My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 154 - Is It Over? - Part 2

The cheers quickly faded, all stunned at the sight of our Luna lying so helplessly on the ground. Red decorated her body, a pool of blood forming around her. She was lying on her stomach, showing a big wound on her back. 

This wasn't the sight I was expecting to see. 

"Violet!!" I quickly ran over and pulled her up, supporting her body with my arms. I pressed my fingers against the side of her neck, hoping to feel her pulse. I noticed how it was beating faster than usual, and I'm sure it didn't mean anything good. She'd lost too much blood. Her body is suffering from the blood loss. 

I tried to wake her up by tapping her cheeks, but her eyes remained closed and her lips pale. Without wasting any second, I licked the wounds on her body to stop more blood from flowing out, but the wound on her palm was so deep that it took me a few minutes to completely stop the blood flow. Just how much blood did she use?

Though she wasn't so badly injured, the amount of blood she lost had to be more than her body could handle, so it was only natural that she would pass out. The question is, why did she get hurt when all she did was mix her blood?

The wounds on her back and arm told me that it was a knife wound, but how did she—

The sight of the few knives lying on the ground made me stop, immediately receiving the answer to my question. It was these children. She didn't only mix her blood, but she also fought with these children. 

How did they move? Aren't they supposed to be the same as the other villagers?

"Andrew!" I called, and a blonde wolf immediately appeared before my eyes. Regardless of what happened just now, the most important thing to do right now is to get her treated as soon as possible. Her body won't be able to handle losing even more blood, and I'd never let her die on me.

Is there a doctor nearby? If we wait until we get to Ronald's house, I don't think we'll make it in time. It would be best for us to look for a nearby doctor to give her a first-aid treatment before going back to the pack's house.

I picked her up off the ground and carried her to Andrew's back, who immediately went off to find a doctor. Andrew appeared to have grown used to becoming my means of transportation whenever I was short on time. He doesn't exactly have a smart brain, but at least he's got fast legs.

Seeing the emergency, the surrounding warriors quickly opened up a way for Andrew to pass, with us three going in a direction that is not this village. Given the state it was in, I doubt we'd be able to find any help here, so there's no point in wasting any more time in this village.

Should I have not allowed her to do this? We did achieve what we came here for, but at what cost? I know I might sound really selfish and insensitive, but I'd rather have these villagers wait a few hours longer rather than have my mate in such a state.

Coming from me, I sounded like a shitty lord. But still, Violet will always be my top priority, and that's not going to change. 

Andrew ran at such a speed that it rivaled the wind, which was both strong and cold to the skin. The night has fallen deep, with the moon raised high in the sky, hiding somewhere between the stars. It was dark—too dark—that I was afraid no one would be around to help us.

As most doctors prefer to work closer to the heart of Wonsvile, we'll have a difficult time finding a doctor in small villages like this one, especially if it's a poor one. Though it is unfair to people who live in small villages, money is everything in one's eyes, as it was in the doctors'. So, all we could do was hope that we'd be lucky enough to come across a doctor.

Just in case, I'd asked Jack to go and get Ronald over.

It enraged me that I had allowed such a disaster to happen. I wouldn't have known what was going on with these people if Leonard hadn't told me about the witch who was after Violet. I thought I'd managed my land well enough, but there seemed to be a few rats who so brazenly roamed around under my watch, secretly creating havoc.

How did we go from catching the witch who was after Violet to catching the black witches who were after yet another war?

We soon arrived at a village not far from the last village, albeit bigger. The village was dark, only lit by a few lanterns by the few houses here. Two guards were seen asleep by the front gate, with one of whom was treating the ground as his own bed.

Deciding that it would be faster for us to ask the guards rather than search the whole village, I got off Andrew's back and walked towards them, still carrying Violet in my arms.

I tapped one of the guards—slapped—trying to wake him up as gently as I could. There seemed to be a few problems with the guards in the villages around here. They're all either drunk or asleep. 

"Is there a doctor around?" I asked, seeing the man scratching his neck to relieve the itch caused by a mosquito that had just flown by. Though I'd given it a few tries, the two guards couldn't seem to wake up, almost as if they were dead rather than asleep.

"Don't bother waking them up," I heard someone say behind me, a man. "They sleep like a log," his blue eyes shone through the darkness, scrutinizing me as he said. The cold wintry wind gently blew his snow-like hair, turning it messy and unkempt. He looked peculiar.

The man didn't come off as dangerous, but something about him felt different than normal people. Was it his white hair? I've never seen anyone with such bright hair, if not the elderly. The day was dark, but I could clearly tell that he wasn't any older than me.

The man walked out of the shadows, making his features more visible under the moonlight. Perhaps shocked, he froze for a moment when his blue eyes shifted to the woman in my arms, seeing her in a blood-stained dress. "Are you looking for a doctor?"

"Who are you?" I asked as I looked around for Andrew, seeing him already hiding between the bushes. It wouldn't do us any good if humans saw us werewolves.

"I might be the doctor you're looking for," he shrugged his shoulders, and I frowned. What does he mean by 'might be'? "I can help you—her," he pointed at Violet, then beckoned his head towards the village. "My house is just right there."

Do I trust him? He doesn't exactly look the part.

Without hearing my answer, the man walked towards the direction he'd just shown me, seemingly trying to guide me to his house. Though I wasn't yet convinced that he really was a doctor, I followed behind, thinking that having a place to rest wouldn't be a bad idea.

Even if he wasn't a doctor, I could wait for Ronald to arrive while keeping Violet warm and having her rest in a bed. And if he was trying to do something funny, I could show him what hell is like. It's a win-win situation.

Opening the door to his house, he lit a lantern and allowed me to go after him, being considerate enough to warn me about the stairs. My doubts quickly faded when I went inside his house and saw a few beds lying around, exactly like the ones you'd find in a hospital.

"Do you trust me now?" he asked as he took off his coat, placing the lantern by the table. "I might not look the part, but I'm this village's most trusted doctor," he said, almost boasting. 

"Where do I put her?"

"Here," he pointed at the one bed by the corner, preparing a blanket for her to use. "It looks like she lost a good amount of blood," he said as he examined her, but then frowned when he saw no wounds. "Did she?"

"…she did," I scratched my head, unsure how to explain this. Do I say I licked her to treat her wounds?  "She's quite a special case," I said, wracking my brain to find something that would make sense, at least. "Her wounds always heal very fast, but it's not quite the same with the blood loss. That's why I'm here to ask you to check on her."

The doctor gave me a funny look, but then proceeded to examine her body. He brought his ears close to her chest, closing his eyes to listen. Then, without opening his eyes, a question came from him.

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

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