn my face back at him, wanting me to look at him in the eyes. His red eyes quickly drew me in as we met. "Do you know why I asked you to do this?"

"Because... you like it?" 

"While that's one of the reasons," he chuckled, "I want you to quickly get used to me so that I can mark you mine."

"What do you mean?"

"Werewolves usually mark their mates the moment they find each other to show other wolves that they are now off-limits. That way, no other unmated wolves would dare to approach marked wolves unless they are brazen enough to do so. Touching a marked wolf would be like asking for trouble."

"And how are you going to do that?" 

"With a bite," he let his fingers trail from my face down to my neck, stopping when he reached the part between my neck and shoulder. "Here," he said. 

I didn't know such things existed among werewolves. By marking their mates, would it mean that they will only belong to one another?

I've heard a few stories about people who found their partners left them for a new one, or even were in a relationship with two different people at the same time. The maids from back in the days were furious whenever they talked about it, but I found it rather amusing. It was quite fun to hear about such a twist in a story—but I doubt it would be as fun when it happens to oneself. 

Would it not happen between werewolves? 

"I don't mind if you wanted to do it now," I said, and he raised his brows. I'm already yours anyway. 

"I know that you'll let me, but I'm afraid I can't do it now," he replied, leaving me confused. Is he waiting for something? 


"Once I mark you, it will be harder for me to control my... my dėsɨrės," he looked away, his face turning a little red. "It's manageable up until now as our mate bond has yet to be made, but I don't know what will happen then. I'm sure I would need something more than a kiss." 

"S-something more than a kiss?" What else could there possibly be after kissing? Even the thought of kissing him would make my heart beats uncontrollably, but he's saying that there was still something more than kissing? 

Perhaps it would do me good to continue reading the book.

He cleared his throat. "That's why I need you to get used to me—to my touch. I wouldn't want you running away from me whenever I got closer to you." 

So that was the reason behind his bizarre wish. 

Does that mean he was waiting for me? He did say that werewolves would mark their mates the instant they found them, but it has been months since we first met. Maybe it was because I was a human—I mean, a witch, which was why I didn't have the same attraction as what he had for me when we first met. It had only started to appear after all the time I spent with him, and he was waiting for that to happen so he wouldn't force his feelings on me. 

Considering all that he had to endure for me, it would only be fair for me to make the same effort for him. All I needed was a little courage.

"Come!" I gulped, pounding on my ċhėst. "I... I'm ready!" 

"What was that? He lolled his head back, laughing as he closed his eyes due to the amusement. "You look more like you were going into a war instead of kissing me."

Did I look too determined? 

He used his fingers to straightened my creased brows, then proceeded to cup my cheeks with his palms. "Calm down," he said. 

"I'm... I'm calm," I said, but when I met his eyes again, it was as if all the determination I had crumbled away. "...or not."

How come all it took was a single stare from him, and it felt as if my heart was going to leap out of my ċhėst? What kind of magic does this man have on him?

He moved back, crossing his arms in front of his ċhėst while he waited for me to prepare myself. He then closed his eyes, asking, "Will this help?" 

I nodded but realized he couldn't see it. I replied yes.

Have some courage—I told myself over and over again in my mind. I put a palm in front of my mouth, softly blowing warm breath to it. Will he be able to smell my breath? I hope my breath doesn't smell. It seemed that he noticed what I was doing, hence the chuckle. 

With my racing heart, I pulled him by his collar, closing my eyes as I let our lips brush each other slightly. I stayed there for a couple of seconds, then pulled away. Our first kiss lasted longer, but he didn't specify how long I should kiss him this time. I suppose a quick kiss would suffice, wouldn't it? 

Pulling away, my eyes met his, which didn't seem to approve of our short-lived kiss. Though I wanted to move away, his hands quickly pulled me back, not letting our bodies distanced away. He placed both of his hands on the side of my neck, his thumb ċȧrėssing my cheeks. 

"That's only a peck," he said, his warm breath tickling me. 

"A peck is also a kiss, no?" I looked away sheepishly, my eyes not daring to look back at the red eyes with their piercing stare. That didn't appear to be the right wish he requested to be granted. "Now that I've granted your wish for the day, w-why don't you let me go?" 

He looked at me with narrowed eyes, clearly disapproving. Instead of letting me go, he raised my chin towards him. His eyes moved from my eyes to my nose, then finally settled on my lips. His thumb delicately stroked my lips before he lowered his head, tilting it to the side and leaning forward for another kiss—a longer, deeper one. 

"This—Violet, is a kiss."

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